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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Short answer .... Maybe. Long answer its possible. They install a conversion server along with TikTok, now, this isn't really all that dangerous but depending on the device there are implications. For Android, they were making subsystem calls so they could scan your contacts, read your files, potentially monitor network traffic, etc. However, on iOS devices with the latest security reveal from Apple, they could technically have grabbed anything you copied on your phone and this could also have been used to transfer data from that block to anywhere they wanted. Now, you get some code from homebase, run it on the user's network and start port scanning other networks and listening to their data streams in the hopes you'll catch something there too. It really is quite a complex hack if I am being honest.
  2. I think the AI pushed the bias narrative because it figured it offered the most balancing. Hard to believe they didn't let it try and learn more to adapt to the way feedback may have corrected it? I mean if people can offer feedback to it then maybe it gets better which is the whole point of an AI anyways.
  3. And they say Sci-Fi is boring (after reading the last few posts) Started watching Snowpiercer and I truly can't tell if I like it or not. Jennifer C as a villain/antagonist is interesting I will say that.
  4. Mel81x

    Making Music

    @Dr. Gonzo So, a few weeks ago I basically told the Mrs. that I might want to get a drum kit at home. Let's just say I was told that to house a machination that would upset our elderly neighbors was something that I was not going to see in my future. I did try and plead my way through it of course and did all the usual stuff you try and curry favor but sadly to no avail. It wasn't even a problem with space it was just the fact that it would cause social turmoil. Putting aside the fact that the Mrs. herself is very interested to learn I dropped the idea. Then, today I was working away and someone from Amazon delivered a parcel with my name on it and I got this. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/maschine/production-systems/maschine-mikro/ With a note attached, "If you play this loud and disturb the neighborhood I'll first divorce you then I'll kill you. Have fun".
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    The music is way more prominent than the singing. Not sure if that was intentional but I don't think the vocals ever cut through the music from what I heard.
  6. I dont know how much I trust an algorithm that isn't given all the data it needs to make decisions like the one presented by Karen (sorry I spent 20 seconds laughing at the name and its connotation with what we're reading but moving on). The problem with the algorithm and its premise is that the system used for judging doesn't account for other factors like how the defendants got to the crime, were they in groups, etc and that is also a consideration for how the release/jailing system works. When it comes to the other issue of credit scores thats a far more clearer one. Someone who can't maintain the basic income for recovery over a period shouldn't be allowed credit but there also there aren't enough inflection points in the data to help make the decision. They account for things like inflation and market rates but the algorithms are mostly aligned towards risk avoidance rather than credit assignment so that might be a failure we need to consider.
  7. https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/03/we-need-a-new-field-of-ai-to-combat-racial-bias/ @nudge and @Eco this is a good read for you'll as I know both of you'll are working with Python and learning data/security. If you're interested in reading the NIST publication its very good as well. https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2019/12/nist-study-evaluates-effects-race-age-sex-face-recognition-software Additionally, take a look at this and how algorithms started discriminating against women when they started running. https://slate.com/business/2018/10/amazon-artificial-intelligence-hiring-discrimination-women.html I know this is probably not the place to post this but its all AI based and I suppose we can all take a learning away that the wrong data handling will eventually lead to some pretty undesirable results.
  8. TikTok is a clear example that our attention spans are reducing on a yearly, perhaps monthly, basis. It's a novel idea and I'll give credit where its due. The ban in India has nothing to do with content but more to do with a political stance and I think the ban on apps is our first stage to move to other avenues. You'd be very hard pressed to not find Chinese investment in the country you live in because they are everywhere.
  9. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Its like anything else I suppose, practice makes perfect and then of course getting out of your comfort zone and listening to music that you dont normally listen to.
  10. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I like it but did the person mastering the track not like your voice? They've totally drowned you behind all the music. Not sure if that was the intent.
  11. https://www.darklight-game.com/ Well worth the money if you like a platformer. Tagging @Bluebird Hewitt as I think this is something you might be interested in when it comes to the Switch.
  12. https://www.transfermarkt.com/lionel-messi/marktwertverlauf/spieler/28003 Surely not correct because I'd imagine he is in the upper 200s at the least and also release contract costs, etc. However, if you look at the trend graph somewhere in the middle of that page it does show the decline in transfer worth over time.
  13. I've watched this more than twice now. This mans internal clock is not human.
  14. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I have a new found respect for drummers who can sight-read. I spent the last three weeks trying to learn how to read drum-sheet-music and jesus these guys have it hard when the pieces get complex.
  15. Barcelona's ageing squad in a pic.
  16. Bet you he wouldn't if you didn't tag him
  17. I'll ask my dad to see if he has any stuff from that time with him, the old man keeps a lot of keepsakes from that era so I might actually have a roll cover or something else. As for importing stuff, be careful, I have a device on order that we dont get over here and they've called me twice in the last two weeks telling me that they are having customs issues then they say no customs issues then they have them again. I wish corruption would make up its mind and just give me a number to pay.
  18. Couple of things with this post. The film I got was Japanese so its quite possible I did get what you mentioned in point 1. I only say this because most stuff was imported in the UAE and man did we ever get some weird stuff in boxes you didnt truly understand because they'd have writing on there, name of the company and then a colour bar and thats its. Why use a filter when you're going to setup a dark room? You can use post processing to sort it all out right? As for nudes, I agree. The human form is probably the best for B/W photography as it makes everything pop so much better haha. Also, you're about to get a lot of replies to this one post and Im sure it wont all be photography lol
  19. Yep used two formats. The 110 which was the cartridge I used with my dad's Minolta years ago in B/W and then get them processed in Sepia. I was obsessed with that color format for years and I like B/W shots more than color anyways. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/110_film When I was much younger I remember buying a film block that said develop in Sepia and I am now struggling to remember whether it was Fuji or Kodak who sold it but I have some prints somewhere in my house from that time. My guess is that they were just developed in Sepia vs being actual tone sepia but I will never know as back then you'd just use the film and then chuck it. Now I am wondering if I used something like this but I remember it said Sepia and that when I bought it I was just excited to see the final results. Totally different film in the link btw. https://shop.lomography.com/en/lomography-redscale-xr-50200-120-3-pack?country=in
  20. How much did the ILFORD set you back? I miss that kind of film and I also miss shooting in Sepia.
  21. Firstly, belated birthday wishes and secondly I'd be very curious to see the output of that lens with the body and mechanics as well.
  22. Its like Richard Bona but with a Gibson SG.
  23. Look at the finger grips on the lens. Classy.
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