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FC Schalke 04 Thread - Komm' auch du zum S04!

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Hope Tommy and others in the Ruhr area keep their eyes open to se what is going to happen to young Fabien Reese.  His time on loan is up, but his contract at 04 is almost over and he is far better that some of the present so-called strikers as well as already having International pedigree.  Another young hopeful to be given away or - hope David is watching this - he needs to be quietly persuaded to re-sign.  News here of internal dealings is not always readily available and 04 is very quiet prior to departure to Mittersill and the start of David's contract!  Another question to be answered is why our ex-player and 04 favourite was allowed to leave Bayern without discussing a return to the Veltins?

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“Liverpool and Schalke will work together on setting a rearranged date for the friendly in 2020.”

So much for the August friendly - Liverpool have been given their first PL game on Friday 9th so our proposed game is off - give David time to sort of the mess!

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  • 3 weeks later...

News of another 'friendly' with one piece of info missing.  A game against Norwich City has been arranged for 16th July at Herzlake and with Markus Schubert on his way to us from Dresden it looks like young Alex's performances in the German side have not give a lot of confidence to his masters - Norwich meanwhile have had Ralf over for a medical and that move seems set to go ahead. So many things happening sort of quietly at the moment and already a few changes before the pre season training starts. All quiet on the Sead front but....... we need a defender - or two as well as another proper striker although with Kabak and Kenny joining soon that could be almost sorted.. Be nice to see Timo again after his great season in the promotion race for the PL and - as always - we should never have let him go! Perhaps we will get a chance to see young Reese in the line-up after his return which should never have been sanctioned - but the Tesdesco was always a prat!

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Robin Gosens - not too well known outside Atalanta and Germany, but a great signing if it can be sorted - his time at BVB was short and not too happy, but his recent form in the Italian League has been better than any of the present 04 defenders - or midfielders so he is likely to cause a selection problem as he not only defends well, but scores goals and assists as well!  Both Robert L and Marco R were at BVB in 2013 and they were surprised that his ability was not properly shown in his trials and he was not signed.  Could be a great decision if it can be sorted.

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Following the friendly at Oberhausen there was a good start for young Kutucu with a couple of goals.  It is to be hoped that he can follow this up as he has shown promise in the games he has played with the first team during last season - no pressure and it should be remembered how young Harit started his 04 time in a pre season friendly and looked a world beater only for Tedesco to knock him backwards with his garbage form of training and changing players' positions.  I'm sure DW will not make the same mistake!  It would also be silly to read too much into McKennie's performance in the US - although they gave him the captain's armband for the final game (not meant to be but it was) his leadership was almost non-existant and his petulant sulking at times was pathetic to watch - no change there then!  Hope DW can sort it or just send him back - always, of course, providing he can get in the team!

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Still missing young Max and his performance in Switzerland for Palace this evening was a great start to his season - fine assist within 4 minutes for a Benteke goal.  Leroy still to decide this week on a possible Munchkin move!

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Second pre-season game today and after the 20-1 victory against Bottrop which was no indication of anything other than with Burgstaller scoring a few it showed how inept the opposition was and not to read anything into the game.  Today a 2-2 draw against Wattenscheid showed that whilst there is hope up front, the defence is still absolutely useless - even the ex Man City guy was totally responsible for the first goal and - as last season - is obviously well past his sell-buy date.  The next game against Norwich will test the defence with Timo returning to play against us, but young Reese looked good and JJ Kenny settled in during the second half with a few useful touches so - good opposition will show if progress is being made and judgement is reserved until then! Finally a well done to Tommy's lot - Ipswich are not the greatest side, but things look OK for pre season in Duss!

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1-2- against an ordinary Norwich side out of sorts and missing key players.  04 were awful for 45 minutes and then DW brought the kids on and they started to play - not just football, but together - after a 1-0 half time score to the Canaries, it was obviously that the effort and play of the youngsters would soon level it - and they did making the Norwich defence look like the 04 poor set.  Timo was a pain - as to be expected - and he caused the very poor 04 back line problems - not too long before he set up a second for the visitors.  The rest was so-so with DW learning that his young front set is OK but he really needs some new input at the back - Nastasic was again awful and I will refrain from a comment on Burgstaller's first half!  Another go next week!

