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If Tony Khan had any real friends, they would have told him to come off Twitter a long time.

In less than two days he called Triple H a 'bald asshole', took unnecessary shots at Cena and Taker for doing the same thing Adam Copeland did last week, took the outdated Neilsen raitings personally, cried about cage match raitings and hyped up Dave Meltzer's 'booker of the year'.

He really makes it difficult for people who want to root for his company.

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3 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

@The Palace Fan @Devil-Dick Willie did you find you liked wrestling more after you had gone to it? I like it a lot more since i went to all in. Its like I feel more emotionally connected to it

I had a lot of good will towards AEW after All In, but a lot of that evaporated when last week Tony Khan showed he will never change. As long as he's in charge of creative the company has a ceiling.

What hasn't helped him is last week's Smackdown sounds like the best Smackdown since the last WrestleMania. Him and Jericho can whign all they want about how WWE stacked NXT with The Avengers but the reality is if AEW had a show that had consistent booking this wouldn't have been a contest.

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NWA have miraculously landed a deal on The CW network which is pretty much in every home in America with an antenna.

If they get a good TV deal then things may get interesting for a while. I don't think they'll trouble long term because the booking has dropped off a cliff since Corgin replaced Lagana with himself but it could be funny to see Tony Khan react if he feels threatened by them.

I'll probably check out the first couple of episodes as I've always been a fan of EC3.

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4 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

@The Palace Fan @Devil-Dick Willie did you find you liked wrestling more after you had gone to it? I like it a lot more since i went to all in. Its like I feel more emotionally connected to it

Interesting question. Yeah I feel like I will follow the wrestlers I saw a bit more, but the good will only goes so far. 

The young bucks were slinging merch at the show I went to, and I spoke briefly to them. I'd still not say they were a great tag team or that they should be the first tag team to main event mania like people were saying at the time. 

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I am starting to see it with Jay white now. Obviously you don't achieve what he did in Japan if you don't have something about you.

@Devil-Dick Willie @The Palace Fan

I have been thinking about going to a local independent wrestling show. It's a mainly south west promotion. What are the crowd like generally? For some reason I just imagine them to be a bit clicky like a local pub and not like people they haven't seen before 

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10 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

I am starting to see it with Jay white now. Obviously you don't achieve what he did in Japan if you don't have something about you.

@Devil-Dick Willie @The Palace Fan

I have been thinking about going to a local independent wrestling show. It's a mainly south west promotion. What are the crowd like generally? For some reason I just imagine them to be a bit clicky like a local pub and not like people they haven't seen before 

Nah I have always found wrestling crowds to be pretty reasonable. Take a friend or 2, it'll be fun. 

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23 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

I am starting to see it with Jay white now. Obviously you don't achieve what he did in Japan if you don't have something about you.

@Devil-Dick Willie @The Palace Fan

I have been thinking about going to a local independent wrestling show. It's a mainly south west promotion. What are the crowd like generally? For some reason I just imagine them to be a bit clicky like a local pub and not like people they haven't seen before 

I've been to a couple of ROH showd and found every fan great.

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1 hour ago, Gunnersaurus said:

@The Palace Fan did you watch that wrestlers documentary with Al snow?

Noticed Hollywood hayley was on collision last week. She's actually got a lot of charisma I think she would be a good signing if they take her on. She has an issue with smoking weed before wrestling but of she could stop that she would be good. 

Yes watched it last week. I thought Al Snow, Doug Basham, Leila Grey Mahabali Shera and the tall lady came across well. The rest of them not so much.

If that guy Hayley was dating ever gets close to joining a big company he's 100% getting cancelled for admitting he assaulted her on Netflix.

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On 27/10/2023 at 10:37, Devil-Dick Willie said:

Nah I have always found wrestling crowds to be pretty reasonable. Take a friend or 2, it'll be fun. 

I don't actually know anyone who likes wrestling. It doesn't bother me going alone. I went to all in on my own. There is a show in a couple of weeks I was thinking of going to. Scotty too hotty will be there.

