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2 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

I've seen a video of Lesnar throwing the title at Vince. Is that scripted?

Think that video was from last year's WrestleMania.

That title really does mean nothing. Don't think anyone's had a single good run with it.

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He's decided not to sign a new contract so WWE had Nia Jax make him look like a fool...

It could be a work though as WWE usually don't confirm a wrestler not renewing, especially months in advance. To what end? Who knows. Or it could be true.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

I won't miss him.


4 of the best wrestlers WWE have made their raw debut, in front of a dead, half empty stadium. Yuck.

I hope they never go back there to be honest. You have got areas deprived of live wrestling shows that would create a great atmosphere, then you have a place that sounds like a crap French dessert that cannot be bothered.

As for these call ups i am fully behind them. The last batch were in general rushed and pretty pointless. The only criticism I have is that I would rather have seen Ricochet in NXT for another 6+ months so that he could be champion and own the brand like Finn Balor did before making an impact.

It's all getting a little confusing. We have something like ten 'free agents' now appearing on all shows, plus the women's tag team titles that will be defended everywhere. Hopefully there will be more clarity after Wrestle Mania.

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29 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

I hope they never go back there to be honest. You have got areas deprived of live wrestling shows that would create a great atmosphere, then you have a place that sounds like a crap French dessert that cannot be bothered.

As for these call ups i am fully behind them. The last batch were in general rushed and pretty pointless. The only criticism I have is that I would rather have seen Ricochet in NXT for another 6+ months so that he could be champion and own the brand like Finn Balor did before making an impact.

It's all getting a little confusing. We have something like ten 'free agents' now appearing on all shows, plus the women's tag team titles that will be defended everywhere. Hopefully there will be more clarity after Wrestle Mania.


I'm not behind them at all. The raw and Smackdown main rosters are so fucking bloated. Think for a second. In the raw mens division alone Lesnar, Reigns, Fandango, Sami Zayn, Jason Jordan Ziggler and KO are all injured or unavailable. So they are 7 wrestlers shy of a full roster. There is still no room at all for

Breeze, Mojo, Jinder, Kanelis, Goldust, Roode, Gable, AOP, No way Jose, Krews, Axel and Dalas, Slater and Rhino, Wyatt, The Ascension and Titus

On Smackdown we currently are almost never seeing

Nakamura, Rusev, Shelton Benjamin, Gallows and Anderson, Tie Dillinger, Aiden English, Sanity, The Colons, Sin Cara or Harper


Again, that's just the men. The women are rotated shamelessly and jammed into pointless massive matches at blistering pace. 

And you wanna add 4 more to that list? On top of the half dozen they're struggling to find room for? It was announced that Lacey Evans is literally dong that walk out thing she does so people don't forget she exists. Not to mention we will never get the final NXT pay off to the DIY feud if they get called up. EC3 is a star on the mic and in 3 weeks he's not said a word, and already been 50/50 booked against someone who's fucking leaving. I like you a lot bro but you're fucking mental here.

Meanwhile it leaves the top of the NXT singles card fucking bare. Strong, Cole, Dream Riddle... Keith Lee? Daijakovic?


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43 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:


I'm not behind them at all. The raw and Smackdown main rosters are so fucking bloated. Think for a second. In the raw mens division alone Lesnar, Reigns, Fandango, Sami Zayn, Jason Jordan Ziggler and KO are all injured or unavailable. So they are 7 wrestlers shy of a full roster. There is still no room at all for

Breeze, Mojo, Jinder, Kanelis, Goldust, Roode, Gable, AOP, No way Jose, Krews, Axel and Dalas, Slater and Rhino, Wyatt, The Ascension and Titus

On Smackdown we currently are almost never seeing

Nakamura, Rusev, Shelton Benjamin, Gallows and Anderson, Tie Dillinger, Aiden English, Sanity, The Colons, Sin Cara or Harper


Again, that's just the men. The women are rotated shamelessly and jammed into pointless massive matches at blistering pace. 

