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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 3 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Finns gonna do it again. 


    Little known fact. Finland likely won WW2 for the allies with their stoic defense of their nation, as that fucking imbecile Churchill wanted to fight Germany and Russia at the same time via a Sweden landing. Finland fighting russia to a standstill prevented this (obviously disastrous) plan.  

    • Upvote 3
  2. 26 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Germany and Italy having reluctance to cut Russia from SWIFT is disappointing.

    I hope they’ve got an alternative way of responding strongly to this that is serious yet not serious enough to escalate tensions and drag more countries into conflict.

    Spoiler, they dont. 

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  3. Just now, 6666 said:

    Does something like this ever end well?

    "10 000 bank robberies, murders and assaults have been committed by Ukrainian citizens" Interior minister. 

    More seriously, I assume it's to a reserve army or national guard or the like. Normal people with no training aren't going to fight, not effectively anyway. And if random Ukrainian civilians start shooting at Russian troops, Russian troops will start shooting at random Ukrainian citizens. 

  4. I'm not concerned about ww3 until either Russia starts Nato hopping, or, in 10 years, China, who are watching the wests response to this and laughing, start invading western land (because the west don't care about Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong or India. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Inverted said:

    I agree, one of the advantages that Putin has is the tendency for liberal democracy to drive the standard of public discourse down almost indefinitely. It allows him to look like a geopolitical mastermind in comparison.

    In the West, there is a kind of consensual amnesia where political advancement basically requires that nobody think too deeply about the past. Things are continually brushed under the carpet, re-written, or just forgotten, and showing any kind of ideological consistency is basically a political death-sentence.

    Putin doesn't need to worry about swinging with the times. He can talk about his world view and historical grievances with absolute self-assurance, and he can show a 20+ year record of actions which are mostly consistent with what he says. 

    There is basically nobody in Western politics who could possibly match that, because systematically it just shouldn't be possible for such a person to rise to the top and stay there. 


    Just think about the backgrounds too. 

    Bush was a daddys pet puppet of a former regime. 
    Biden is a demented old man WAY past his prime
    Trump was a shit businessman daddys boy. 
    BJ was a journalist (scum) then a shit mayor. 
    Scomo failed at every job he had, falling up a ladder to politics and eventually prime minister. 


    Putin was an intelligence officer, then he was head of intelligence. He coerced the Russian oligarchy to support him as president, led the nation through several international embarrassments with determination, dodged the GFC in 2008, and has done wonders for the Russian economy. Yes, he's a conservative asshole. Yes, if hell exists he's written himself a ticket. But hes clearly a competent and capable leader, and was well before he ever led the nation. The same just can't be said of the wests leaders. 

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  6. I don't necessarily support or object to Putin's support of the formation of 2 sovereign republics, given that there is immense local support (Ukrainian) in those areas for it. And he has a very good point about Nato. 

    What I do want to say, after years of seeing western 'leaders' who are a list of idiots, imbeciles and decrepit old men like Trump, BJ, May, Scomo and Biden, that's its outright bizarre to see a leader who speaks plainly and clearly, with confidence and authority. Not reading bullet points written by a staffer 3 hours before hand with spin and sleaze. It's mad what we've degraded to in comparison. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    "I know this isn't a thread to bash women's football."

    *proceeds to shit all over women's football* 


    They're hard working athletes who follow their passion and give it their best. Maybe that's what people want to see? Most of them still have real jobs on the side, so it's not like they`re able to live and train for football like the male professionals. I watch it every now and then and never had an issue with it. Of course there are bad and better games, just like in men's football. But I guess if you watch it and already have your mind set to "oh this is shit", you probably can't watch it unbiased to start with. 





    I can and do watch this. It's called the a-league, local leagues, and lower league football. 

    Womens football isn't as accessible as any of them, and all of those have those same qualities, but with a product I can actually watch. 
    I just can't bring myself to watch a professional sport where I can genuinely do better than the athletes. There were times watching the A-league in the past where I wondered if I could do better than some of the worse players in their worst moments. But having played futsal against some ex A league guys or guys who didn't 'make it' I know better, and knew better. Maybe I could have done better in THAT specific situation on that day, but not overall for a season (not even close to) 

    Womens football I can, and could. Give my 6 months to get my running fitness from 5 min ks to 4 min ks, and the rest is already there. I can't think of any other sport quite like it. I know as money flows in and the years pass that will change, but fuck me at this moment in time it's a joke. 


