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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 46 minutes ago, Spike said:

    I as talking about shell companies once ages ago and @LFCMadLad thought I was talking about Shell petrol stations xD 

    I can’t believe I remember that but it was so funny, sorry mate! 

    I can't remember which Liverpool fan it was, but one was absolutely INSISTENT Dinosaurs never existed. When confronted about it years later, he said it was a wind up, but there's no way it was. 

    • Haha 2
  2. I'm just waiting patiently for some shell company venture capitalist group to make the purchase, only for leaked documents in 20 years time to reveal that the shell corp was owned by the City group, and that's why City and Chelsea have alternated titles for the next 20 years with Guardiola moving back and forth xD

    • Haha 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Rick said:

    Take back the numbskull comment right this minute. 

    I'm off my head for saying Russian soldiers don't deserve to die more or less than anyone else, but you're not a numbskull for saying they do, due to your not knowing about conscription nor considering the socioeconomic factors that contribute to most people joining the military? 

    I don't want to get all playground but that seems a little unfair. 

  4. 1 minute ago, RondónEFC said:

    It's also worth mentioning that they'll have been told like the rest of the public that they're liberating the oppressed Ukrainian people from their neo-Nazi government.

    You could just point stuff like this out calmly and politely like nudge managed to do instead of insulting everyone who doesn't know quite as much stuff as you. Admittedly, it depends whether your ambition is actually to help others understand the things you seem to think they should understand, or whether it's to carry on being all edgy and superior about the whole thing...

    Not superior, just really frustrated. A lot of posts just have an energy around them that creeps towards celebration of dead Ruskis. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, Rick said:

    Who the fuck on here is celebrating anybody dying? Nobody here is “cheering on” Ukraine to kill every Russian soldier. We would all be more than happy for the fighting to stop completely. 

    BUT, if you’re trying to tell me that there’s no difference in soldier getting killed in conflict and civilians being bombed in their homes then you are off your head. Most of these soldiers probably don’t agree with being there, and it’s very sad that they are losing their lives for something they don’t believe in, but they signed up to the military knowing they are pawns in somebody’s game. 

    I’m not rooting for anybody to be killed, other than Putin himself. That fucking oaf needs a bullet in his brain before he starts bombing every cunt. 

    So Russia, who has compulsory conscription, has an army of willing, nationalist soldiers? No. They have an army that's a mix of conscripts, desperate lower class who needed the job and willing soldiers. You numbskull. 

    Edit, I see @nudge has already told you this and you've since acknowledged it.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Just now, Rick said:

    It’s almost as if a crazy dictator type leader has invaded a neighbour and is threatening the rest of Europe and the world with nuclear action if anybody gets involved. 

    Yeah, why would any Europeans be concerns and have vested interest in that situation?? Weird. 

    Why does my gripe that people don't give a fuck about the actions of 'their side' always get turned into "of course we're worried about the fate of Ukraine, it's our neighbor dickhead"? Of course fucking of course. Doesn't change a fucking thing. 

    "Fuck yes we bombed 800 Russian vehicles and their drivers into hell!"

    "Oh no, 5 people died in a Russian missile strike, EVIL EVIL RUSSIANS" 

    Fun fact. A vast majority of those Russian men who just got fried didn't want to die for their country, didn't want to invade Ukraine, in person or otherwise, and had just as much agency over their own life and death as any of the poor fucking civilians who are dying right now. 
    When 'your teams' soldiers die it's tragedy. When a police officer or a fire fighter dies it's a tragedy. When the enemy dies it's victory. 

    it's fucking hypocrisy is what it is. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Yea, what a stupid meme. 

    Because past events never carry a long winded culture shock. It's just a big coincidence you country is full of neo nazis, and that east of the wall is basically a different world to the far west? 

    But yes, I'd sooner see a meme that represents how many civilians were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by smart bombs and US missile strikes. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Tommy said:


    This reeks of bullshit propaganda. Ukraine immediately reported that they were killed, then the story of them heroically telling the russian warships to fuck off comes out (and good on them), now later, post hero status, "oh actually they fought until they ran out of ammo and are all alive and well. Russians bombing them? No sir."

  9. 1 hour ago, Honey Honey said:

    The stationed troops are simply not significant enough in size and capability to launch a meaningful ground invasion. The NATO countries bordering Russia have far larger land armies of their own than the troops that exist there under NATO banners. It's token gesture placements not invasion forces. If any NATO country were to be defended or invade it wouldn't be done off stationed troops.

    That's surely clear for all to see. If you want to be picky and argue there's enough Americans, British and French there to take some nearby farms then fine.

    Finland is a good example of the nonsense that is spouted about the "threat" of being a NATO member. Finland is a stronger force than most individual states in NATO, they have national service, they buy weapons from NATO and train with NATO. They are members of the European Union. Yet they are not in NATO. As they say they are not a neutral country. The Finns hate Russia and Putin as much as anyone else on this earth. It makes absolutely no military or strategic difference whether they are in NATO or not, yet they are threatened this week with "consequences" if they join. Putin has no legitimate reason to consider Finland in NATO as any form of increased risk to Russia. 

