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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. I thought Survivor series was mediocre at best. FUCK OFF BRAUN STROWMAN. Every single fucking time you get more than 4 guys in a ring, the big fucking useless cunt has to get over a bunch of real, decent wrestlers by doing sweet fuck all because he's big. Worse than big show ffs

  2. Hopefully he's gone for good. Hopefully Horn gets rekt again. 

    I fucking hate mainstream Australian boxing. Other than Danny Green (who was decent at best) and sadly Mundine (who also was decent at best, but a fucking cringe machine and has a jaw made of actual fucking china porcelain) it's a bunch of fucking nobodies who beat up 40 year olds to make cash. Remember fucking Daniel Geale? The cunt couldn't knock out a fucking cricket bat much less a pro boxer, Horn is amateur level at best. Fucking tragic. 

  3. Meanwhile in Australia, a washed up mediocre boxer who is a complete never been, sets up to fight an amateur who got rekt by a has been, but won because of corrupt judges. 


    A new PPV record xD

    • Haha 1
  4. I would want the miz to hold the title for longer than rumble - mania. Maybe TLC instead, with the rematch being the rumble. 


    There are piles of guys who deserve a top championship run right now. Balor and joe are good examples. But the Miz has waited, with the patience of a saint, since 2011. He has improved every year to the point where he's been the best talker in the company for ages, and is a top in ring performer as well. He was wrestler of the year in 2017. No one deserves it more, but he's been a classic case of being 'too good for promotion' The guy elevates the mid card and the midcard titles so much they're loathe to put the top belt on him. It seems like finally he'll have his chance. And at 38, he needs it sooner than later. Even Ziggler who the WWE hates for some reason has been a multi time world champ.

  5. 47 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I was hopeing for the other way round.

    Understandable, but that's a very stale narrative. The Miz vs Bryan feud we had already was medium. They had a decent summerslam match, but it didn't quite hit the heights those 2 are capable of. Their HIAC match was ruined by their talentless wives being the key narrative and then the first match they got that actually had any real reward other than bragging rights was a 2 minute sqiub. Bad booking for sure, but it left things open, and I for one am excited that instead of getting more of the same we could get something no one would have predicted.


    Also, until this moment byrans whole comback has been stale as fuck. After his big mania comeback match, he beat big cass a bunch, did team hell no for 2 matches and then contributed nothing other than whining and complaining during the miz feud. If he wasn't over as fuck because of his past achievements people would be more wise to the fact that he's had a dull and unimpactful year. He needed this, and by all reports, he knew it. It was Bryan who pushed for the heel turn.

    I am actually very curious to see how his survivor series match with Lesnar pans out. It's very unlikely that they have a clean match, though if they do I'd tip Lesnar. Strowman could interfere and cost Brock the match Styles could interfere and fuck with Bryan or Heyman could even turn on Lesnar and manage Bryan. Though I doubt it.

  6. 3 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I'm trying not to judge the company's booking standards on the last two pay per views, even though I should, because I would like to think that the company want to head in another direction. I truly hope their thought process has been hindered by what would appeal more the Saudi audience. Which is an emphasis on 90's stars.

    The whole concept of the World Cup was a joke, just like the 'greatest' Royal Rumble to everybody outside of Saudi Arabia. Surely Vince and co are not stupid enough to think the concepts would be taken seriously elsewhere.

    What really worries me is that Brock Lesnar after his bollocks 500 day reign is Champion again. That to me suggests that Vince has no faith in any of the full timers to lead the show.


    I think he has faith in a few of them, but not Strowman.

  7. Crown Jewel was special tbh. It is the strangest PPV I have ever seen. Vince is a BRAVE man.

    The world cup matches up until the final were fine, some were even good. All the boxes got ticked and there were some unexpectedly clean finishes. The US title pre show match was good and New day vs the Bar was by the numbers but good. Nothing special, but nothing bad so far.




    Brock Lesnar beat Strowman in about 5 minutes. 0 german suplexes. 0 offence from Strowman. Just 2 f5s. An f5 from the ring to the floor, then 2 more f5s. Brock lesnar is the universal champion. I didn't like the idea of the belt going on Strowman, so I popped huge and had a big fucking laugh, my friends and I were shocked.  What a brave fucking decision. The nuclear heat on the bookers right now is unreal. We thought that would be the 1 huge misdirection talking point of the night. Boi. We were wrong.


    In the best in the world final the Miz faced Ziggler. McIntyre was sent to the back before the match and the Miz started beating the shit out of Ziggler before the bell rang. Then, while jumping off the apron to the floor, the Miz injured his leg so bad he couldn't stand. The Miz. The guy who has never missed a match to injury, got keyfabe injured. The ref was about to award Ziggler a no contest win, when Shane McMahon, stepped in, replaced the Miz for the final, and beat Ziggler in 2 minutes to become the BEST IN THE WORLDxDxD It's actually an in joke amongst me and my mates that Shane is the best wrestler of all time, because he gets so many wins and so many big wrestlemania spots, but fuck me it was so bad it was funny. This is sharknado level shit. Shane o mac, who I love, and is one of the few attitude era guys who can still move, is the best in the world. Fuck me. Not even a wrestler. The balls on this company.


