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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny

    Off Topic

    The child removal is an interesting point, when I done a research project for college I done it on the stolen generation and there were quite a few articles pointing to numbers suggesting that numbers are as high now or higher in terms of indigenous children being removed from their families.
  2. Danny

    Off Topic

    Yeah I definitely noticed that when I lived there, especially the discrimination regarding drug and alcohol usage too. Remember chatting to two lads from Perth when I was in NZ and within about a minute they mentioned the “problem with aboriginals” when talking about Perth. Felt like such a weird thing to randomly bring up. Obviously there’s a difference in how Australia was colonised compared to how New Zealand was and the levels of violence used but it feels crazy to think that it feels like there’s a good chance that within my life time New Zealand will just be called Aotearoa and the NZ Maori language will be much more embedded into their culture than it is already and what it is at already is light years beyond what you see in Oz.
  3. Danny

    Off Topic

    Yeah completely understand the rejection of Australian identity from indigenous peoples, was more talking from the perspective of how their existence is generally forgotten about from the outside.
  4. Danny

    Off Topic

    Convict feels like something a Cricket fan would say, bald headed, sunburnt and wearing a horrific pair of shorts. The whitewashing of Australia is quite surreal even in this day of age, thousands of years of culture in Australia and people's minds swing straight to convict. Even away from the whitewashing, the convicts were essentially used for slave labour and whilst some would have been serious criminals, I'd bet a lot were arrested on petty stuff to provide supply for the labour demand the expansion of Australia required. On a side note I went to an old prison settlement on Sydney Harbour and the conditions they lived in were genuinely horrific
  5. So once again anyone who works in events, entertainment, hospitality etc are going to get fucked over by the Govt's inability to avoid people pleasing
  6. Christian Norgaard with the most tackles of any player this season. The man is rock solid
  7. We are apparently trying to sign Vanderson from Gremio who is a 20 year old Brazilian right back. No idea if he’s good or not but a position we need to strengthen and apparently someone Arsenal were interested in pre-Tomiyasu
  8. Oh right ok, weird one tbh. Our players do a lap of honour win, lose or draw.
  9. Danny

    Off Topic

    There’s slightly more to it I believe
  10. Danny

    Off Topic

    I can’t remember who said it but someone on TikTok made a video about how you can literally turn your oven into an air fryer
  11. They had one less than Arsenal, the perennial once or twice a decade title winners until they moved into the new stadium. Completely agree with this and disagree with @The Palace Fan, Everton aren't like Derby, Forest or Leeds. They are much bigger and have every right to wonder why the likes of Arsenal and United took off past them and they turned into a midtable club. I think if you're born in the 90s it's easy to view Everton as a medium sized club in that of Leeds or Newcastle, but they are essentially the 3rd biggest club in the country just ahead of Spurs not including the oil rich clubs. They should be better and the fans have every right to complain at any of the leadership that is keeping them as a middling club in this division.
  12. Yeah series 4 I think for me was almost the undoing of Dexter. It was so good but also they went so far in the direction that he wouldn’t be getting caught that there was no turning back and that also the other available storylines just weren’t up to scratch with that series. The ending to that series was so good thinking about it still makes me feel shit haha
  13. Thomas Frank talking about the Arsenal game on the Coaches Voice
  14. I went off the older series before this reboot, was amazing to watch to a point and then the storyline just became sterile.
  15. I used up my quota of pleasantries on @DeadLinesman, but in fairness whilst they are digs they are also completely correct
  16. You’d think after having titles thrown at you from Roman’s wallet with very little feeling of having worked for them in the same way clubs like United (90s), Arsenal, Leicester and Liverpool would have that you’d actually be happy seeing your youth players get a chance to work at the club and create an identity you can latch onto beyond just being Roman’s plaything.
  17. No and someone like myself will carry on having booster jabs in the same way I have a flu jab I would imagine…but reducing the levels of covid-19 down to how we experience the flu now is the main goal
  18. The problem we have and anti-vaxxers will use this dishonestly when it occurs is that there isn't a global effort to get rid of the virus, you hear news that there is a new strain in Africa and we will hear news like this for a long time until countries that have been exploited for years who do not now have the money nor resources to fight the virus effectively are supported wholeheartedly by countries who can. There is a fairly good chance (and I believe there is evidence it has already happened in America) that the vaccine will loose it's efficacy against newer, more potent strains and we will most likely return back to a similar situation of needing a lockdown or a new vaccine drive.
  19. Good move, renewal is well deserved. I was hesitant pre-Euros that the team hadn’t done enough to be considered contenders for a tournament but he proved that wrong. Like any coach he’s made mistakes but he seems to know what is needed at this level, gets the best out of the players and is respected by them. Hopefully we can be a bit more attacking moving forward whilst still keeping our defensive solidity in the big games.
  20. True Blue got a bit of a promotion last I heard as a Technical Advisor and Head of Global Football Operations of the Indian Super League club Odisha FC.
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