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On 29/10/2023 at 11:38, The Palace Fan said:

Yes watched it last week. I thought Al Snow, Doug Basham, Leila Grey Mahabali Shera and the tall lady came across well. The rest of them not so much.

If that guy Hayley was dating ever gets close to joining a big company he's 100% getting cancelled for admitting he assaulted her on Netflix.

Her boyfriends a prick. He can't handle that she's better than him.

Hayley is good. But she has a lot of problems. I think she said she got abused when she was young. If she could get more help I think she would add something to aew. The wrestling skill is there with the women in aew its just the gimmicks that are the problem. And then changing it when it gets stale. The Tony Storm gimmick is very popular but has a shelf life. The only one who gets away with it is shida because she relies on her wrestling skill more, she doesn’t really have a gimmick.  But not many can do that. 

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3 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

@Devil-Dick Willie isn't revpro a feeder for new japan? Is it worth making a long journey for? I'm not worried about story telling I just wanna see good wrestling 

The wrestling should be good, and yes, they have a great relationship. Personally I'd wait until TMDK are appearing to go to a show, but that's just me. 

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@Devil-Dick Willie There's a revpro event in Portsmouth next month. Just over two hour drive. I might go. Is osprey was there I definitely would but I don't think he does much for them now.

Apparently he has said he would consider going to wwe. Do you think he would be used well there? Or is he not big enough or mainstream enough? I really hope he doesn't. He would be a star in aew. He's one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen


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1 hour ago, Gunnersaurus said:

@Devil-Dick Willie There's a revpro event in Portsmouth next month. Just over two hour drive. I might go. Is osprey was there I definitely would but I don't think he does much for them now.

Apparently he has said he would consider going to wwe. Do you think he would be used well there? Or is he not big enough or mainstream enough? I really hope he doesn't. He would be a star in aew. He's one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen


Well, what happens to 'great wrestlers' who don't have good mic skills? 
Ricochet is probably the best comparison. Has had a few moments in his time, but never a real run, and is a permanent midcarder. Andrade is another one you could point to. 

Prince Devitt, AJ Styles did better, but Ospreay isn't fit to lace eithers boots, and both are better than him on the mic (though neither are brilliant with it)

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6 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

Well, what happens to 'great wrestlers' who don't have good mic skills? 
Ricochet is probably the best comparison. Has had a few moments in his time, but never a real run, and is a permanent midcarder. Andrade is another one you could point to. 

Prince Devitt, AJ Styles did better, but Ospreay isn't fit to lace eithers boots, and both are better than him on the mic (though neither are brilliant with it)

You think fin ballor is better in the ring that osprey? Not sure many would agree with that mate. 

But that's what I mean. Osprey would be pushed more in aew because the fans care more about wrestling skills. 

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8 minutes ago, Gunnersaurus said:

You think fin ballor is better in the ring that osprey? Not sure many would agree with that mate. 

But that's what I mean. Osprey would be pushed more in aew because the fans care more about wrestling skills. 

Ospreay is a glorified spot monkey. Styles and Devitt are a class above.

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2 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

Well that's your opinion mate. I'm pretty certain many would disagree. I've seen his matches and he's been brilliant 

You have never seen a prince Devitt match though. You have seen Fin Balor matches. A 40 year old, collecting a pay check, who still does a certain in ring things a class above Ospreay. 

Fin in NJPW was brilliant. He has only occasionally brushed those heights in WWE. Now, Ospreay wrestles some brilliant matches too, but he also wrestles silly spot fests. He is big, and athletic. But don't mistake being able to do a saske special and a handspring back elbow for being a good wrestler. 
Look at the Bucks, ratings poison for years now, because despite the fact they are capable of wrestling good matches, they dont, they cut bad corny promos, and they look like crap, their gimmick is crap and no one is around to say 'no'. 

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Tony Khan's important announcement on TV this week was to mention tickets for All In go on sale next month. He's also just signed Ric Flair to a multi year deal.

