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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. And someone wanted to start all over again haha. Starting to sound like you're playing Dark Souls, the Resident Evil edition.
  2. I suppose that can only be backed up by trophies and you wouldn't really blame anyone for wanting to jump if they don't materialize but things are on the horizon and this chase to the finish line might solidify that. Even if it doesn't I can still see him staying around for atleast another season but money generally talks better in most cases anyways.
  3. nothing to be sad about i have the same
  4. Worth every penny imo. I think if we keep him for another four seasons it will be a miracle as hes one of the best center-backs in the world right now.
  5. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/03/dealmaster-nintendo-discounts-a-bunch-of-mario-games-for-mar10-day/ I hope someone made good use of this. Some good titles in there too.
  6. Walk up very quietly and ask politely if you can have the herb
  7. Stick with it. I think when the 'survival' portion of the game kicks in its enjoyed best. Having to run around and get weapons and ammo quite easily doesn't make for a fun run imo. Then again when you start getting to the later stages stocking up becomes so important so maybe you're right, redo.
  8. You'll have to let me know how you liked RE2. I liked it a lot and while the aesthetics of the game died off after a while due to some repetition I found it a great experience overall.
  9. All excellent titles. Which one are you enjoying the most?
  10. Shhh don't give the secret to success away haha
  11. For a second I thought that was in Bangalore then I remembered that it was NLS down here. That's pretty low I'd say for a stipend but I suppose the benefits rack up once you're out of school and in the real world.
  12. You make a fair point. I'll take that pic haha. What do you do for work btw?
  13. Turn those in 10 rupee notes and we have a winner.
  14. Won't have to wait too long its coming out this year and its on my list of games to play this year.
  15. If its happened more than once then its a clear sign that the guys who did it the first time took themselves out of the spotlight just to do it again a few months later. Getting robbed is always scary when the police don't catch the people that did it because then you're left wondering what would happen if your family was at home and the assailants were armed. I hope they catch the people who did it and he gets his things back and more importantly it never happens again. Just out of curiosity, is it hard to get a house with better security installations in Liverpool?
  16. I think its a general trend in software development but it probably gets the most publicity in North America more than anywhere else. Then again most big IT firms are based out of there which then goes back to your point of capitalistic greed anyways haha.
  17. I'll try my best and offer good recommendations wherever I can. You have to realize when Bioware were strutting their stuff well I played all these on an Xbox and never really saw the PC side of things which I learned later was much better. The control scheme on the Xbox was comfortable enough that I never bothered going in any other direction. When you're done and if you want to take a walk on the wildside and you haven't already give Skyrim a run its definitely in your wheel-house since you like these kinds of games.
  18. Yes it most definitely is which is why if you've played the original you're going to like it.
  19. You should definitely play the sequel its more polished and has a more adaptive skill tree. I think you'll like it. P.S. I have never played KOTOR and ended up on the light side. The dark side just had way too much fun associated with it.
  20. In light of the Activision-Bilzzard fiasco I came across this on Kotaku today. https://kotaku.com/an-open-letter-to-game-developers-from-americas-largest-1832652654 The article itself is okay and nothing to write home about but the comments section is littered with the way people see developers not just in the gaming industry but in general. I don't think devs get paid a lot in that industry primarily due to the fact that the projects aren't structured the way they are in lets say a Google or Microsoft structure but then you look at the amount of money these companies make per year and you can't help but feel bad for them. I do hope that the gaming industry does see some kind of reform and protection for engineers because they badly need it but I don't think we'll see it anytime soon.
  21. I can see some school kids going out of business if this AI is put as open source and some kid finds a way to write all the essays for the class. Some poor teacher will never be able to tell if its a human that did it or a machine. The other thing in that article is the 40GB payload to learn which I found incredibly small considering all the sources it was gathering its writing skills from. I was half expecting Reddit style postings in there but it kept things very articulate which means it learned which posts got higher ratings then started filtering them out based on language usage, incredibly smart. If they took this same thing and taught it to code and self-heal broken code systems that would be even more cooler.
  22. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/02/how-this-ultra-rare-copy-of-super-mario-bros-sold-for-100000/ 100K USD for a copy of Super Mario Bros for the NES. Crazy.
  23. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/02/researchers-scared-by-their-own-work-hold-back-deepfakes-for-text-ai/ @nudge if you want to see some of GPT-2s work look at the middle of that article. It's quite entertaining.
  24. Saw this yesterday and thought it seemed like a cool concept. Any good?
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