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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Mel81x

    Off Topic

    Anything to tell the young'uns at work that you're hip with the times
  2. Mel81x

    Off Topic

    Short Story TikTok pissed off a famous Indian YouTuber. Followers lined up, rated app poorly. TikTok ratings drop. Mildly Long Story There's a famous YouTuber over here whose entire show runs around making fun of topics and being a dick while doing it (like literally a dick) and he made a video on TikTok. Well, YT and the folks at TikTok caught onto it and banned the video citing cyber-bullying. Then the guy turns from an angry punk into an overnight spreader of love and all things associated with it because his income from YT dried up faster than he could imagine. This of course spawned all his followers to go on a rampage rating TikTok as some shit platform which is rich considering the person they were following was producing similar content. This is not to say that YT has been unfavorable to folks doing content in India but what YT did was funny to ban the video and there's been a lot of problems with TikTok in general surrounding a case that recently came up involving some groups on WhatsApp/Instagram with teens claiming rape acts/threats towards women (ficitional threats of course). The timing of it all was just bad for the person who got banned but TikTok as a platform is more toxic than nuclear waste over here from the looks of things. Couple all that together with the second largest population on the planet and with enough rating drops TikTok goes down in their ratings. I wouldn't even bother reading up on it as its a shit-show where everyone is at fault. If you'd still like to get a general idea here you go. https://gadgets.ndtv.com/apps/news/tiktok-ratings-1-star-indian-users-ban-faizal-siddiqui-carryminati-2231440
  3. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Totally missed this. Nice website.
  4. I'll definitely give it a watch
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I heard that they were slotted to come to India before whatever has gone down has gone down so a bit bummed but just like you I can't do prog for too long because to me it gets a bit repetitive.
  6. Mel81x

    Making Music

    @Dr. Gonzo Listen to the sync here thought you might find it interesting.
  7. https://www.wired.com/story/confessions-marcus-hutchins-hacker-who-saved-the-internet/ Fascinating read about the guy who stopped WannaCry and all the stuff he did before it too. I honestly think what the FBI did was right and he was lucky the judge saw things the way he did otherwise this could have ended very poorly for him.
  8. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/law-firm-madonna-lady-gaga-bruce-springsteen-cyberattack-997863/ I always laugh when something like this happens and in this case its even more laughable because 700+ gigabytes of sensitive data was stolen. Then I start to ask how this happened and I remember that the tools you give a fool all depend on the fool's usage of such tools. How a law firm representing people with this data ever let this leak is beyond me but then again so is Man City's SNAFU with emails and the political merry-go-round with Hillary's emails. In the better interest of making things easier for people folks who work in security generally end up pulling their hair out because the one with the money decides what should be done not the "expert" until shit breaks loose and then its the "expert" whose neck is on the line.
  9. Mel81x

    Making Music

    After having a listen to the record I went and did some reading on the core principles of Bachata music and found this. https://www.iasorecords.com/release/bachata-breakdown-en-vivo Interesting how the syncopation system works and for anyone that wants to try and understand the music so playing along with it or singing to it as well.
  10. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2020/05/musk-dares-county-officials-to-arrest-him-as-he-re-opens-fremont-factory/?comments=1 This started a little while ago and is now turning into an Elon vs Government battle. This little statement is even more hilarious. "Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules," Musk tweeted. "I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me." I don't know whats more hilarious, that this guy is supposedly smart or that he thinks that Tesla manufacturing is an essential service so he can break the rules whenever he feels like it. I hope they jail him and everyone at that plant to drive the point home when he does reopen and they deny him bail as well.
  11. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Echo this. If you feel like it isn't ready or you don't like the sound of something then its not worth putting it out. You will always be your biggest critic.
  12. I found all the secret stages and unlocked as much as i can. I have also finished the game with everyone from the original five set and I am just pacing it now. I like Mania mode it really adds some fun to the beat-em-up.
  13. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Try these. They come with pedigree in their construction and sound quality https://www.amazon.co.uk/Audio-Technica-ATH-M40X-Professional-Headphones-Black/dp/B00HVLUR54 Think the bass response will be low but I think they generally tend to be good for a lot of general music listening and also great for movies/media consumption and you can get them cheaper outside the Amazon ecosystem I believe.
  14. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Take a look here but in all honesty it really depends on what you want to use them for. If its easy listening I think something from Senheisser in the lower tiers is actually great value for money and you don't have to bust the bank for it. Someone already asked over-ear or in-ear because in both ranges you can get something in the upper 60ish range to satisfy a wide range of music without them feeling like a cheap purchase. And since you're plugging them into a laptop you dont care about taking calls which is horrendous even on over-priced headphones that dont have a dedicated mic.
  15. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Rob's work with ST and IG is very different from the kind of stuff you'd expect Metallica to be playing which is why whenever I hear him play I always think he should be doing more, hes actually being stunted with his time at Metallica but as you say why not? Big band, big money, easy fame. When you look at their legacy and what they started with they strayed so far off the path that every time I hear their bass now I think okay you're just playing Hetfield's parts versus pushing them out more and I rate the rhythm work on a lot of Metallica's songs as very good. I was asked to learn Now That We're Dead (a track I actually like on their new album) I was quite excited then I saw the bass parts and said surely this can't be it. Then again Metallica has actually dropped the sound that made them very popular in the first place.
  16. Mel81x

    Making Music

    The only reason I dont own a TS is because I have an SD-1 and for the life of me I can't see a reason why I'd want anything else. The money really goes towards other pedals in the mix like delays, etc as once you find your OD sound you really dont like straying from it too much. Its the same with a BD because once I tried the Boss I couldn't be arsed to try any of the others eventhough there are a plethora of ones made by some great companies out there. Have you heard of these guys? https://1981inventions.com/shop If you go on YT and try to see this thing compare to other pedals you start to wonder why anyone would pay that price. But, having said all that their white pedal is pure sex.
  17. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Some things I like about this very short interview. The Mixer had the professionalism to not touch the record because he recognized the band wanted it the way they did. Albeit it was a bit washed but I can respect someone doing their job. When he says that James and Jason were synced it does make you wonder why Lars was so hellbent on bringing the bass out of the equation? Was it because this is the first album after Cliff's Death? I don't think so, I think its Lars just flexing his muscles because James refused to get involved. Jason probably laughs his way to the bank every single time he collects royalties on this album or its track. Why? It must have been like a vacation for him. Sure, it hurt at first but think about it, you played on a record that you're barely audible on and you're making money off it. Jason really won in the end. I think Jason Newsted is one of the better bassists to play with the band after Cliff and you cant really compare the two. Cliff's bass playing is meant to bring out the best in Kirk and James guitar work by reinforcing it while Jason's bass playing is meant to add drive to the music and while I prefer Cliff's approach to trash metal bass I think Jason's made their sound more generally acceptable.
  18. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I like this comment after watching this video "I have literally never heard a story about Lars that actually improved my opinion of the guy." I don't think Jason was a bad bassist, far from it. Lars on the other hand is a control-freak and not a good one at that.
  19. The Last Dance on Netflix about the Chicago Bulls in their 97-98 season. Those guys were some characters.
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