    In Putin we have a megalomaniac with an outdated world view that belongs in the 1940s. Why the fuck do we bend over backwards to "understand where he's coming from" we should be tearing down how much of a moron this guy is.

    That moron is weeks away from securing significant land for his nation. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Honey Honey said:

    No. NATO is a defence agreement. It doesn't station troops capable of an offence. 

    A Ukrainian membership of NATO brings an end to the ease with which Russia can drive its tanks into Ukraine when it wants. It is symbolic of the end of imperial Russia.

    All troops are capable of offence. Just because an agreement says they won't, it doesn't stop them. 

    Yes, Putin is doing this because most of Russia is a giant shit hole and he's essentially grabbing land while he can while the getting is good, but don't tell me Nato troops aren't capable of an invasion xD

    Of course, if NATO actually wanted war with Russia, they'd be doing it right now.  

  11. 34 minutes ago, Rick said:

    Devil Dick Willie Is really living up to his middle name here. Get off the high horse that you’ve built yourself. 

    I feel very strongly about the circle of absolute clowns eating this up like it's entertainment. And I'll push back against anyone I perceive to be engaging in that behavior. I'm not happy with everything old Rando said, but definitely made him out to be much worse in my head than he actually is in reality, for which I am sorry. 

    The media (which we all know I fucking hate to high heaven) is spoon-feeding the masses piles of dogshit, grounded in tragedy and death, and the people can't get enough of it. It's sickening. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Aladdin said:


    I think as a Portuguese person Machado shouldn't be, but it's because Europe has done nothing of substance to assist Ukraine. 


    1 hour ago, RondónEFC said:

    This combination I didn't appreciate either, for the record.

    I didn't speculate on anything. I posted a tweet from a verified foreign correspondent from a national UK newspaper and because the woman included "we're looking at war crimes" as a part of it, I posted "more war crimes" as a correction because they've already attacked at least one hospital and at least one orphanage.

    You extrapolated that into all sorts of shite about me and I remain disappointed that you've made no effort to admit where you've crossed the line.

    Just reflect on that one part for me and imagine how you'd feel if someone said that to you, with the anti-war sentiments that we both share, based on absolutely no evidence. You might disagree on me posting that tweet but show me the common decency at least to take this back because it's the polar opposite of who I am.

    I apologize for considering you to be a virtue signaler. 


    • Upvote 1
  13. If what you speculated on comes to pass, fine, you didn't misrepresent the war. But posting a pile of shite report on what might happen tomorrow with "more war crimes" as your comment is misrepresentative if it doesn't happen. Lets see how 'bullet proof' this source is. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

    You're now literally making stuff up left, right and centre. I haven't made a single post on Twitter about this conflict, it's just a place to get news from, and it happens to be easy to transfer said news in Tweet form to this forum, where I am talking about it.

    As for my actions. They are as follows: talking about this conflict in this thread on an Internet forum.

    And your actions: talking about this conflict in this thread on an Internet forum


    You've broadened our actions to meet your agenda. My and the Artful Dodger both probably ate breakfast today. Damn, we're so alike. 
    I explicitly said that if you had these feelings and this energy around the other wars of your lifetime, then big ups to you, and I meant it. 

    War is an area where it pays to be silent in my experience. People make misinformed leaps and opinions, as I've stated earlier outside of our discussion. Posting the video of a car being crushed, millions have cried foul at Russia, yet it was a Ukrainian tank. The ghost of Kiev is celebrated, without ever existing, and that lady using her status as a non combatant to bully Russian troops was absolutely vile to me, yet she is widely being praised as heroic. Cos she's on 'our' side. I also think speculating on the futures of either army or the people caught between is vile, hence my initial remarks, and later remarks on you likening it to transfer rumors. 


  15. 12 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

    So you're essentially admitting that you have no rational opposition to what I posted in the first place. As I suspected, we're back to "nobody cared when America did this to brown people" even though literally every person I've ever met who isn't ignorant or racist would whole heartedly condemn the same crimes on those occasions too.

    As Rick has said, this war is an immediate security concern to Europe, because of its proximity to our borders, and the world's other superpowers, because Putin has a massive fucking nuclear armoury at his disposal and he appears to have ripped up the rulebook on what has and hasn't been agreed as "fair play" since the Cold War. These are the reasons why it gets more coverage in the Western world. I'm sure if you went to Palestine or Hong Kong they'd be talking about their own conflicts more than Ukraine as well. It doesn't make them hypocrites.

    The whole "double standards" rhetoric is just so tiresome because most people just aren't informed enough to know the comparable shit that's going on all over the world. It isn't their fault, they're reacting to what's on their televisions. You can't expect people to have such a thirst for bad news to spend their spare time educating themselves on every conflict in every corner of the world.

    I know it's fashionable to take a cynical, aloof stance on this, but the whole point of defining 'war crimes' is an attempt to draw a line with military on military action on one side, where at least the person you're targeting has (in theory) at least signed up for potentially being involved in a war, and inhumane acts such as bombing hospitals, schools and orphanages on the other.