An added thought to the defensive problem with the news that our great hope (more like elephant) who is at present in Africa playing the cup of nonsense there has managed to win the trophy! Problem is with his inept usual display he stuck a foot out and scored - for the opposition and they won the Cup! - nice one - not much chance of an improvement there then. Not Leroy, but in Sane we trust - insane more like!

Edited by SchalkeUK
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Good first half in Holland this evening, but still some problems to sort out.  Up front, the younger players have been constantly pressing the Twente defence but the final kick has not yet hit the target - Ozcipka is playing on his own and has wasted chances when others are in a better position - even his final corner was a gift for the keeper - but then all the other corners went straight to the Twente keeper - that has to be sorted.  At the back Nastasic has been giving away silly free kicks and his forward passing has almost always ended up straight into touch - that plus the Dutch attack seems to want to come down his side time and time again tells its own story.  Nothing in the way of build up from the back or any imagination from the back line.  At 0-0 it has to be a good performance against this side, but it will depend on DWs choices for the second half - hopefully main changes in the middle and at the back and not up front - the kids are so far alright!

1-1 at the end with Firat showing up as the best forward after DW made 3 changes (including Burgstaller - who was again totally useless)  The younger forwards kept pressing but the best chances came from right back Firat who showe3d his U23 class more than once and was ready to finish after Twente had taken the lead.  Despite going behind it was totally different from last season as the team continued to press for a goal and more - good effort - very hot day - good opposition and the workout summed up- by the huge painted letters on the playing surface - G R E A T - pity the Fox 1 coverage didn't match the play!

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Another day - another game and another good starts with an excellent cross from Caliguri and young Reese4 on target.  After that - sort of OK, but the lft side defence is again awaful and nastasic is missing more than he gets so that by half time the 1-0 lead is a 2-1 deficit.   DW has much to do on that left side - younf Kenny seems to be fitting in well on the right so.... lets see what changes are made for the second period - Oczipka is also off form which doesn't help the left side either.

Game over - 2-3 defeat and some very very poor football at times from both sides - no way to assess anything and a farcical finish with Rudy coming on to play our extra time - which was 3 seconds!  Nice one!  DW's drawing board will be out again tomorrow but at least Kitzbuhel is still looking nice!

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News this morning that after the tackle towards the end of the game against Bologna, Jonas Carls will be out for some time.  DW was unhappy at the challenge, but he should look at his own players - particularly Nastasic who made a bad tackle from behind within the first two minutes and set the tone for tackles later - even adding to them himself before he left the field.  Carls has been given a chance at last and has been better at left back where we are weak than Nastasic has been for months - perhaps one could read some sad reasoning into getting the Bologna players fired up!  Now DW will have to try and strengthen this weak area before the transfer period closes - Sead seems not to want to return!

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Another day, another game and as I seem to be somewhat solo here not sure if posting anything re the game is of any use - for what it's worth, Burgstaller has scored a goal laid on a plate and received three other passes - all three offside as usual and he is the only forward walking around whilst the others seem very fit and are pressing the Villareal defence.  Kenny looks to be in a different class to the rest and the left side of Oz and Nasty let the Villareal goal in and any attacks are coming down their side - obviously noted as the weak area.  Harit looks fit, but has twice gone down without contact and conned the ref into giving two fouls - I hope he stops this as the BL refs are wise to it and he will be in trouble.  Nothing new learned today other than the 04 players look fitter and sharper than they have been for over a year.  Back to Sport 1 for another 45minutes!


3 minutes after the restart - brilliant run - very fast - from Harit and Boujellab able to keep up and finish for one of 04's best goals for ages!