I feel like a broken record at this point, but if he has any real friends, surely somebody would tell him to take a step back and do some self reflection? This is reminiscent of TNA early 2010.

The way Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho attempted to justify his childish Twitter outbursts last month was just embarrassing.

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On 02/11/2023 at 01:47, Devil-Dick Willie said:

You have never seen a prince Devitt match though. You have seen Fin Balor matches. A 40 year old, collecting a pay check, who still does a certain in ring things a class above Ospreay. 

Fin in NJPW was brilliant. He has only occasionally brushed those heights in WWE. Now, Ospreay wrestles some brilliant matches too, but he also wrestles silly spot fests. He is big, and athletic. But don't mistake being able to do a saske special and a handspring back elbow for being a good wrestler. 
Look at the Bucks, ratings poison for years now, because despite the fact they are capable of wrestling good matches, they dont, they cut bad corny promos, and they look like crap, their gimmick is crap and no one is around to say 'no'. 

I think you misunderstood me mate. I haven't seen much of either. I saw a bit of balor in nxt. I remember thinking he was very good but the one who stood out to me most was kushida. I actually said I'm not sure many would agree. I read a lot of wrestling stuff watch a lot of podcasts. I've never heard balor mentioned in the same breath as aj styles or osprey for that matter. Admittedly I could be wrong.

Also wrestling is largely subjective. Jack sabre Jr is a great technical wrestler but I didn't find the matches I saw him in amazing. Osprey I did. 

The bucks have improved for me since their face turn. You said they don't gave great matches. There cage match against lucha brothers was highly regarded by many people. (Not just dave meltzer) you said you didn't like it. It wasn't my favourite to be fair. But again that's subjective. 

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@The Palace Fan Ric flairs only there to help other talent. As long as he's not taking up to much air time I don't think it's a problem. And he may help ticket sales. If I'm a casual wrestling fan and I hear there is a wrestling show in town and Flair is there I'd make more of an effort to go.

I do want aew to develop more of their own talent but it is hard when wwe took all the best talent on nxt. I think it will take more than 4 years for them to be full of home grown talent.  To be fair mjf is the biggest star on aew at the moment and he is home grown. Wrestlers have to show that they can do it as well though. I sometimes watch those maven podcasts. A lot of fans say he wasn't used right but he said he didn't show enough to Vince. 

To be fair to Khan he does have people advising him. Bad booking isn't all his fault. And he did have the balls to book all in at Wembley. That was a huge risk. If they had only got 40000 or so that would of been very embarrassing for aew and would have damaged the brand. He took a big risk there so I thank him for that as it was a great experience.

AEW has issues like any company. But personally I think it's good at the moment. It seems to go through phases of being good and then being shit.

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On 03/11/2023 at 11:03, Gunnersaurus said:

@The Palace Fan Ric flairs only there to help other talent. As long as he's not taking up to much air time I don't think it's a problem. And he may help ticket sales. If I'm a casual wrestling fan and I hear there is a wrestling show in town and Flair is there I'd make more of an effort to go.

I do want aew to develop more of their own talent but it is hard when wwe took all the best talent on nxt. I think it will take more than 4 years for them to be full of home grown talent.  To be fair mjf is the biggest star on aew at the moment and he is home grown. Wrestlers have to show that they can do it as well though. I sometimes watch those maven podcasts. A lot of fans say he wasn't used right but he said he didn't show enough to Vince. 

To be fair to Khan he does have people advising him. Bad booking isn't all his fault. And he did have the balls to book all in at Wembley. That was a huge risk. If they had only got 40000 or so that would of been very embarrassing for aew and would have damaged the brand. He took a big risk there so I thank him for that as it was a great experience.

AEW has issues like any company. But personally I think it's good at the moment. It seems to go through phases of being good and then being shit.

I don't think Ric Flair will help anyone in all honesty. It's a pay cheque for him. He can barely put together a coherent sentence.

I gave AEW a lot of leeway this summer because of All In, but that evaporated after Tony Khan's breakdown over the NXT raiting.

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