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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 8 hours ago, 6666 said:

    I've heard disappointing news that Toni Storm's ass isn't as big as it used to be.


    When she debuted on Smackdown, she trended on twitter. It was when she walked out to the ring with the other NXT girls before Survivor series, and they didn't even use her name, everyone just wanted to know who the ass belonged to. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie random question but one thing I dont understand is what the wrestlers who hardly ever wrestle are doing all the time? I know wwe does alot of house shows but aew just does the four shows I think. I'm not sure about other companies. What are they doing when they dont wrestle for weeks on end? 

    For AEW seen mr palace fans answer. 
    In WWE the wrestlers you don't see much of are still wrestling house shows and wrestling on main event.
    If you're not even doing that, it's likely you're about to be moved or fired. But if doing nothing they'd be staying fit, working at the performance center and getting a new gimmick together. 

  3. Turns out no migrant workers means less production, greater shipping costs and longer wait times for shipping/transport? Weird. 
    Turns out trade tariffs to countries you used to trade freely with means less trade intensity, and less production, and less employment. Weird. 
    Turns out these things lead to lower real GDP in a nation who's economy was based on trade. Weird. 

  4. I bet my bottom fucking dollar he's not had his last ever match. 

    He was pretty mediocre. Had the right look, the right friends, and was a decent promo (nowhere near the greats of that era though) But was a mediocre worker, a right cunt and hogged the spotlight. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Waylander said:

    The following countries are not putting sanctions on Russia:





    Iran Russia Mk2 Arabian boogaloo


    South Africa

    There are others too looks like the world power balance is starting to change.

     Fixed that for you mate 

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Inverted said:

    I'm not sure that specifically is a war crime, unless they were trying to surrender? Gunning down fleeing enemies is nasty, but I always thought it was standard practise, especially considering that a trained crew is arguably more valuable than the tank itself in the grand scheme of things.

    Of course, in the heat of battle, it's probably very difficult for a tank crew to simultaneously bail from their vehicle and surrender clearly at the same time.

    I'm sure the Ukrainians are still committing plenty of war crimes too, though.


    1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    If they were trying to surrender, it's definitely a war crime.

    I'm not going to defend war crimes, but if you put yourselves in the shoes of Ukrainian soldiers right now it's pretty easy to see why Russians will be on the receiving end of war crimes here. Russia's invaded them and commit shitloads of war crimes in the last week. They'll have seen the videos that go around on social media of the tanks that were running over civilians, the soldiers shooting at civilians, the bombing campaigns targeting civilian infrastructure and bomb shelters... and they're not going to know whether or not the Russians right in front of them are the same soldiers or not.

    Some of them are going to be wanting serious revenge. And because war crimes are seldom punished, they're probably going to feel like their crimes are justified in the face of this attack on them and the war crimes they faced in the opening moves of the war.

    I don't think it's justifiable, because it's still a war crime. Tank crews trying to escape their destroyed vehicles are likely about to surrender - so I think there's a good argument that shooting troops as they escape the vehicles is a definite war crime.

    But I also think Russia's invasion has done a lot to dehumanise Russians, especially with regard to how they're viewed by Ukrainians... and especially their soldiers. And as a result, I suspect Russian soldiers find themselves on the receiving end of a lot of war crimes as a result of a war they started that had a whole host of war crimes commited by them in the last month.

    The longer the war goes on, the less likely it is any Russians will be able to surrender before being gunned down imo.

    It's against the geneva convention to kill disembarking tank crew. 

  7. I saw footage of a real war crime today. Something expressly forbidden in the Geneva Convention. Not some 'oh maybe this might happen according to reports' story that someone has posted to twitter. Combat footage. 

    Ukranians ambush a tank column, and as tank crews escape their destroyed vehicles, they are mercilessly gunned down. Very much a war crime, in a legal sense. 

    Funny I heard nothing about it on the news or social media. Odd. 

  8. On 16/03/2022 at 15:48, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I think it’s got a bad history of corruption, but I don’t really know.

    I think Zelensky ran on an anti-corruption campaign and politicians usually only really do that in places where corruption is a serious issue.

    Having said that, countries with politicians that run on those sorts of campaigns often remain corrupt as ever. Not saying that’s the case here though, cos I dunno how corrupt they really are/were. Just that typically it’s countries that have bad corruption issues that have people run on anti-corruption platforms.

    If by 'anti corruption campaign' you mean, 'had his political opponents arrested' then yeah, Zelensky ran one of those alright. 

    • Haha 1
  9. On the topic of the English police, did anyone watch that doco? Where the journo goes undercover in police training and basically half his training bunch are hoping to abuse their power in racist ways? It's called the secret policeman. 

    Here in Australia they're a bunch of hopless and grubby cunts too. Heaps of racism, fuck all psychological support, units of police being used to suppress journalists. The usual western culture really. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. On 12/03/2022 at 01:45, Rick said:

    Cheers mate, I’ll get to work on it. 

    I think Cicero's advice is a little specific and involved at this stage of your journey. 