    If that's not something worth at least fucking trying to cling on to instead of shrugging it off then I really do despair.

    And God help either of you if your response is "yeah but Obama's air strikes nyer nyer nyer" or "yeah but Blair nyer nyer nyer weapons of mass destruction nyer nyer nyer" because, and I can't emphasise this enough, nobody is fucking suggesting that any of that shit was alright because those were only brown people, and I'm personally in the Russia and Putin thread to talk about Russia and Putin.

    My focus is on your actions, not those in the conflict. I grew up listening to midnight oil and System of a down. Being told by my stepfather to question the motives of any war, and to watch the responses of the world with a critical eye. I've always despised war, the politicians who herd their people into it, and the justifications provided. I don't need to change my profile picture, be active on twitter or provide any other virtue signals to prove it. You clearly do for whatever reason and I'm just being critical of that. You actions are alien to me, and you likening prediction football transfers to predicting civilian casualties shows how far apart I feel we are in this. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

    Right on cue, here comes the "America did this too" angle. I'm not arguing with you but this is a thread about Russia and Ukraine so I won't get sucked into it. I don't think anyone defends the war crimes committed by the West either, but there are countless cans of worms you can open. Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction. Selling arms to Saudi Arabia. Etc. It just draws everyone away from the discussion about what's happening now and what this thread is about. If you want to talk about all that stuff then feel free, but use the Middle East thread for it, or whichever one is relevant.

    I don't see how you can have any actual rational problem with me or anyone posting reports on what's potentially about to happen from reliable sources. I've already addressed, in good faith, your point about trustworthy reporting and people misrepresenting the war by explaining where I got it from so park all this "bro" nonsense. It sounds like you're trying to make out it's coming from some dark corner of Reddit that I've found after a couple spliffs or something. The whole raison d'etre of Bellingcat is exactly because of the rise in disinformation driven by Russian bots and other nefarious actors and propagandists on the Internet. If you choose to believe that you know more than me about the reliability of this organisation that I think you're admitting you've never heard of, then be my guest.

    As for the "I'll cry about it when it happens" comment, if you've got a problem with people posting about stuff before it's happened then I suppose we best get onto the staff and get all of those prediction leagues and transfer rumours forums shut down. Maybe you're upset that other people are posting stuff which is "misrepresenting the war" but the actual leader of Ukraine seems to be expecting something pretty much along those lines himself:

    Or does this count as another "mad source bro" misrepresentation too?

    For the record, I'll happily see all of these sources be proven wrong and look completely stupid for arguing with you if it means less civilian deaths, that should go without saying.

    If you were this shocked and outraged at the war crimes, lack of due process and destruction of civil liberty and way of life when any western nation invaded any poor sod, African, Asian, Middle Eastern or otherwise, I'll give you full credit. I really will. I'm just cynical because all of a sudden now it's a European nation at risk, and European blood being shed all of a sudden everything is so fucking sad, reprehensible and shocking all of a sudden, whereas historically no one has given a wet shit about the wars fought so far this century. Now that it's 'the other guy' doing the invading the tunes being sung have turned. 

    Spike is correct, War crimes are the justifications of the bloodthirsty actions of history's winners against history's losers. How many millions of people have died as a result of 'human rights interventions' from the west? 

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

    Sorry, did you want me to actually clarify the "if they do this" part? I'd have thought that, even around here, we could all scrape together enough brain cells to figure out that part was implied. Obviously I'm not saying it's already a war crime before they've done it.

    They have already bombed hospitals and orphanages so it's not exactly hard to believe. But fine, if this one doesn't end up happening, then you can strike it off the list for all the difference it will make.

    Forgive me if I trust the verified accounts of foreign correspondents working for reputable news outlets over the IAmVeryClever hot takes from the modestly informed everyman shitposters on this football forum (and don't be offended because I include myself in that).

    Most of these intelligence reports have come true despite armchair experts on the internet convincing themselves that it's all scare mongering. This particular source appeared on my feed as it was retweeted by Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat which is an organisation that spends its entire time debunking false reports of this, that and the other on social media, using some mental open source research tools that I don't fully understand but have always led to reliable conclusions in the past.

    But back to the point I was making, to summarise simply, firing indiscriminately on Kyiv with even more lethal weaponry with no regard for civilians is bad, in my opinion. And if Russia do it, that will be bad. Hopefully we can find some common ground in there.

    I agree. I have no doubt that they won't do that however. My initial reaction is that I'm just as sick of fuckwits like orange crush posting right wing bullshit from people like that glossy eyed inbred incel PJW, as I am of people misrepresenting this war. Videos like that Ukrainian vehicle crushing that car and hearsay predictions like this one create a very false narrative.  

    No one is sitting in Russias war rooms tweeting accurately their feelings and strategies. So don't tell me about your 'mad source bro trust me' I'll cry for the people of Kyiv being indiscriminately MOABed when it happens, not before. The US used their version of those very same bombs in Afghanistan, which killed civilians too. Just no one cares because they killed brown civilians, and now we have a white vs white war to cry about, all of a sudden civilian casualties and feelings are front and center, rather than an afterthought for the general public. 


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