  8. I know this thread isn't for bashing woman's football, and they have as much right to play as men. I also want to point out that while I enjoy the compilations of 'worst moments of the woman's world cup" and such, I refuse to make judgements about anything, good or bad, based on a compilation. 

    However, the level they play at is just absolute dirt. I can and do watch woman's tennis, and woman's MMA. But the idea of watching female football unironically is just alien to me. You see score lines from friendlies where the worlds best teams get crushed mercilessly by mens under 15s (boys really). 

    Why don't you go support your local 4th division team, with a pie and a pint with some of the boys instead? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Stan said:

    He's quite clearly more than just pace though. 

    90 in 103 for PSG. Could argue it being French league is easier to score. Fair and I won't argue that because the quality isn't the best. But that's still pretty damn good to score at that rate. 

    24 in 53 for France is respectable too  though and turned up in the WC final.

    Even just looking at his goal from Tuesday - that was skill more than pace. Not gonna debate the fact he could have scored more, but ultimately he turned up in the right moment and eventually put one away. 

    My argument isn't that he's 'just pace' though. My argument of 'he'd play for Dortmund or Arsenal if he weren't so fast' is one that respects he has dribbling and short passing abilities. You don't play for clubs like those if you're dogshit ( okay, 50/50 at Arsenal). I just don't think he's anything approaching world class. His eye catching flair and pace make him marketable, and thus he's overrated. Vastly. I think he's closer to prime Aubameyang than he is to Ronaldo or Henry.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Occasionally but other leagues get my preference. 

    He does have a shocker in him sometimes but he's not some dogshit Sunday league striker hungover after 20 pints the night before you make him out to be.


    He has multiple shockers in him per game. I stand by my belief that were it not for his monstrous pace, the best club he'd be at is Dortmund or Arsenal. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:


    The tag team divison is a bit of a shame at the minute. You have FTR, LAX, ReDragon, Young Bucks, Pentagon & Pac and Black & Brody. Yet a Boy and his Dinosaur are Champions and they're defending against lower midcarders who they'll obviously beat.

    This is a consistent gripe I have with the company. 

    Every belt, when you think about it, is defended 90% of the time against scrubs. 

    Cody and his line up of one timers no one has heard of to wrestle for the TnT championship every week
    The tag belts get mostly defended against AEW dark guys
    Even the main strap. Names in bold are matches against stars(at the time) or where you actually think the belt might swap hands. 

    Jericho beat Paige, Cody, Darby and Scorpio Sky, Moxley
    Mox beat Hager, Brodie, Cage, Darby, MJF, Eddie Kingston, The butcher(wtf?) Lance Archer, Kingston again, Kenny Omega 

    Omega beat Rey Fenix, Moxley, Rich Swann, Pac and Cassidy, Jungle Boy, Christian, Hangman

    Hangman beat D Bry and Lance Archer. 

    25 matches, 6 of them put 2 stars in the ring. 
    Scorpio sky, Hager, Cage, The Butcher, Rey Fenix, OJ Cassidy, Jungle Boy and Eddie Kingston are all jobbers or low midcard singles who should be NOWHERE near the fucking thing. So that's 9 matches that are throw away matches. 

    So 25 matches, 6 are actually competitive and leave you wondering who will win, 10 are against decent tallent to prop them up, to put the champ over or set something up for the future, and 9 were basically pointless. 

    The ration should be more like 10 competitive (3 times a year) 10 enhancing upper midcard guys or using them to put the champ over and 5 or so throw aways ( once or twice a year for tv matches) 

  12. 29 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    50% of me still thinks he's working the Internet Crowd but so much mental stuff has happened in the last five years I don't really know what to believe.

    There's been rumours since Covid there were 'Creative Differences' between Cody and The Elite. Hence theyve never been on together at the same time. If Tony Khan has put his foot down then fair play to him.

    I mean, I'd have 'creative differences' to those ass clowns too. Going on tv with Brandon Cutler and his silly string? Career suicide. I give Cody credit for trying to be a serious wrestler. I don't give him credit for using industry terms in his promos, shoving his wife in our faces and for being a 3 time champion in a company that is yet to have a 2 time champ (sammy doesn't count) 
    Or for 'putting over brodie" Fuck off you dog, you lost to him in 3 minutes so you'd look like a god when you beat him 3 weeks later. He put YOU over you sly cunt. 

  13. When I was a kid, I fucking hated sitting in the car on the drive to sydney, mostly because back then, we'd listen to a CD, and either on the way up or back, one was always a Leonard Cohen mix. 6-12 year old me fucking hated that shit. 

    I now listen to it. Fuck I'm old.

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