    I'd recommend starting with walking more. Chose to walk every time that you have a choice between a 20-30 min walk or a 5 min drive. Try to walk for 20 minutes before or after dinner. 

    As for food (which is the most important part) I always recommend starting with the following 3 tips. 

    1. Stop drinking your calories. At all. Milk in your tea or coffee is it. No soda, no milkshakes, no juices. You can have up to 2 cans of zero sugar soda per day(to start). The rest of it should be water, sparkling water, tea, coffee, and no added sugar cordials. No energy drinks, sugar or no. 

    2. Think about what you're eating before you eat it. Writing a food diary at dinner time is very helpful here, but if you can't do that, just think about what you ate. Did it bring you shame or guilt? Did it seem excessive? Consider that a normal person eats 200-2500 calories per day, where do you think your day was at in terms of calories? Thinking about food is way underrated and leads to long term changes. 

    3. Don't eat after dinner. Nothing. Nada. No snacks, no fruit, no non water drinks. 

    Do these 3 really simple things for a month, plus the walking. None of these steps involve any kind of real sacrifice, but combined they're worth noticeable weight. If you can't do these things, making proper lifestyle changes later on will be hard. Once you've done all this for a month or so, I'd recommend counting your calories on an app, for just 1 week. It's a bitch, but do it. It'll give you a great idea of where you're at at that time. From there, reduce your portion sizes, limit snacks, limit eating out to twice a week ect ect. And then go to the gym, whish is a whole new kettle of fish. 

    A couple things to be wary off. 

    Don't start running or jogging. You're 22st, you'll injure yourself, or at best, be in pain and uncomfortable as fuck. Rowing or stairmaster for you my friend. 

    Lifting weight is an excellent idea long term, but i'd first focus your energy on losing weight. Working out is actually outrageously inefficient at burning calories compared to cardio. Once you're hitting the gym 3 times a week for cardio, you've lost some good weight and are eating healthier, THEN I'd recommend starting to hit the weights. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. Once upon a time in Hollywood. 8/10

    Got more and more compelling as it went on, brilliant in spots (Di Caprios scenes as the bandit, Margot watching her own movie, Brad Pitt at the Manson ranch, and the ending) 

    But lots of dead scenes. Not on par with Tarentinos best work (Inglorious Basterds, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) But better than his worst (Jackie Brown)

    • Upvote 1
  12. On 09/03/2022 at 06:35, MUFC said:

    What would you say is the biggest perk of having good fitness levels? Got to a stage of Insanity where I'm really in my element and going hell for leather the whole workout. The biggest bonus of being really fit is the amount of semen you produce when ejaculating. When your fitness levels are high, you really do create a mini pond. 

    I don't think making my GF choke is the biggest boon. 

    I do think increased T levels and serotonin is great, in the short term. 

    Long term, the extra T and bone density you build, which then diminishes more slowly from a greater store, thus keeping you healthy and mobile for longer into your old age is a wonderful and overlooked benefit. You'll have less osteo, and be capable of greater levels of activity into your old age. Exercise really is the fountain of youth, or as close as we've got. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie great match between Jay White and Alex Shelley in Impact last weekend.

    Definitely. Shelley really grew as a performer beyond the flips and spots into an outstanding well rounded wrestler as he got old. 

    Shame a pair of fat, soccer mum looking motherfuckers didn't follow suit. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. Masvidal is such a bum xD Every time you see him fighting a real, in his prime fighter, he loses. I think the biggest name he's ever knocked off was Darren Til, another journeyman. Oh sorry, and a retired Nate Diaz

    Al Iaquina
    Steven Thompson 
    Demian Maia
    And a slew of journeymen have beaten him. He's the personification of 'there's levels to this game'

  15. 23 minutes ago, Rick said:

    Can we not all just agree that whoever you are, using those weapons make you a massive piece of shit, full stop? 

    Taking away the impact of Russia bombing civilians because other countries have done the same thing doesn’t sit right with me. They are all fucking evil for doing it. 


    I'm not trying to reduce the impact of russia using them, it's a pop at the medias hypocrisy. And a cry that we, and our strategic partners have no moral high ground. We're all in the mud. 

    • Thanks 1
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  16. 3 hours ago, El Profesor said:



    Outstanding. Articulately clarifies what Spike and I have preached more clumsily. 


    Russia have been hammered for using vacuum bombs. Their use isn't in violation of international law, and the USA used them extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan, in both battles in Fallujah too(a major city). But now Russia might be using them it's the greatest crime imaginable.  

    • Upvote 3
  17. Doesn't really matter, with the numbers modern nukes put up, if Korea had the missile power to send them anywhere on earth, their 40-50 would end civilization as we know it and most life on earth post nuclear winter.  

    • Upvote 2
  18. 2nd greatest ever spinner, greatest ever leggie, turned from a chubby aussie battler into a plastic ken doll with all the surgery and hair treatment, and never gave up the 28 year old male life, dying in a thai resort. 

    A legend. 

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