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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Read the same and they apparently reward you with every playthrough after the first run with the vintage character models and the 5th hidden character too.
  2. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I can see a lot of people taking that color model and modding their teles with the same. The thing I like most about is the scratch-plate its so not Fender that it makes it pop even more.
  3. Mel81x

    Making Music

    That's Ibanez and more important Japanese manufacturing for you. They never want two instruments to have the same system and want them to be unique on their own. I think they also like to respect the designer without trying too much to shit on customers but ultimately they kind of have to because its necessary for the sound and the way those trems are made. I love the Edge Pro series as I am not someone who likes to crank my tremolo like I want to dislodge it from the body but I do want it there to know I can't hurt the guitar if I do haha. A lot of people complain about the exact thing you do and no one seems to have a real answer for it but my guess is that it has something to do with design aesthetics because you don't see any other major manufacturer do it. when this thing is done I am going to take all the money I saved and buy a bottle of booze, open the Ibanez website and play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and pick a new guitar from them. I have flirted with the idea too long and I think its time to just get one.
  4. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Also check this beauty out. Way out of my price-range but I love that retro-mech-theme they have going here. It quite nicely happens to be one of my favorite animes as well that they drew inspiration from. https://geekculture.co/fender-busts-out-new-neon-genesis-evangelion-themed-telecaster-guitar/
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    So, this comes from some reading I did when I wanted to get an RG and I started reading about all the different types of trem systems Ibanez ever made and the whole reasoning for that Single-Lock trem system to even exist is because the Floyd Rose Licensing and Ownership structure expired in 2002. Until then they were the only name int he business who could do it legally and if you took it off them you had to pay them money for it. Come 2002 and Ibanez went back and got better licensing and then started creating even more variations with the double locking mechanism. Single-locks are horribly notorious for losing tune faster than a double and have major stability issues as well. Its also why some of the cheaper Japanese models today still do it in certain variants to keep that old trem alive their Edge system really is what you want from them because with a single-system you're asking for more damage than just tuning if you want to go crazy with your bends.
  6. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Its sad whats going on with small businesses. The music school I went to for a refresher is trying to do online courses but then I think to myself why would anyone want to pay to watch a video when they get the same content on YouTube. The real benefit of a class is the instructor fixing issues with your posture, technique, etc and that really can't come from an online session (I know I have tried). Once the world gets its feet back I think a lot of stuff is going to be back on track and music shops will take the worst hit because they'll have to start selling stuff and I can see things going up in price not down honestly.
  7. It is interesting but I don't know how much I buy into the casual linkage of data even if you use quantum computing to treat the data as conversations versus you know, actual data. The idea then that a chat-bot can actually diagnose (and with accuracy) symptoms and then offer a remedy course is definitely something worth looking into but I still think so much data is missing even in that sector as is pointed out when peer-reviews applauded the concept but said it could also go horribly wrong. What I do like about all this is how far we've come in analyzing data and more importantly how inflection points are gathered from information sources that are totally dissonant from each other. Used to be you'd be asked to create data repositories and they needed linkage but these days you dont even need that.
  8. Its also annoying when you go on group trips and someone sees a nice camera in your hand and say shit like "Oh this will look so nice on my Facebook profile". Yes, that's exactly why I brought my camera on this trip ...
  9. Yeah it was fancy at the time haha for sure. I do like the body but I use it very sparringly these days as I spend more time just pulling my phone out and shooting the pic unless I really get the bug to take it out and use it. I do prefer portrait photography and I am slowly trying to learn to shoot rooms and closed spaces.
  10. Have to say with LR the tutorials are really hard to master from any angle (beginner to advanced) just because its such a sadistic application which shows you very little but has so much hidden under the hood. Give this a try to get started then start applying the basics they teach you and if you have questions post them here because I'd like to learn as we solve problems together. For me the learning goes this way. Figure out what I want to learn - E.g. Whitebalancing Read Adobe materials and forums to know how the tool does it Go read articles from anywhere on the internet about how white-balancing works Find pic and then play with it to fix problems and learn on the fly. If I run into an issue I just read more until I get to where I need to be. Try this video too as I think it covers a lot of the basics.
  11. Far from fancy haha if I had never been given that body as a present I'd have gone with something more midrange later on when I wanted to get into photography more (at 24 I was more interested in what alcoholic beverage was going to take me to xanadu and music than I ever was in photography). It's also the most annoying body to carry around for any kind of trip photography but with the advent of my iPhone 11 Pro Max that has now become a thing of the past. I love that Sigma lens you own because I have seen it in action but I just cant find a good use for it which is why I have never really pursued that line of lenses.
