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Everything posted by nudge

  1. nudge

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    She has also never heard of Steve McQueen...
  2. Got it as an audiobook in the end, and it was really worth it. Very fascinating book; a sort of a popular science version of "big anthropological history" that covers the history, culture and societal aspects of our species and raises quite a few interesting points throughout. Highly recommended!
  3. To be honest, I'm not... their management and work culture have often been questionable throughout history, and it took Todt, Schumacher, Byrne and Brawn over 6 years to transform it, turn it into a functioning team and finally start winning championships again.
  4. To be fair Hamilton would win in the rain anyway But yeah - it would benefit Vettel and Ferrari after the fuckup with the tyre choice...
  5. Ferrari are such bottlers haha. Rain incoming?
  6. Oh, those might all be good enough reasons that explain why he turned - I don't have a problem with that! We always knew that it was Anakin's emotions and sort of arrogance and ambitiousness that played a role in him joining the dark side. However, I personally just couldn't make the connection between a calm, cold, calculating, composed Darth Vader of the originals and angsty, hot headed, pissy, irrational Anakin of the prequels... That's the part which wasn't believable at all for me, and that's why he doesn't seem a well-rounded character at all. I heard his character is really great in The Clone Wars (animated series) though, so I might just give it a go to redeem him for me.
  7. Well, while I appreciate the idea that it's his love for Padme that essentially made him turn and join the dark side - the said love story was extremely cringy, and after being introduced to one of the most iconic ever villains in the history of cinema in the original Star War movies, I really didn't expect to see a hormonal, whiny, cocky teenager with no self control, no composure, no discipline - all that after years of Jedi training too, allegedly. I don't mind the prequels (except Episode II which was just plain boring), but I was extremely disappointed with his character development/backstory and didn't find it believable - or rather the way they portrayed it. EDIT: It was still better than the portrayal of the fucking Kylo Ren in the sequels
  8. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) After an extreme disappointments of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, I was very reluctant to watch this and had very low expectations... especially since Han has always been my favourite, and I was worried that this standalone movie would ruin the character for me, similar to how the prequels kind of ruined Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. What can I say? I'm glad I did decide to watch it! This was actually great, and I totally loved it! A solid 8/10.
  9. I actually haven't watched the finale yet... Got caught up with other things (mainly Star Wars haha). Will watch it soon though - glad it's been renewed!
  10. Sports and exercise in general is a good healthy way to clear your mind, but honestly, beers on Saturday night somehow are more appealing
  11. Yeah he's a moron... He was on Valentino Rossi's Moto3 team in the past, they sacked him due to his behaviour too. No place in sports for such people. I'm hearing that he's been also sacked by his current team and the new one for the next season too. Good news.
  12. What I find ridiculous is that he only got 2 races ban for it... Should not be allowed anywhere near a race track for at least 10 years.
  13. You underestimate how much I can't stand Tom Cruise I'm not even joking. Also, the greatest love story ever told is debatable I'd put Casblanca, Dirty Dancing, When Harry met Sally, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Love Actually, About Time and Walk the Line at the top...
  14. There are and most likely won't be any updates. The family keeps it completely private.
  15. Just kill me now Honestly, the only movie with Tom Cruise I managed to watch till the end and don't hate it was Minority Report.
  16. Yes... seeing a red car with a Schumacher in it upfront dominating throughout the weekend tends to do the same Sabine Kehm was in the garage as well, all smiling and happy with the win (she's Mick's manager too), and then Jean Todt was there too as he handed the trophy to Mick, it seriously messed my brain for a while, haha. Seriously though, I hope people (and media especially) won't put too much pressure on him, won't rush him and let him develop further at his own pace. So far, he was able to keep a cool head and that helped him immensely. I am very interested to see where he drives next season.
  17. Aaaand that's three out of three for Mick! Brilliant weekend and only 3 points behind Ticktum now!
  18. There's always a place for everyone on Schumacher's hype train!
  19. Morning. I went out yesterday for the first time in quite a while
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