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Everything posted by nudge

  1. I don't like any of them either, but you have to admit that SpaceX is a very well organised and run engineering company that finds and employs very talented people and gives them responsibility and freedom to do things. I believe that private sector in general is the future of spaceflight, as government agencies like NASA are sadly heavily dependent on politicians and thus face obstacles and limitations that private companies don't. In an ideal scenario, NASA should do the exploratory science and technology development, then hand the lessons learned to private industry to commercialise it and make it more affordable in a long run. With more and more countries (both government agencies and private sector) getting into space, this will hopefully be the golden age of space exploration again. As for Bezos/Blue Origin protesting NASA's lunar lander contract decision, I don't think they have any grounds for it. SpaceX's proposal was most capable, safest, most in line with NASA's future plans, and, most importantly, cheapest. Hopefully all this legal nonsense won't delay Artemis for longer.
  2. With the difference being, one actually builds things that fly while the other can't even launch anything into orbit
  3. nudge


    Looks like a mix of a crocodile and Scrat from Ice Age The males look even weirder, as they have a weird bump at the end of that long snout! They use it to make buzzing sounds to attract females, and they also keep harems of female gharials They are also extremely docile and not dangerous to humans at all Probably one of the reasons why they are also critically endangered and will probably become extinct in our lifetime...
  4. nudge


    Not the gharials, apparently! They feed almost exclusively on fish and small crustaceans
  5. nudge


    Whoa, how cool is this??? A Gharial crocodile carrying his hatchlings. Click on the pic to see it full size!
  6. I agree that Baumann's squad planning is by far a bigger culprit for our situation, but I also think that while pretty poor and lacking in several positions, the squad is still good enough NOT to be fighting against relegation for two years in a row. Yes, you can't blame Kohfeldt for Sargent's lack of finishing or Eggestein's misplaced passes etc., but what I do fail to see is any recognisable philosophy and strategy on the pitch; there doesn't seem to be any ideas and match plan at all - all I've seen in our recent matches is just long balls being hoofed forward mindlessly - and this is surely responsibility of the head coach? Just as he's responsible for choosing to continue with the 5 at the back although is clearly not working, or with playing Sargent as #10, or generally allowing underperforming players to remain in the starting XI every matchday. I actually think Kohfeldt is not a bad manager who would likely do well with a squad of higher quality, but in our current situation he's just not pulling it off. Also looking forward, if we do manage to stay up again, after all, what will change? Likely, nothing at all. With no financial resources and no players in the club to sell for a substantial transfer fee, I can't see us strengthening the squad during the summer, so it's likely that next season the quality of the players at Kohfeldt's disposal will be more or less the same, so it's probably just delaying the inevitable. That said, I can absolutely understand the board allowing him to continue. First of all, there's hardly any alternative on the market that we could afford (while paying Kohfeldt too), and with 3 matchdays left, it's impossible to say if that would even make any difference. Could have been worth a try though.
  7. I hope so too, but I have little hope.
  8. I honestly think we can't even afford to sack him.
  9. The decision has been made and will be made public soon.
  10. Yeah, I like his prefered football style, definitely one of the better options on the market. Personally, I find Ferdinand Feldhofer an interesting option outside of the names that are circulated in the media.
  11. Same. Whom would you like to have as a head coach (realistically) for next season?
  12. Kohfeldt's future will be decided before Tuesday. A meeting of supervisory and management boards took place today, no decision has been made yet.
  13. Our next league match is only in two weeks, so a new head coach would have some time to prepare for the remaining 3 matches. That said, who would we appoint? I think we have absolutely no good interim solution, so Kohfeldt will stay... Maybe put Thomas Schaaf in charge for the remainder of the season and hope for the repeat of 1999.
  14. Granted, this is about running out of energy that they are allowed to use, not running out of energy completely. Apparently the starting battery capacity is 52kWh, but for every minute spent behind safety car, the amount of energy each driver may use is reduced by 1kWh - and there were 5 safety car phases in the race, meaning that 19kWh were cut from the allowed amount of energy for each car. So definitely a miscalculation by the race control, but either way, they just keep on making a mockery out of themselves.. A complete farce. They even put a chicane in the middle of the straight to give the cars an additional heavy braking zone as a recharge opportunity.
  15. Just finished For All Mankind Season 2 finale. What an epic ending to the season and what a fantastic series overall... Looking forward to Season 3.
  16. Shadow & Bone is now out on Netflix! Was looking forward to this one, will watch tonight after work. @Bluewolf
  17. I agree, although Füllkrug was so shockingly bad yesterday, that bringing Selke on for him didn't make any difference, anyway... Kohfeldt probably brought him and Dinkci because of their height, hoping for some lucky header in the last minute of the match. But yeah, our goal scoring has been atrocious for a long time now.
  18. This is an important breakthrough, and potentially a game changer. Great to see the technology works.
  19. Last night's observation: Sirius, Canis Major, and a few neat objects around it. Started out with Sirius: very easy to find and unmistakeable, as no other star in the night sky is so bright and twinkles that much! Easily observed with a naked eye as well, but looks much more epic through the binos... Pretty much like a disco ball in space; think it twinkled in a handful of colours during my time of observation. Light refraction in the atmosphere is pretty cool... Not my image, but thought this was a great time lapse of Sirius "changing colour" throughout the night: What is particularly interesting, is that like Spica, Sirius is actually a binary star - sadly, Sirius B is too small and too faint to be observed even through a decent telescope, as it drowns in Sirius A brightness, so it's completely impossible through the binos. Anyway, moving on... Just south of Sirius (about half of the binoculars' field of view), there's a bright open cluster M41, also observable with a naked eye, but then all I can see unaided is a hazy blur Through the binos, it looks much better though; I think I could count nearly two dozen of stars scattered there in one spot, but as it's close to the horizon, the whole view suffers a bit from light pollution. Still, a pretty cool sight nonetheless, and a great and easy deep-sky target. Moving down from here, there's another three stars in the Canis Major that form a triangle and are in the hind legs of the dog, if you take the shape and the name of the constellation into account - Wezen in the middle, and then Aludra on the left and Alhadra on the right. All three are bright enough, and while not particularly interesting, it serves as a good guiding point to the two Collinder clusters just south of it - Cr140 and Cr132. Both observable, and Cr132 brightest stars form a quadrangle, while Cr140 stars form in a Y-shape of sorts. There are also a few other clusters around Sirius that I will try to observe tonight, if the conditions allow...
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