  12. I'm going to try and answer this the best way I know how ignoring the first paragraph as I am completely in agreement with you there. Color profiles and the rabbit hole called sRGB and color gamut profiles with Windows specifically. You aren't necessarily limited in your expectations for what to expect from a pre-processing aspect of taking pictures because guess what, all you have with the traditional camera system (not digital) is light, mirror, image. Obviously you'll get aberrations in the color spectrum just because its going through so much before it finally reaches the mirror that you probably lose about 20% of what the natural light spectrum allows you to see before you finally get it reproduced in a light room (not the software) where you can lose even more depending on what you're working with. With digital its far different and this goes directly into the mechanics of light-sensor and mirrorless devices where we think that the 20% can be reduced to something closer to 8% or maybe lower but you still have to remember that its only achievable because of the lens you're using and when you get into this dirty territory the money starts to pile up really fast. Then you go back to the link you posted about composition and understanding light because lets face it you can see it and the ambient light source you're dealing with from a perception standpoint is nowhere close to what the lens has going for it before it spins the image and fires that onto the sensor for processing. We'll also take into account that the same tech in phones and their corrective abilities are now transmitted back from the lens to the mirror in the body to allow for even more correction based on all the settings the camera has (these settings you have no control on as the firmware does most of this and you really dont want to mess with it anyways). I've found that with much higher end bodies coupled with a mid-range to high-range lens that the first shot pushed against a RGB (whichever standard you use) profiler produces some of the best and closest to what was shot and I'll explain the issue here and its not even you or your camera. So, the end note here is this, better body + better lens in the digital world = closer to life pictures but they still come with all the good loving issues of lens profiles, color gamut corrections, profile scaling, etc. because god-forbid any of these companies make a true lens that does this then you'd probably need a lens body the size of, well your body and thats very impractical haha. Now, lets get to the one place you probably will struggle a lot when it comes to image clarity and that is ... your monitor. Yes, its your monitor. Over the years I have learned that when you get monitors from your vendor or look at images on laptops you tend to get poor reproductions of pictures until you take the same picture to a printer (not the regular ones either) and then see the awe of your shot because of whatever color profile you set at that point. But, lets put that aside and go back to your monitor. The type of monitor used comes with sRGB and Adobe RGB corrections so what you see on the screen may not even be what you shot no matter how much you correct it and keep in mind that the LightRoom or whatever app you're using is correcting it incorrectly if the monitor isn't in the higher 99% bracket and even then there are limitations like black reproduction etc. If you choose to navigate this path you'll end up spending a lot of money and in some cases it will produce the color repro you want without the post-production but I generally find that if you're going to spend that time in post-prod spend more time learning how the lens profiles work and work around the limitations of the lens if your monitor doesn't have the reproduction ability you want it to have. So, yes you are being a bit unrealistic in your expectations about pre-processing image expectations but keep in mind that what you see on the camera display vs the monitor display vs print reproduction all have varying levels of reproduction failure with the print repro having the second highest failure due to the fact that its costly to actually reproduce pictures the way you want them to be reproduced. As for gear I am using this is what I have accumulated over two decades of fiddling with cameras and trying my hand at strictly portrait photography haha. Canon 1D Mark II (Birthday present from my family when I turned 24) Canon 50mm f/1.2 L Canon 50mm f/1.8 Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 I have some other odd ball lens from Canon and two from Sigma but I like my portrait lens the most and I have a wide-angle lens from the introductory range of Canon lenses too. As for desktop processing and using Lightroom I use the following which I have also carefully purchased over the years. The new kid on the block - LG 32ML600M-B Monitor The old kid on the block - LG 34UC98-W Monitor (I don't recommend this monitor for any kind of picture/color work as wide-screen curved monitors are absolutely horrible for this but its better than the previous monitor for color reproduction) LightRoom - for touching up pics that my family sends me from what they shoot because the only way to get better is to just keep trying and learning
  13. At that price Isolation is a steal. I'd recommend if you've never played it to give it a go as its probably very high on the list of proper survival horror games.
  14. Phew, thats quite comprehensive and covers so much about the varying aspects of taking pictures. I spent a lot of time maybe four years ago or more in trying to learn post-pro fixes with Lightroom and I think no matter where you're sitting in the spectrum of producing your work there is so much to learn. Camera phones can take such gorgeous pictures these days you are sometimes hard-pressed to wonder how much the on-board software is doing versus doing it manually. Thanks for starting this thread and I look forward to seeing what we can come up with in here.
  15. Mel81x

