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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 2 hours ago, Cicero said:

    Going off what I read as well. Their fossilised guts showed only those foods mentioned, and concluded their teeth at the time were far too soft to eat meat as opposed to H.Erectus. 

    Too soft to eat fish? Pork? Poultry? 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Cicero said:


    Carnivores & Omnivores can properly process and digest animal protein, casein, and trans fats. Humans can't because we lack the thyroid hormone true meat eaters have.  

    Damn. Way to address that argument

  3. I'm not quite as invested in this as you are as I stated above. But I'm sure you know that if you trawled through the same journals you'd find a million arbitrary articles that support my claim. So I'm not going to bother. 

    Just do me a favor. Sit down and stop asking yourself the same question about heart disease over and over again, creating this self-righteous feedback loop. Instead, ask yourself

    "Why does the dietary science team of  government on the planet, from America, to Japan, to Iceland to Chile, advocate a mixed diet of whole foods, including both meat and vegetables?"

    "Why have humans been eating meat through the entirety of history"

    "Why would we evolve from an omnivorous species to become herbivores?"

    "Why the fuck do we have an omnivorous digestive system?"

    "Herbivores can derive energy from cellulose, humans can't, because we lack the enzymes. Damn, makes me think"  

    I'm done. This time for realsies. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    I didn't say you were unhappy I just said you might be happier. 

    When I was 20 an older friend of mine in his early 30s called me the oldest 20 year old he'd ever met. Jaded and world weary. I'm 29 in April. 
    I didn't just wake up one morning and choose to be this way. I will always have it in the back of my mind, and I don't worry, because at worst, it's still a helpful mechanism in lots of situations. I've skipped a lot of BS and heart ache because I immediately consider the most realistic outcomes to poor situations and can get clean breaks because of it.  

  5. 3 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    I dont know dont watch wwe. You do seem abit negative in general though. I get cynical and negative are different things but sometimes it is about perspective. You would probably be happier if you were less cynical. I don't mean it as a criticism its just an observation. 

    Who said I'm unhappy? 

  6. 1 minute ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    Dont mean to be rude but are you ever positive? 

    Often. I'd consider myself a positive and supportive person. Yes, I'm highly cynical though. 

    Tell me I'm wrong however. His promo skills don't exist, and he looks worse than most indie wrestlers. His sister caught all the genetics and left him with 0

  7. 12 minutes ago, Cicero said:

    1. We have the same teeth as Frugivores. Since the dawn of time the human race never had canine teeth similar to true Omnivores and Carnivores. 

    2. Humans are not anatomically Omnivores. I repeat, anatomically. Our bodies do not have the thyroid hormone that prevents our arteries from clogging up. Natural meat eaters have this.  

    3. The are no essential amino acids found in meat that cannot be found in a vegan diet. Thy myth of Vitamin B12 has been debunked when its been heavily available in soy and now vegan cereals. 

    4. I go off the basis of what our bodies are designed to do. Our bodies aren't designed to naturally digest meat and dairy the way carnivores and true omnivores can. If this was the case there wouldn't be the cardiovascular disease epidemic within the human race because of high cholesterol depriving from fatty foods. 

    Vitamin B12 isn't an acid xD 

    Animal proteins are complete, plant proteins are not. There are at least 2 essential and a few 'pseudo essential' amino acids that either aren't found in plant proteins at all, or are so rare or in such small quantities it's near impossible to get enough in your diet without supplementation. 

    You literally have 1 piece of information, that humans arteries can clog due to high cholesterol, and are using it as scientific proof that we shouldn't eat meat as a species, even though our WHOLE FUCKING DIGESTIVE SYSTEM FROM TEETH TO ANUS IS DESIGNED FOR US TO BE ABLE TO DO SO. I'm done talking with you on this. It's clear you are entrenched in a position. I don't need to dig you out. It's enough for me to say you're wrong, that every scientific journal is on my side not yours (Unless PETA has onexD)

  8. 4 hours ago, Cicero said:

    They had to hire sex coaches in the LOTR series so it looks like they are going the GOT route. 

    Also, and this is a bit concerning, the directors of the series best work was fucking Jungle Cruise with the Rock. 