    The old men vs the old men was shit, it was always going to be shit, this fued would have been legendary 20 years ago, nostalgic 10 years ago and should have been impossible 5 years ago. Undertaker and Michaels can barely move. Kane and Tripps are part timers in a big way and are well on their last legs. This is a travesty tbh, and the fact this went on after the title matches an insult to the modern wrestling group of guys who work week in and out. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    So basically Wrestling is the Reality Television of Sports? 

    Yep. It works well mostly as well. Imagine a sport where the games are always entertaining, the teams the people love always win (eventually) the villains are comically dastardly and the narratives are fresh and fun. 


    This is all ideally of course. It's also the only sport where being more talented than your opponent means fuck all if you're booked to lose all the time, and it's run by a maniac billionaire who has almost zero connection to what the people actually want.


    The good with the bad

  9. On 29/10/2018 at 09:49, Tommy said:

    So you're the kind of guys who think Wrestling is real?


    Should I explain it for you or were you just being a dickhead? Can be hard to tell on the net, even as a pro dickhead.

  10. 6 hours ago, Azeem said:

    Students reportedly given cookies baked with grandfather’s ashes


    A teenage girl in California allegedly baked her grandfather’s ashes into cookies and handed them out to her school friends, local media reported on Wednesday.


    @Devil-Dick Willie She's your soulmate :x

    If she's hot I'd smash

  11. 10 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    I don’t need to justify myself to you. 

    And if he doesn’t come back it probably means the disease has got the better of him so I hope you’re wrong. But I’d still love to see him back anyway. 

     Of course you don't. Just sling all the mud you want, and never back it up. Its the internet so why the fuck not.

  12. 6 hours ago, 6666 said:

    I don't necessarily think there was anything wrong with the character or his moveset. His moveset is limited but he actually has a lot of decent matches compared to other big names from the past. And I say there's nothing wrong with the character but it's not one he should be playing right now. When fans view you as the chosen one, you need to go through a period of being a big heel which they should've done some time ago. If they did that and then came to the character he is now then I think it would've worked. Braun is someone who's much worse in my opinion. Same with Lashley. Raw needs to make the title about Rollins, Ambrose, Owens & McIntyre now. 

    He isn't a total shitcunt it's true. But his matches are ALWAYS predictable (When you always win and only have 1 finishing move....) and his best matches are other guys putting in more than 50% of the match. His best technical match of this year was against the miz for the IC title, a match the miz and his character carried. Other than that he was in that abomination of a wrestlemania main event, that abomination of a hell in a cell main event, that abomination of a backlash main event. His highest rated singles match of this year from Meltzer was the hell in a cell match. 3 1/4 stars. He has no laurels to rest on.

    You're just wrong about his character. He has no character. He just smugly walks around occasionally referring to himself as 'the big dog' and calling the ring his yard. Scooby fucking do has more fucking character. You're correct about who needs to be in the universal title picture though.


    Except Ambrose. Fuck Ambrose. 

  13. Nice counter argument you have there. No, the rest of my post was off the top of my head. I probably forgot to mention a few things.


    I genuinely hope he never comes back.

  14. 8 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    It's cool to hate Reigns. I never really get the serious hate he gets.

    All the best to the man. Hope to see him back in full health in the main event scene again.


    You're not a real wrestling fan if you don't know why he is the cause of such ire.

    Super boring smug good guy character who is pushed to the moon based off his look and appeal to children. As for in ring work, good fucking lord. The commentators call him "methodical" He's not methodical. The Miz, AJ Styles and 'normal' Finn Balor are methodical. Reigns is ponderous. His move set is the most stale and uninspiring on the roster, it literally feels like a board room selected each one of his signatures and his finisher. Everything about him is just so.... engineered and overproduced. 

    He is gifted everything while other, better talents are left to battle through the midcard. Rollins, Balor, Ziggler, McIntyre, Gable, Fandango, Breeze. All these guys are on raw and miles better in ring, and the entire roster is better on the mic.

  15. You'd struggle to find someone so stale though, both on mic and in ring. He's smug, but a face. His moveset will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. The superman punch, spear, corner clotheslines, samoan drop and the big ole punch to the face are as stale and boring as it gets. His only other 2 moves, the 1 arm sitdown powerbomb and the driveby are cool, but he could only powerbomb light heavyweights and cruiserweights. 


    This injury is a HUGE shift in the pyramid of power on raw as well. It's like a parking lot with 5 spots, and 3 of them were always full because of roman. Now all 5 are free up. The new 'universal title' picture should be dominated by Mcintyre, Strowman, Balor, Rollins and Owens. Which means the intercontinental title opens up for guys like Elias, Corbin, Ambrose and even Roode, as much as I hate him.

  16. I'm glad Reigns won't be dominating ppvs and getting pushed in my fucking face for the next 10 years, but I wouldn't wish cancer on the bloke.

    • Upvote 1
  17. To be honest, they had a program all lined up, and a match booked for the card at evolution. Everything seemed to be building for 3 v 3 at evolution possible bella heel turn there, with Ronda going on to fight ruby riot at the next ppv for the belt, then maybe Nikki at the rumble or Survivor series.


    So this seems forced and sudden. Not necissarily because of the botches, but somethings changed their minds.

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