    Making Music

    To this day I have never owned a fully black guitar. I can't do it for some reason and I have no idea why because I think they look so awesome till I hold one in my hand and think nah not for me. I need some accents or color on them and even my Gretsch has white outlays on it too and ... its back its a nice dark-red-mahogany finish not black haha. Also, because I know some of us on here were at one point practicing and talking pedals take a look at this.
  16. Mel81x

    Making Music

    This is the part that always confuses me about the Edge because there are variations is which ones have the locking and which dont. I am pretty sure the Pro does and then the original does but the mid range one doesn't but I could be wrong again. I personally quite like Gotoh but just like you I have never experienced their trems just their awesome-sauce which is locking tuners. I do think its the SD-59 as I did some research online to find it and came across this. https://www.seymourduncan.com/pickup/59-neck As for bridge pickups, man the world is your oyster now. Used to be a time you'd be limited and I do know you had a guitar in your bucket that was an ESP and I remember watching a video discussion with JHS where he explicitly said that running an EMG into the signal chain produced some incredible sound so I figure why not recommend it haha. As for me personally I think I'd go with the DiMarzio just because its more my sound. My discovery into mics has been halted temporarily while in lockdown but I will be getting the Shure SM7B as I contacted a YouTuber I know and she said that the benefits of using it versus most other mics is that it really accentuates the vocals and as your friend said its great in a home-studio setup. Send a pic before you get started I really want to see this beast.
  17. Mel81x

    Making Music

    The original Edge's do have a locking nut and if yours does then its probably not the Edge Pro, I think that IB might have made other guitars with different configs in the same space but that just seems impossible for a Japanese guitar manufacturer. To answer the question not having any tone control, I think I'd always want a tone control on a guitar just because it offers you range and flexibility in your sound. For the pickups Neck - Gibson 57 Classic - As a person that cant stand Gibson now I think this is something I'd always recommend just because it has a great tone. The other option is a Seymour Duncan one which I cant remember off the top of my head but it has a Strat lead tone if you're into that kind of sound. Bridge - DiMarzio DP100 or EMG 58 for those loud and hot tones when you're playing rhythm. I've used the EMG on a guitar and I love how out of control it can get with the heat it packs.
  18. Im pretty sure NHS has his face up at all the big spots by now. No one in the medical profession on the front-line deserves to be abused or treated poorly at a time like this.
  19. Just name the person and let all of NHS know who he is so when he does get sick from anything he understands the importance of manners.
  20. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I don't think the original Edge would go in there because of the need for that locking nut? I could be 100% wrong though but I seem to remember watching a video of someone trying to upgrade their Jem JR and they ran into a similar issue.
  21. Yeah it was poor science to begin with just because the originator parent class of the current virus happened to have a vaccine didn't necessarily mean it was going to work. Now that its been taken off the table labs can start pushing more focus on other fronts.
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/23/high-hopes-drug-for-covid-19-treatment-failed-in-full-trial Not good news on the drug front.
  23. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Send pics when you're done. I thought all the RGs used some older version of the IB Edge system but its not the Pro so it looks a bit off. It's also a really horrible trem because from what I remember reading and seeing, when you try to bend the pitch higher the trem can get stuck and not actually come back up to where it used to be and this causes all kinds of problems like neck warping and block issues as well. I've started practicing my sheet music reading again and I think I am doing rather well. Spent the morning yesterday trying to learn "Too Young to Die" by Jamiroquai and it really did enforce a lot of what I learned when I was younger. Thinking once this is all done I'll actually finish the Trinity Rock and Blues course as I only have one more level to do.
  24. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/04/big-tits-bing-disables-trending-feature-after-inappropriate-results/ So, I have learned something from this little SNAFU. Use Google for all your searches except when you dont trust them and want to surf for 'interesting' content.
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