And you wanna add 4 more to that list? On top of the half dozen they're struggling to find room for? It was announced that Lacey Evans is literally dong that walk out thing she does so people don't forget she exists. Not to mention we will never get the final NXT pay off to the DIY feud if they get called up. EC3 is a star on the mic and in 3 weeks he's not said a word, and already been 50/50 booked against someone who's fucking leaving. I like you a lot bro but you're fucking mental here.

Meanwhile it leaves the top of the NXT singles card fucking bare. Strong, Cole, Dream Riddle... Keith Lee? Daijakovic?


All you have done there is list a load of guys who could easily be cut from the roster or are popular midcarders that should be midcarders because of the talent on each roster.

There's only a handful of people there not injured that I think are severely mistreated. Nakamura is one, Good Brothers are another (They surely must be thinking of AEW), Sanity deserve more air time. The rest are where they should be or can be disposed of. Of the injured list, aside from the company's two major players, you're only really missing Owens, Zayn and Wyatt.

The only solutions going forwards for the bloated roster is to have a future endeavours session or to begin treating NXT as a third brand. Which is wjat they may be gearing towards with all this recent exposure of NXT talent on Raw and Smackdown. Call back EC3, keep DIY and co there. Extend it to another hour. Keep the small time feel but let it grow at a rate that AEW is growing at. If AEW want to sell 10,000 tickets regularly, then move on from Full Sail and do the same.

It wouldn't surprise me if they're doing the latter. WWE have a tendency to be very alert to what other promotions are doing. One recent example being they pretty much destroyed ITV rejuvenating British wrestling by signing all their talent to NXT UK.

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The issue with these call ups is that they're not being called up for any specific storyline. More a case of WWE just hoping people tune in because they said "look, here's someone new". Then of course there's the fact that there's a lot of talent they've called up previously that are still waiting to be used properly let alone the wrestlers that were already there that need to be used better.

Raw somehow has become barren when it comes to interesting wrestlers on the men's side so I can understand them calling a couple of wrestlers up, maybe Aleister Black & Ricochet (although he's more impressive athletically than actually interesting...) as they've pretty much finished up in NXT already. Maybe SmackDown could've done with a female wrestler coming up as they're 2 biggest names are currently using both shows to promote a Raw match which means Asuka doesn't have anyone to feud with as all the other names are on Raw doing nothing. Shayna Baysler would've been an interesting call up there, NXT women's champion v. SmackDown women's champion.

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9 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

All you have done there is list a load of guys who could easily be cut from the roster or are popular midcarders that should be midcarders because of the talent on each roster.

There's only a handful of people there not injured that I think are severely mistreated. Nakamura is one, Good Brothers are another (They surely must be thinking of AEW), Sanity deserve more air time. The rest are where they should be or can be disposed of. Of the injured list, aside from the company's two major players, you're only really missing Owens, Zayn and Wyatt.


Wyatt isn't injured, has been fit for months.


And you're barking if you think there's not a long list being mistreated there, sure, no one cares about Jinder and Mojo, but you could literally make another fucking show with that roster I just put up. 

Rusev was the most popular wrestler of 2018. Spent the year jobbing then won the least relevant title AFTER he lost all his momentum. WWEs idea of a Rusev push was putting him in that fucking joke of a wrestlemania match

Gable is one of the best pure wrestlers they have. Literally another Kurt Angle. Lumped around from tag team to tag team since his call up

Tyler Breeze is an outstanding wrestler. Watch his NXT stuff, or even his recent match against Ricochet. Also incredible on the mic as we know from Fashion Files. Always been a joke to me that guys like him get fuck all TV time and people like Dean fucking Ambrose are shoved down our throats. 

Tye Dillinger. See Tyler Breeze

The Ascension were really good. One of the most refreshing tag teams (along with the revival) They're fat now, because they just job all the time and they don't give a fuck.

The current Sin Cara is Hunico. An outstanding wrestler. Remember his feud with Almas when he rocked up from NXT? 

Wyatt, the good brothers and Nakamura obviously speak for themselves. 

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Im pretty sure I read Bray was waiting to get medically cleared but theres so much nonsense out there i dont know what to believe. 


