I don't think there's any doubt that of pro-Palestine propagandists have been targeting low info people to try to get drone-like support for their cause. This person's been so taken in by it she's a million miles away from the conflict in complete safety, harassing a Greek restaurant for... it's display of Greek flag decorations.
In another reality where people aren't fighting for the hearts and minds of westerners to have blind pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian support, you don't get some idiot pumped full of this shit to the point where seeing any flag with blue and white on it sends her into a rage.
Honestly, the global reach of this shit scares me. People are right to be concerned about human rights abuses. They aren't right to be so worked up about a conflict that has existed since before they were born and will most likely continue to exist well after we die (because the internatinoal community persists with letting Israel and Palestine try to handle this themselves, while they have no regard for each others humanity) to the point where they start dragging in other immigrant communities into this shit.
There's people around the west baying for war between Israel and Iran on behalf of the Palestinians or Israelis - knowing that at the end of the day they'll be safe in their homes in Johannesburg, London, or wherever and it'll be other people dying for the cause they so passionately support from a million miles away.
And that shit doesn't happen without the Israeli and Palestinian propaganda machines churning away every day trying to win over the "hearts and minds" of the west.