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Game over and with a very good free kick from Oczpika (surprise) a 3-1 victory.  For Rando I am sorry to say (as he lost him this close season) Johnny has been the real class player today for 04 - great defence, excellent distribution which led to the first goal, and looking very fit and sharp - cannot see how DW can leave him out of the team on this showing.  As for the rest, there are signs that whatever David is doing, it seems to be getting a much more team performance from players who last season were virtual soloists under Tedesco's terrible regime.  I leave on Tuesday and although my tablet will work in the US I'm not sure if I will be able to post so we will have to see.  All the best to all for the start of a new season - Pokal and all!!

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  • 1 month later...

Time to start this thread up again- sadly we lost the Silva battle and I hope he does well at Eintracht, but we won the Miranda one and he has joined us from Barca.  News on Bentaleb is that he has had a knee problem and will be out for a while with time to sort out his attitude - particularly as more younger, better players are making their mark under DW and Konoplyanka has left to try and regain form in the east! With a view to Paderborn visiting in two weeks, DW has arranged a friendly in Koln on Friday to give some of those yet to show in the first team a chance of a game - 7 others are involved in Internationals so it will be an interesting team which takes the park on Friday. Johnny K seems to be cementing a firm spot at Right back - a position which has been weak since Asuto and Benny left and now we need to address the left side - Sane is too slow, Nastasic is injured and not fit for anything on his present form so the 5 spot is up for grabs. Schopf is fit again and he has a chance to regain a place if he can get back to his best so it's all interesting at the moment for 04 fans and if we can take 3 points from Paderborn (or else!) we will be back in the mix again!

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Not sure if I should be watching this nonsense but with less than 20 minutes gone Viktoria K are already 2-0 up - very poor stuff so far and Caliguiri's corner was about the worst one this year!

Another ten minutes with the younger players trying and the seniors beginning to realise that they may be being watched - better - and after missing an open goal, Uth finally manages to get one back.  Our new young Spaniard must be thinking he has nothing to fear from this soprt of competition for a place!

The kids are taking over - young Matondo makes it 2-2


Half-time and other than giving some players a chance to get ;playing time DW will have learned nothing from this so far - other than perhaps Matondo is looking sharp and could be worth a chance on the bench to come on later in the Paderborn game - he's fast, sharp and a pain to the defence with his running.  Schopf is back after a long injury period and it shows, but does not excuse his selfish play - almost refusing to pass rather than shoot on sight from anywhere.  bad mistake by the young keeper for the second goal, but otherwise OK.  Nice to see Carls is fit again.

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1 hour ago, SchalkeUK said:

2-2 until 81 minutes than total idiotic rubbish defence - including Serdar ju8st stood watching as Viktoria made it 2-4.  Little worth saying other than I feel very sad for DW - gawd knows what he's going to do with this lot!

At least it was only a friendly and the manager will have been able to see who isn't up to the task.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been keeping quiet here rather than comment on how DW is handling things, but now he might have a new challenge!  The one bright light in his selections - young Amin Harit - has been playing so well - too well - that FCB are looking to make a bid in the next window in January - so my latest texts from there suggest!   With Ivan likely to be leaving perhaps Amin is being considered as the replacement!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I know I tend to keep going on about how many young players 04 have - in the past - let go for simply money rather than hold on to good players and produce a good team, but they seem to be at it again.  I can't believe that DW will hang on to Burgstaller and Uth the way their game has gone recently and let young Kutucu go on loan in January - but that seems to be the latest thinking - oh and letting Amin go for a fee as soon as Barca make up their mind. Madness descending again!

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More news on the 'fight' for Harit - Inter and Liverpool appear to be front runners and with DW's experience with JK he could be advising that Liverpool would be his best choice!  Meanwhile Uth is out of tonight's game - oh dear!!!! He has so far produced absolutely zilch so unless he is replaced by Burgstaller the chances of a win are high as DW will have to look to the younger players with hopefully Kutucu getting a chance again!  One can but hope!

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