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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Omicron was reportedly first in Netherlands from there to South Africa.
  2. People protesting Govt and Frech troops in Niger. Live shots fired and tear bombs dropped from jets. Niger has uranium, lots of it. There must be justice done to Africa before this planet goes extinct, it won't be fare.
  3. I also like to believe govts have different checks and balances but with the kind of world leaders mostly around, Nah
  4. There was a ship RMS Empress, ocean liner much bigger than Titanic but sank in 14 minutes, a coal frigate collided with it after a thick fog came out of nowhere. The ship's captain had earlier helped captured Dr.Crippins a doctor who killed his wife a famous opera singer and was on the run to US with his girlfriend. He recognised them through the newspaper ad and used wireless communication to contact with Scotland Yard, first case of wireless tech used in criminal cases. Legend has it Crippins when realised he had trapped him said 'Thank God the suspense is over ' and cursed the captain for his treachery, spitting three times.
  5. That's what I typed after it suggested me my original spelling were...
  6. During the 1600s the King of France sent 800 women (most handicapped) to French parts of Canada to increase the population of French colonies, on government expenses including their dowry. Known as the King's daughters or wards their famous descendants include Madonna, Hillary Clinton and Angelina Joule
  7. Azeem

    Off Topic

    I'm actually very bad at tying knots, if that counts as a practical skill
  8. I don't think there will be any variant that'll be insanely dangerous but I fear states will use it as a pretext to cease all communication and travel with other blocks of countries they don't get along with, this can be dangerous.
  9. The virus may not be comfortable with all the labels we are giving.
  10. 10 Things that could go wrong in the first 20 years of the 21st century - Wire Magazine 1997
  11. Azeem


    There is a saying here that once Aloo proposed to Bhindi (ladies fingers). Bhindi rejected Aloo saying he was fat and unevenly shaped while she was slim and smart. Aloo was ignited bcz of this heartbreak and upped his game now that Aloo is cooked with all vegetables but Bhindi mostly cooked separately.
  12. This is a very good take on how global challenges can be handled correctly from the point of the ozone depletion problem when it emerged in the 80s and now it's not that a serious thing. Why corona has been an opposite, failure ? Personal People knew skin cancer is really bad and they worked on the ozone problem, not with corona many people think it doesn't harm the healthy and young and probably don't know anyone from their circles that died of it so they are ignorant of the personal dangers of it Perception Ozone depletion was perceptible with reliable satellite measurements. Corona? even in this thread there are postings of opposing facts and figures. I blame governments politicizing the issue early on for this skepticism about data Practical People banned and phased out substances that harmed the ozone layer. There seems to be no consensus of what are the practical steps to end this pandemic
  13. American politics has cultist like tendencies.
  14. Azeem


    This Pakistan team is very different from all previous, it's mainly made up of players with working middle class background. In the past either rich posh boys like Imran Khan and their apprentices Wasim Waqar or street wonder kids like Amir or Akhtar mostly dominated the scene.
  15. Videos of Russia building it's military presence around Ukraine circulating. Of all the clash points of major powers this seems to me the most likely to happen though I think U.S or even NATO wouldn't do much just East Europe on it's own.
  16. Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani whose government didn't lasted a day without US support is a professor originally, his book 'Fixing Failed States' is a standard book for doctoral studies in International Relations.
  17. Azeem


    Bring back Caspian Tiger
  18. Mongols tried to invade Java, Indonesia but failed. I didn't knew that
  19. Azeem


    Chinese state media handles are so bad at doing propaganda "They are dancing.....is this oppression ? "
  20. Quite a few skyscrapers including the tallest Burj Khalifa are not connected to any central sewerage system. Trucks take out the poop from the building everyday.
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