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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny


    The undercard was better than the main event, but to be expected with how far gone these two are. The fight was interesting for about two rounds and only cos it looked like Khan might get KOd early. From then on it was really a case of watching one former world champion put in a decent fight and the other just collect a pay cheque. Entertaining to an extent but once it’s finished it leaves a bit of a bitter taste. Conor Benn calling out Brook, as was Eubank prior to the fight. Think they should both avoid Brook and fight each other, also think Brook should retire. Don’t fancy his eye sockets against the power of those two.
  2. Feel like they could have added a third tier?
  3. Danny

    Off Topic

    Believe that and you’ll believe anything, it’s clearly 5G which is invented by the same lot that invented “Australia”
  4. Danny

    Off Topic

    Obviously 5G causing the winds Stanley, wise up
  5. Danny

    Off Topic

    Storm Eunice keeping us in L-L-L-L-ockdown babbbyyyy
  6. Danny


    The half-time show was pretty cool, but just in of itself. As part of the wider game it sort of ruins the game a bit, you lose momentum, loads of talk about Odell Beckham Jr. and then all of a sudden 50 Cent has dropped onto my screen.
  7. At the beginning of the season one of my biggest issues with this team was our lack of goal scorers. Ivan Toney was great last season, we had a good core around him but no one really good enough to stand out by themselves. Going into this season I felt it was pretty important that we brought in a second forward who could go someway to score the amount of goals Benrahma would have been expected to score. Toney hasn’t had a record breaking season at all, but he has put together a decent record and for at least 2 thirds of the season that has passed us already he was a general menace all over the pitch. Away from him we have Mbeumo and Wissa, Mbeumo has gone into this season in the same way he played last. Hitting the woodwork a lot, and in general looking like everything he does is about half a yard or half a second too late from what is needed to score goals or create chances. He’s young and needs time to build, but he’s not reliable in that we need goals from him. Its been hard for Wissa, his season has been interrupted by injuries and he’s not really had a fair go at playing up front. He started out promising, especially with that goal against Liverpool. Hopefully he can find his feet consistently and we can get some goals out of him, but we are desperate for someone other than Ivan Toney to step up consistently. Otherwise we are reliant on the odd goal from a range of players to make up the difference and it’s just not sustainable. We let Marcus Forss go on loan on January and fair play he needs it, he’s not getting in the team ahead of our current 3 plus Ghoddos and Canos. But I can’t help but think our inability to sign someone who can score goals from a central or wide position is one of the main reasons why we are where we are. Maybe it’s difficult to do that when you’re a small club like us, hopefully signing Christian Eriksen changes the perception players have of our club and in the Summer we can bring in a higher caliber of player. But we need goals, hopefully a mixture of Dasilva returning, Eriksen fitting in and Wissa playing regularly will supply that.
  8. Maybe, but I don't think the signing is urgent and again you pay a January premium anyway, let alone the premium of competing with Newcastle's wage and bonus scheme. I don't think signing a CM for them right now would make a massive difference unless they were to bring in someone who would make the type of difference Fernandes made at United and that's a difficult transfer to make. I think they were right to try for a striker but obviously can't compete with Juve, again don't think they should bring anyone else in that's not at that level just to appease fans and still not get top 4.
  9. Is a DM what they really need in January? Plus Newcastle means ££££
  10. Who do you bring in that realistically improves it straight away? Seen shouts for Calvert-Lewin but he’s too one dimensional
  11. On the topic of Arthur he’s been jumped between two clubs who are in turmoil trying to balance the books. I don’t think his current form is a good representation of his ability
  12. I don’t know who this Juve midfielder is but what is clear is that Arsenal need a starting centre mid with Partey and will need to replace Xhaka in the Summer, maybe Elneny too. Getting a squad CM in a window early isn’t bad business at all. I’m fact the last two transfer windows have been very successful for Edu and Arteta, don’t know how you can skate what they’ve done here.
  13. There is a difference in intent between him fully saying fuck Brentford and him jokingly saying it for her. Neither is a good look and is dumb on his part, but the latter he quite obviously doesn’t believe. Say for example he says “fuck Brentford, na I’m joking I’m joking, I love Brentford”. A dumb thing to say given how it will trend, but clearly a joke and something he doesn’t feel. But all we see is fuck Brentford and that’s that. Context is everything and the person who has released the video has clearly done their best to hide the context behind the video.
  14. I’m not sure you get many people taking their own lives because they struggled with carpentry. No one really dreams of becoming a tradey and it’s definitely not as competitive once you have your apprenticeship, certainly attainable for anyone who really sets their sights on it. If you have a genuine goal in life to be a footballer and it’s all you’ve ever known and you are used and discarded by the club you give everything to day and night and it then becomes completely unattainable then there’s definitely going to be a big drop in mental health for a lot of people going through it. I think the issue is with clubs in general and how kids are used by academies and a lot of the work should come before the need for aftercare. The word aftercare suggests there’s been some sort of care there already and I don’t think that’s the case. The mental health deterioration begins long before the aftercare does, and the it implodes as the aftercare kicks in. It’s one of the reasons Sunday League is so important and why clubs like SE Dons and Baiteze are because they live and breathe passion for Sunday league. Ex-academy kids/pros can drop down and play for fun but also in an environment that tries to get the best out of them.
