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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. EA are a joke really. They'll either buy out a copy just for the IP before butchering the IP themselves and then killing the company they bought out (hence the constant memes around it), show no regards to ethics or morals whatsoever (hence countries now looking at gambling laws after EA took it to extremes with Star Wars Battlefront 2) or both.
  2. That's pretty much the only thing, but in all honesty, there's more important things to worry about than a slogan, even if it is odd. However, if that Belgium part you posted up happens later, that will put some pressure on Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to do likewise. Personally, I think the famiy thing could work (so long as it's in close proximity) but not so much the friends part.
  3. All of it. Welsh Government announced on Friday that we can now exercise more than once a day (as that was clearly enforceable before) while garden centres, recycling centres and libraries can apply to reopen. From what I read, Scotland and Northern Ireland were the same.
  4. I'd ask for a detailed reasoning behind that as they can't just ban you without evidence of it. Not that I'd expect much from EA mind.
  5. Think ours have to review it every three weeks. Unsure if they can review it as and when. I assume Drakeford had to announce this as the three week review was due but even so, it makes a bit of a mockery of the 'four nation approach' to ending the lockdown he mentioned earlier this week.
  6. Streets of Rage 4 is great. They've tried to add one or two small additions, such as combo's for points and able to gain health back when doing a defensive special, but on the whole it's practically the same as any of the others before it. The unlockable characters are a good addition as well. Almost unlocked all of them.
  7. Wales officially remains in lockdown for another three weeks, regardless of what is said on Sunday from the UK government. We can however exercise more than once a day now (because that was clearly enforceable), while garden centres, recycling centres and libraries can apply to reopen. So that'll be nine to ten weeks in lockdown by the time that finishes. Will be interesting to see what is mentioned on Sunday.
  8. Fair play, both governments have been a bit of a shambles really haven't they. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52572954 Also says something when our own government and Public Health department aren't even on the same wavelength. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52573906
  9. Yeah, Aimar was insane. The best was Andy Campbell as he was practically the equivalent of Messi.
  10. I really don't understand why we haven't made these within the UK itself by both UK and devolved governments, especially as they have to meet certain standards as well. There were queues down Swansea way (I think) whereby staff had to perform traffic control. This was for a drive thru at KFC. As DeadLinesman simply put it, with one extra addition.
  11. Tbh, I don't bother with Twitter much as I just find it toxic really.
  12. I think the comment aimed more towards the left because that's mainly what I tend to hear more of (for example and as we mentioned earlier in the thread, some hoping that Boris would die when he was admitted to hospital). Of course, as you said, it happens on both sides regardless.
  13. Great comparison really and unfortunately, it'll always be like that. Rando mentioned that 'Nobody's allowed to criticise Boris/Brexit/the Tories it seems these days without being a naive left-wing remoaner Corbynite communist Islamophile self-hating Britain-hating muppet', yet plenty from the left do the exact same thing but is somehow justified in doing so. I've seen a few times from Welsh nationalists that 'if you vote for the Tories, you hate Wales and can piss off to England if it's that bad'. Granted, there are others who want devolution abolished (which I don't agree with as we should have our own laws) due to frustration with the Welsh Labour-run Government after 20 uninterrupted years in power. This again sounds like a defence of the Tories when in all honesty, I just don't like sheer hypocrisy from either side, mainly when one party does one thing, gets criticised by the opposition but will then do something similar, defend what they do and the die hard supporters shout down at those who ciriticse them. It's why I tend to criticise the Welsh Government often as they have a habit of doing this. Anyway, I'll stop there as it's starting to go off topic and there's a topic for UK politics in general.
  14. Exclusive news from the Mirror out of celeb land. It appears that Simon Cowell and Laura Silverman may have split up. The source of the alleged split? Please read and click the link below. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/amanda-holdens-daughter-claims-simon-21977161 Only the best stories from the UK.
  15. Amazing. Simply amazing. These are the people who are providing the critical advice, to tell us to 'stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives' on a regular basis, only for them to break their own advice and go on a jolly trip. The fact that this is the second 'chief' to resign is staggering and backs up @nudge's article from before about our arrogance.
  16. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    Tbh, I'm just thinking how good that'd be for food really.
  17. Wales has now passed 1,000 deaths after another 26 deaths reported today.
  18. We had that between ourselves and the Cardiff Blues when the City Stadium first opened. It was shit and the Blues left a couple of years after first sharing.
  19. Interesting article here and has made me think a little as well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52526554
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52540266 Fuck sake.
  21. Apparently there were far more cases in Germany than were reported, according to BBC. However, it had not been fully verified at the time. Not sure how true that actually is when considering how countries have reported, that could be possible.
  22. We've had a fair few as well, though surprisingly a few of the more extreme ones like that have been people from England coming into Wales (mainly due to second homes). I'll have to try and find some of them when I can as some had driven a ridiculous amount of miles to get there. The one that sticks in my mind is a car from London going to Snowdonia. Not exactly down the road. There was an article on ridiculous excuses given to the police here as well. I may have already posted this but either way, some of them are beyond stupid. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52386123
  23. Love Island cancelled this summer due to coronavirus. Won't air until 2021. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-52528149
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