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Question a Member: Blue

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Who is your idol? 

Have you ever done drugs? 

If not, would you ever do any drugs out of curiosity? 

Ever been arrested? 

What is your dream job? 

Have you ever visited UK? 

If Peru didn't exist, where would your allegiances lie? 

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Are you likely to be in Peru next year?

If some things stay the same, I'm coming to the Americas next year I reckon, so when's the best time to visit Peru? And best time for Machu Pichu?

Favourite thing about Australia when you visited?

Favourite  thing about NZ when you visited? 

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9 hours ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Ever had llamas mountain oyster s? Rocky mountain oysters are a must try

No I haven't. Oysters don't really appeal to me.

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6 hours ago, Stan said:

Who is your idol? 

Have you ever done drugs? 

If not, would you ever do any drugs out of curiosity? 

Ever been arrested? 

What is your dream job? 

Have you ever visited UK? 

If Peru didn't exist, where would your allegiances lie? 

1. Jeez, that's a tough one. Maybe Diego Torres, who is the Argentinian singer. So heavily underrated and so many good messages in his music. 

2. I have not, well not counting medications which I suppose is a drug.

3. Nah, doesn't appeal to me.

4. Nope

5. Another tough one, you well know I want to work in the football industry, but I'm still undecided as to where. I'd like to study some more of it in the Johan Cruyff Institute, which also exists here. I like Scouting, but the job seems very very tough for me. I like covering Peruvian football, but it doesn't pay well at least not here in Peru. I'd also like to get into coaching, but I haven't practiced that yet unlike the former 2.

6. I have. Twice actually. The first time I've only been to London, the second time I've been to London and Liverpool. I went to the latter to catch Liverpool vs Arsenal, the 2-2 game that had the last minute Srktel header in 2014. I don't regret it in the slightest, not just because of the game but because its a lovely city. As for if I would go back, most definitely but I don't really have the money to go anytime soon.

7. I don't want to say Canada because I moved there due to politics issues we had in 2004, its a great country but I've always been the more South American type. Maybe Uruguay or Argentina. Also England.

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3 hours ago, Toinho said:

Are you likely to be in Peru next year?

If some things stay the same, I'm coming to the Americas next year I reckon, so when's the best time to visit Peru? And best time for Machu Pichu?

Favourite thing about Australia when you visited?

Favourite  thing about NZ when you visited? 

1. Yeah, I'll be here next year. My whole family is here (bar my parents) and I don't really plan on leaving. At worst I'll go work in Canada for 3-4 months as the minimum pay there is much better but it won't be very long.

2. Definitely in the winter. We're in the South like Oz so between June, July and August. If you want to go to Cuzco which is near Machu Pichu, that's basically the obligatory time to go as in the summer it rains, rains and rains. It's cold in the winter up in the mountains, but the rain isn't terrible.

3. I didn't stay in Australia very long, I saw it as a layed back trip after 2 weeks of New Zealand, but I had a lot of internet friends that were from Sydney and I met 2 of 3. So that was fun, also can't help but love the zoo there.

4. Queenstown was great. South Island is a must. I was surprised how small Auckland and Wellington were though. Could genuinely be a district in Lima.

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8 minutes ago, nudge said:

Any interests/hobbies outside of football?
What do you do for a living?
Worst food you ever tried?
Worst country visited? Why was it the worst?

1. Not too many, but I enjoy playing video games and talking to friends and family. Go to the theater with them (I prefer watching films with others) or just have a night out. Friendships and family is the most important thing for me, even over football.

2. I'm unemployed at the moment, resigned from my job 2 months ago so I'm really just studying and working on my blogs at the moment. Trying to cover all things Peruvian football and gaining experience.

3. That takes some thinking to be honest, I don't hate much food. Especially not here in Peru which is known for having some of the best food in the world. If I remember I'll get back to you.

4. I was hoping if you came in, you wouldn't ask that haha. Vietnam. I loved Cambodia because of all the temples, and easy to get away from Cities such as Siem Reap but Vietnam wasn't great for me. There were some parts I really liked such as the dragons lake, or whatever its called and the caves. I didn't like the major cities though. Ho Chi Minh was fine, Ha Noi was a nightmare. I can be clusterphobic at times and being in Ha Noi having that doesn't bode well.

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Didn't even know you've been to Cambodia haha. What have you visited here, other than Angkor Wat/Siem Reap? What did you think about the food (if you had any local food)?Have you tried Cambodian beer? :D
What do you like to do on a night out?
Do you drive?

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You're the only person I have ever heard of not liking Vietnam. It's still high on my list! Anyway, each to their own!

