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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Red Cliff (2008/2009) Absolutely brilliant. Watched the original two-part version (instead of the shorter cut), almost 5 hours in total. Thoroughly enjoyed it; thought the pacing was spot on, was not bored for even a second of it. Fun action scenes choreography (even if some of the fighters are made to look like some Wuxia superheroes at times), great soundtrack, decent character development, some great acting, and visually stunning too. Love the epic scale of it; John Woo did a pretty good job portraying The Three Kingdoms period. 8.5/10
  2. That woud have been a good question, to be honest. I'll include it in the Round 256, to check if you still remember it
  3. Nope. Saw it in Prime as well just a few days ago though
  4. Andy Weir's latest book, Project Hail Mary - just got it, can't wait to start reading it tonight!
  5. Absolutely. Also have to keep in mind that Starship is a completely innovative and unusual design in that it is both a second stage launch vehicle and a reusable spacecraft with capability of re-entering Earth's atmosphere and landing retropropulsively. The set of challenges it faces is, thus, also completely new in many aspects - and I'd say they've been doing pretty well so far...
  6. Sorry, I read your post in the morning, then fell asleep again and forgot all about it I think they're doing just fine... They are conducting plenty of tests and test flights, constantly improving things, and more are planned for the near future. All these failures, explosions and post landing fires provide a shitload of data the engineers can learn from. The most interesting thing will be launching Starship into orbit; if they can successfully do that this year, then I can see it being ready for manned flight by 2023/2024.
  7. nudge


    Thank you I'm quite proud of that one!
  8. nudge


    Went to the animal park & aquarium today. Some pics:
  9. Don't bother with AC then, it's barely playable with a controller... ACC should be better, but bear in mind that it'll be only GT3 cars on Blancpain series tracks only!
  10. Will you be using a controller or a wheel?
  11. Starship SN15 nailed the landing! There was a small post-landing fire (methane leak?), but they managed to extinguish it quickly.
  12. Not a fan of Marvel at all, but I love Loki! This looks good...
  13. Yeah, a bit hard to vote Bode out given that the member meeting can't take place due to covid restrictions, and digital meeting is not an option. We're still due last year's annual meeting which has been delayed and delayed again. And even then, I believe 2 thirds of votes are needed to vote anyone from the Aufsichtsrat out; and given lack of options to replace him (Wontorra? Don't think so...), I don't think anything will happen. Unless we do get relegated, then I can see some changes incoming.
  14. Hopefully it's just namedropping... Don't want Labbadia on a long-term basis. He's a good solution for the end of the season and relegation battle, but very underwhelming otherwise. Terzic...no thanks. Werner, Leitl, Schultz are hard to judge. Could be an interesting option, especially Werner. Think they are only being named because their current clubs are doing well in the 2. Liga.
  15. A very special message from Mars!
  16. For learning exposure triangle, I'd probably focus on each element separately. E.g. shooting portraits (or any other topic where the foreground is very distinctive from the background) for learning aperture, any kind of motion for learning shutter speed, low light conditions for learning ISO. Then combine it all by experimenting in aperture or shutter priority modes, or manual once they're comfortable with it.
  17. Move them to the UK politics thread... so the rest of us outside of the UK don't have to suffer reading it
  18. I thought reading and posting about corona was tiresome, but this is even worse.
  19. Mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it's clearly not working with Kohfeldt, on the other hand, I'm honestly afraid to see who will be the next head coach.
  20. Great addition, they will definitely need his experience and goal scoring in the 2. Liga.
  21. China's Space Agency has successfully launched Tianhe, the core module of the new Tiangong space station, into orbit Once finalised (scheduled for 2022), the station will feature 14 internal experiment racks and more than 50 external docking points for instruments designed to gather data in the space environment. Images of the interior have been released:
  22. It was between 4 companies per se, but Boeing's proposal was deemed to be so stupid that it was not even taken into consideration Dynetics - who I was hoping would win, as I like the company and their lander design was cool - were unfortunately unable to offer a budget-friendly proposal and had several serious design drawbacks, but most importantly, their lander essentially didn't have any payload capacity (negative mass allocation ). They are also challenging NASA's decision, which probably is a more or less standard procedure that rarely changes anything. It will all be likely delayed one way or another though, as I don't think SLS is going to be ready in time.
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