  15. I mean he’s getting hammered online by a lot of Bees fans so not sure how quickly it will blow over, especially as his goal scoring has dried up a bit this season compared to last. I do think it’s blown out of proportion though and there’s a reason why the video is cut off immediately after he said it, as he’s most likely joking around. Think most people can recognise he’s said something stupid but in terms of intention he’s been stitched up by the girl recording (and himself for putting himself in that position in the first place). What I will say though is we aren’t a fanbase with unrealistic expectations of our club or team and generally haven’t been for a good while. There is a sense of logic that within our fanbase that can often be missing in others and that comes from watching closely how we’ve done business since MB took over the club and watching how bigger clubs have held ignorant views against that business until they’ve realised its led us to be better than them. That doesn’t have a lot to do with Toney, but my overall point is our fanbase are used to be realistic about our position as a club and not getting overly carried away. Other fanbase a are more likely to get carried away than ours and in this situation it’s clear there’s no malice from Toney, just a stupid mistake that he will have to repay on the pitch with goals and most people will understand that I think.
  16. Remember the stick Sarri got for easing him into the team
  17. I think Lampard’s could be a decent manager for Everton. Don’t think he’ll necessarily break doors down, but I think over the course of this season and next he could have them playing decent football that’s on the positive side of midtable which let’s be fair is something for Everton atm. Plus he’s pretty big on youth so it could mean he puts together a squad with a solid youth aspect to it.
  18. Think this is my favourite sentence ever.
  19. @Dr. Gonzo @RondónEFC I wouldn’t say I think we’re out of the woods yet, there’s probably still a lot of waves being made from what was a very big splash. But logically that makes sense to me and I’m not sure what else is left out there to unite people in that way. You could say covid but anti-vaxxers are a small minority, which is part of why the Tories power is falling off a cliff because they are disappointing most of their fanbase.
  20. There’s a thought process that prior to Trump and Brexit that we essentially lived in a progressive neoliberal society. It would seem at odds with each other as neoliberal is £££ and progressive is not really capitalist. But essentially we’ve lived within a wildly capitalist society whilst also socially leaning towards progressive tendencies such as LGBTQ+ rights, trans rights, BLM. What has happened is that the neoliberal side has left behind a solid chunk of white working class voters by outsourcing manufacturing jobs, relying on migration to pay staff cheaper wages and then the progressive side is that the white working classes are more likely to grow up around outright racism, homophobia etc and so are shunned by politicians and society in general. They felt completely unrepresented and so became this silent majority that we’re completely ignored politically. Then comes Donald Trump in the states, Nigel Farage over here and they force through two of the biggest election mandates in either countries political history. Well specifically more so in Britain, but Trump in himself is one of the most important Presidents of all time. What both Farage and Trump lack though is foresight, they were simply there to take advantage of unrest. Eventually in the States you had the insurrection and inability to accept democracy, and over here you have Brexit. There is nothing more really for people like that to gain in the UK, Brexit has happened, overt nationalism is here, and now pleasing those voters has become ten times as hard because you actually have to deliver specific, individual successes, not just a generic “Brexit means Brexit”. I think we’re on the slide from people like Johnson and Farage. Farage’s career has been reduced to nothing other than a soundbite for anti-immigration rhetoric, but no actual giant mandate that can unite voters. Johnson is failing miserably and really the ball is now in Labour’s court to do what they wish because Dominic Cumming’s has absolutely demolished not just Johnson, but the party as a whole.
  21. Thomas Frank and Brian Reimer sign contracts until 2025, possibly the best business the club could do this window. Two phenomenal coaches who have taken us so far and look to be able to take us further. Lets hope we can top this off with a couple signings and returns from injury. On a side note the responses to this being announced on social media are hilarious, from he’s too weak mentally to keep us up to him needing to write a formal apology to Jadon Sancho. Twitter breeds some strange discourse.
  22. Unless this turns into an election I don’t really see how much we’ll actually benefit from him leaving. Don’t get me wrong he’s a massive cunt but a cunt replaced by another cunt is still a cunt
  23. Chelsea's problem is that they spend ridiculous amounts within 1-2 years of 2 separate managers being in charge and because of this no one can be given time. The only alternative to a manager like that is a manager like Conte who will win straight away and then fall off leaving them in a rehiring position again. It helps that Liverpool and City have two of the best managers in the world but longevity cannot be underrated.
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