Who do you hold back to give more opportunities to Rusev and Chad Gable?  I like them both, but do I want Rusev to get a push ahead of Samoa Joe? No. Do I want Chad Gable to a push ahead of Finn Balor? No. They're extreme examples, but I feel as long as they're regularly on TV they're getting the exposure they should get at the minute. Rusev pay per view record is pretty horrendous but at the same time he's wrestled for the title and against Undertaker in the last year.

The Ascension, Tyler Breeze, Sin Cara etc know there role. They're enhancement talent. If they are unhappy they can always try their hand elsewhere. Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Cody Rhodes etc have shown it can be one step backwards to go two steps forwards. Tye Dillinger has asked for his release and could be going that way. CJ Parker was destined to be a jobber 4+ years ago but he took the gamble and look at Juice Robinson now.

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Wrestling the Undertaker is about as prestigious as sucking vinces cock these last few years. And you aren't acknowledging Rusevs immense popularity for that year or so October 2017- mid 2018. Never mid what YOU want. I don't particularly like Ruru, but he was the most over performer and as a reward he was given a spot in the shitest 4 way ever conceived, and fucking LOST to JINDER FUCKING MAHAUL. Then he got buried in front of a bunch of oil Tycoons. Awesome. I'd leave if they pulled that shit on me.

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34 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

Wrestling the Undertaker is about as prestigious as sucking vinces cock these last few years. And you aren't acknowledging Rusevs immense popularity for that year or so October 2017- mid 2018. Never mid what YOU want. I don't particularly like Ruru, but he was the most over performer and as a reward he was given a spot in the shitest 4 way ever conceived, and fucking LOST to JINDER FUCKING MAHAUL. Then he got buried in front of a bunch of oil Tycoons. Awesome. I'd leave if they pulled that shit on me.

Rusev Day was popular but then again so was Damien Mizdow. There's multiple factors in play as to why certain movements get halted and others like 'The Man' get pushed to the next level. Factors we more than likely will never become aware about. He got a title chance out of his run and is the only 'modern' superstar to get in the ring with The Undertaker alongside Roman and Wyatt. To me that should still be looked at as an achievement. Sure, he didn't beat AJ Styles for the title but so he shouldn't because AJ Styles if far superior to him.

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19 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

Rusev Day was popular but then again so was Damien Mizdow. There's multiple factors in play as to why certain movements get halted and others like 'The Man' get pushed to the next level. Factors we more than likely will never become aware about. He got a title chance out of his run and is the only 'modern' superstar to get in the ring with The Undertaker alongside Roman and Wyatt. To me that should still be looked at as an achievement. Sure, he didn't beat AJ Styles for the title but so he shouldn't because AJ Styles if far superior to him.


Are you Vince McMahon?xD

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4 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:


Are you Vince McMahon?xD

I do find myself sympathising with him a lot recently xD I went on Twitter the other week and people who want the atittude era to return were legitimately complaining about Alexa Bliss being in a towell. Sometimes you just can't win.

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My biggest fear when Roman announced his retirement was that he would return relatively quickly, after taking a holiday, getting any minor or routine type treatment he needed and that WWE were simply using fucking cancer of all things as an excuse to get a hated star over after what would be a relatively short lay off



I'm glad he's okay but I hope to fucking god that's not what's going on here.

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Great news that he's hopefully beaten cancer again, To beat it twice is a testament to the kind of guy he is so he deserves the utmost respect for that. I hope they dont book him so strongly straight away because it will just turn the fans against him again but  you cant put anything past Vince these days.

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I can't see Reigns getting a title shot any time soon with Rollins due to to win the title at WM. And i'm not sure what their plans are for him going forward. I don't see it as over booking him, what else could they do? It was brilliant news him returning having fought off the disease. His return was a much needed boost in terms of ratings... i saw it was the highest since last August?

Also Batista returning as a heel setting up a HHH feud, i thought was the best way to go about his return.

Edited by JOSHBRFC
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I agree with Danny. At a time when the roster is bloated and the wrestling world in general is booming they should be giving everybody maximum opportunity to showcase their talents.

Raw, Smackdown and NXT were all really good this week. I know it's impossible to keep up that many returns but here's hopeing they keep the shows strong going in to Wrestle Mania.

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