    Imagine needing sex coaching. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Spike said:

    Yeah you are probably right, I just remember being impressed with a lot of the scenes that were cut. Still the worst scenes will be better than this fucking amazon series anyway

    I'm not keen for the amazon cash cow either, but I'll not write it off til ive seen it 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Spike said:

    Well no that isn’t what I meant, I could swear there is a scene not with Eowyn where the king of rohan mentions that he knew aragon when he was young

    Not in the theatrical release at least no. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Spike said:

    There are several scenes that mention Aragon’s being quite old, even the king of Rohan saying that he remembers him from when I was a boy and it is never explained unless you watch the extended or read the books. It is confusing because it is never even implied there is a race of super men.

    I believe it also expands on what happens to merry and pippin while that one orc is chasing them through the forest, as you said it adds tension

    What happens to Saruman is explained/seen otherwise all that happens is Gandalf says ‘trapped ip in his tower’. So ot makes no sense for them to find Saruman’s palantir just floating in the water

    No, there is only 1 scene, and thats in the extended edition. So by cutting it, it never needs to be mentioned. 

    As for Merry and Pippin, it mostly covers them in the care of treebeard, so who cares. 
    Saruman ending isn't satisfying either way IMO. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Spike said:

    none of them are any worse than the battle of pelanor with legolas doing matrix style kill combos of giant elephant things. the cut scenes can’t be criticised overly much when there is shit left in the movies that never should have never seen the light of day. the handling of denethor is atrocious as well. the movies have serious issues at times and non of them related to the added cut content but some of them related to the  content.being cut. 

    there are several scenes in the two towers that make no sense without the exposition of what aragon and the dunedain are

    Are there? Such as? 

    I agree Megolas shouldn't exist, and both Faramir and Denethor get done dirty by the film, but you gotta create that cinematic tension yo so I don't mind. 

  13. Imo, Boromir and Faramir at Osgiliath is the best scene cut. Deepens the insight into the closeness of their relationship and there relationship with daddy. 

    I think a couple of extra scenes in the first movie are okay too. Besides these, they are mostly comedy bits, or just world building exposition. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Spike said:

    Awful opinion. They extended scenes give context to otherwise unexplained events and concepts. the most cringe stuff is alrewdy in the thestricsl release, mainly the battle scenes with legolas and the increasing use of cgi

    I love film, and lord of the rings, and I think the extended cuts suck. For every good scene chopped (and they are in there) there are 4 you're glad are gone. 

    Eowyns soup, Gimlis knowledge of the nervous system, Merry and Pippin drinking water ect. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    I like watching absolute hammerings. Even double figure hammerings. Although I do think they are pointless I do like watching them. 

    I love a good meltdown. Not so much when city tear Sunderland appart or what have you, but RBL 5-2 manchester united, United 8-2 Arsenal. Spurs 4-0 liverpool and so on is gas. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:


    Jim Cornette has described his AEW run so far as 'assisted suicide'.

    I couldn't go to the gym for 5 months at the end of last year due to covid, and have struggled to pick up rhythm going back. I'm also about 5kgs overweight still.

    But I still look better than that. Especially in the torso fuck me. 

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  17. 3 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    Adam Cole gets worse.

    Hopefully he gets serious again soon.

    He's let himself go too. 

    Imagine going from one of the best heel faction runs, 3 years long, to where he is now. AEW may have improved leaps and bounds, but fuck me some of it is still so dire. 

    I don't mind having midcard comedy. OC, Danhausen, Cobana, Luchasaurus  ect are all fine to me. It's the bucks obnoxious shit, and the gross misuse of people like Cole (omega at times) that irks me. 

    Notice they've quietly released most of the absolute indie abortions they started with? Marko stunt, sunny kiss, joey janella ect. Khan is learning slowly, but he's learning. 

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  18. Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. Now, any decent lawyer would have got him off those charges, but that's not the point. The fact that he is in, but the Briscoes and Kendrick are out? 
    Brian Kendrick would be the go to guy for teaching AEWs young talent some of the ins and outs of big time wrestling. You wouldn't even need to put him on TV. 

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