Top 3 places you've ever been?

Top 3 TF365 members?

Top 3 dream ladies. 

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If Ronaldo came around to your house, pick 1 of the activities that you would do with him if he asked.


1. Watch Netflix and chill.

2. share a bath or shower.

3. Massage his legs

4. Watch his greatest goals together in bed.

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29 minutes ago, VanPaddy said:

If Ronaldo came around to your house, pick 1 of the activities that you would do with him if he asked.


1. Watch Netflix and chill.

2. share a bath or shower.

3. Massage his legs

4. Watch his greatest goals together in bed.

5. Talk about Peru 


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1 hour ago, VanPaddy said:

If Ronaldo came around to your house, pick 1 of the activities that you would do with him if he asked.


1. Watch Netflix and chill.

2. share a bath or shower.

3. Massage his legs

4. Watch his greatest goals together in bed.

I would probably share a shower or bath. 

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On 30/4/2018 at 08:43, nudge said:

Didn't even know you've been to Cambodia haha. What have you visited here, other than Angkor Wat/Siem Reap? What did you think about the food (if you had any local food)?Have you tried Cambodian beer? :D
What do you like to do on a night out?
Do you drive?

1. Cambodia was just Angkor Wat/Siem Reap. I loved it though, the people were very friendly and we had an excellent tour guide who actually suffered through the times of war. The food was great (as with Vietnam tbh). I haven't tried Cambodian Beers

2. I live near a Hostel where I can meet a lot of foreigners and my best friend often invites me to spend time there at night.

3. I don't drive yet. Never really been in my interests. Peru isn't exactly a car country so I'm actually OK with it

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3 hours ago, Toinho said:

You're the only person I have ever heard of not liking Vietnam. It's still high on my list! Anyway, each to their own!

Top 3 places you've ever been?

Top 3 TF365 members?

Top 3 dream ladies. 

1. If you're talking about my best ever trips, then Cusco is first on my list as I did some amazing work there in just 2 days in covering the Segunda Division final. In case of the 3 places that most amazed me:

Queenstown, New Zealand

Costa Rican Jungle

Liverpool, England

2. Not really a popularity contest but I best get along with Cannabis, Dan and you yourself. Honourable mentions to Stan, Dr Gonzo and El Loco.

3. My dream ladies are college girls, not really any celebrities. So commenting their names won't do you or me any good xD

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3 hours ago, VanPaddy said:

If Ronaldo came around to your house, pick 1 of the activities that you would do with him if he asked.


1. Watch Netflix and chill.

2. share a bath or shower.

3. Massage his legs

4. Watch his greatest goals together in bed.

I would be very comfortable answering this question if you had picked some players other than Cristiano, like Orbelin Pineda. To answer though, I'll take the safe option and do #3.

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1 hour ago, Panna King said:

What player was Hardest scouting report to date?

Hard one, I haven't really struggled with any of them, at least not to a huge extent. The toughest ones are often when I find a good player watching a full game on Youtube and then that's the ONLY game I could find, but I was impressed with the player. I don't have full matches on Wyscout either. Only clips.

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Just now, Blue said:

Hard one, I haven't really struggled with any of them, at least not to a huge extent. The toughest ones are often when I find a good player watching a full game on Youtube and then that's the ONLY game I could find, but I was impressed with the player. I don't have full matches on Wyscout either. Only clips.

Any tips who will be a rising star?  

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21 minutes ago, Panna King said:

What Peru player will be key in the World Cup,  do you think Tapia will be a star?

Tapia is receiving a ton of praise lately and deservedly so. He's a class central midfielder. I think him and Trauco will shine, while Guerrero or Farfan will be key. So in other words, Trauco and Tapia I'm expecting to impress enough in order to get to a big club, while Guerrero or Farfan will be key to our successes. The center backs too, either Santamaria or Alberto Rodriguez I reckon will impress.

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1 minute ago, Panna King said:

Any tips who will be a rising star?  

Lots of players. There is this Georgian player called Kvicha (forgot his surname, don't have him on shortlist). He plays for Dinamo Tsibli and he looks like he'll be the next Georgian star. I've only seen 1 game of him, hence why I don't remember his surname but early signs he looks really good. I haven't done a scout report on him yet as I haven't seen enough but he was a class above everyone else on that pitch in a game vs Ireland.

Oslimg Mora also looks class who for me is the next best Peruvian talent.

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you have $1m dropped in to your bank account - what are the first 5 things you spend it on?

You can change one aspect about your life permanently - what do you change?

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