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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. I am more of the Harp Seal family type... you get about 12 days of care tops then that's it.. fend for yourself after that mate..
  2. As a teacher I am curious about what conditions you might consider as being acceptable before returning??? I mean if the Government are now trying to encourage people to return to work a big majority of them might not be able to do so unless their children are back to school. I personally think it's too early but the Government have pushed on with their 'return to work' theme without having most of the pieces of the puzzle in place yet??
  3. https://9gag.com/gag/aYypmbw
  4. I do think there is a big element of this going on... also passing on the responsibility for getting it right to the employers as well, Let people back but keep them safe or risk being shut down seems to be the message.. They have even set up squeeler hotlines so you can dob your firm in if you feel they are not following guidelines.. As far as the public is concerned you have those that don't seem to care all that much and because they might not have got the virus seem to think it's all a big fuss over nothing and want to go out, party and otherwise not have their lives ruined by restrictions and then those that are taking a more sensible cautious approach knowing that to be safer you have to make adjustments to our lifestyle..
  5. Businesses are just not prepared or have the facilities to have this influx of workers coming back into their places of work while trying to implement the Government approved guidelines on Social distancing... it's not a workable scenario and it's been poorly thought out and a bit rushed. An example being our place, We had one of our bosses come into the canteen the other day and saw 2 people sitting together for lunch, he approached them and quizzed them on social distancing rules but turns out they live together. He was still not happy with this response and asked them to move apart even though downstairs they accept they can stand together while operating a line along with all the other staff... The other issue is space, In order to accommodate social distancing measures they have had to open up other areas of the building like the conference/meeting rooms and office areas so that the staff can keep a safe distance apart but by doing this they have now found that this creates another problem with trying to get office staff back in to the building?? They have spaced out desks so that there is a reasonable distance between so that they can bring back a certain amount of staff but it can't be achieved because it didn't take into account the amount of staff being allowed access during breaks.. All of this distancing goes right out the window though when it comes to operating our Production/Goods-in and Despatch downstairs where everyone is in close proximity to one another for about 10 hours a day... It's just not workable and safe and I don't know how they would be expected to meet those requirements without breaking some of the rules.. It's a daunting task facing a great many businesses I would have thought...
  6. Kids today will never know what it was like to wait a week for your Kodak film to be processed only to find out half of them were either out of focus or as blurry as fuck...
  7. Does anyone have the COVID-19 transmission rates among the sheep??? thought they would have been fairly high in Wales... just don't see anybody releasing those stats unless I am going to the wrong websites?? I suppose I should be typing in 'Rural walks and local leisure centres in Wales' to be getting that information..
  8. That's the one... we are currently Hot, Highly combustible, proceed with caution...
  9. Has anyone seen that Defcon style chart the are using to say what level we are at with the virus?? with 1 being the lowest ( or best ) and 5 being the highest ( or worst ) and we are at 4 and they are trying to push people back to work even though we are at least 3 weeks or more behind everyone else?? If it had been at 2 or 2.5 then maybe we are showing signs of having it under control but being at 4 means:- Description - A COVID-19 epidemic is in general circulation; transmission is high or rising exponentially Action - Current social distancing measures and restrictions
  10. When I say half decent I meant from a questioning point of view not a personality one... If he allowed people to speak rather than trying to speak over them in his self important aggressive manner all the time then he could be good at what he does.. I don't like a lot of people but if they are good at what they do you have to admire that..
  11. Boris Johnsons message to the working classes:- Good luck out there!! Boris Johnson’s televised address left a nation baffled, but there was one message the clarity of which should not be doubted. If you are a middle-class professional, then you can keep safely working from home, and whether you venture outside for leisure, exercise or sunbathing is entirely up to you. For everybody else, it’s time to get back to work, and best of luck! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/boris-johnsons-message-to-the-working-class-good-luck-out-there/ar-BB13WVM3?ocid=spartanntp
  12. Not keen on him myself, He could be half decent if he didn't like the sound of his own voice so much and spent most of his time constantly badgering and interrupting people... He reminds me of that other twat Jeremy Kyle.. He makes some good points sometimes and he does tend to go for the jugular on subjects but then ruins it with his over loud attention seeking attitude
  13. Margaret Hamilton stands next to all the code she wrote for Apollo by hand...
  14. I see they are now saying that they are going to make it mandatory for people to wear masks while travelling on any public transport and as we don't have enough PPE to go around you can do makeshift masks or use scarves to cover yourself with... I then read this bit which I found strange to say the least... "Although wearing a mask is unlikely to prevent you from getting the virus they could help prevent you from giving it to others" So if I am wearing a mask I can't give it to others and if they are wearing a mask they can't give it to me then how else would I pick it up??? through touch obviously, All them rails, and bars and seats and buttons being used and touched by hundreds of people every day.. how about asking people to wear gloves as well, might that not be a good idea??
  15. Up to episode 7 now and you are probably right to skip it, It does have some interesting sci-fi related material in it but for the most part it relies on the horror/gore/blood to do a lot of the talking.. some really strange stuff as well, kind of reminds me a little bit of some of the scenes in that film 'Event Horizon' which I doubt you have seen... sort of along those lines
  16. The current record is held by Aleix Segura Vendrell lasting 24 minutes and 3 seconds... Knowing how our Government operates I would not recommend holding on for more than 30 seconds...
  17. I am sure that all the employers watching that tonight are well ahead of the rest of us after working tirelessly with the Government behind the scenes and are fully prepared to not only allow their staff back on site with only 12 hours notice but also that they are fully prepared to keep their staff safe with all the appropriate PPE in place to safeguard them once the masses start gathering in the offices, canteens and warehouses where they work... At least @Carnivore Chris can get back to work now as long as it's local to him, you know walking distance as he will need to avoid that other vital component to getting people to and from work and that's buses and trains... Again I am fairly positive that both the rail and bus companies are well ahead of the rest of us in preparation for that tsunami of people going back... or not as the case probably is..
  18. “You can sit in the sun in your local park, you can drive to other destinations, you can even play sports but only with members of your own household,” he said. “You must obey the rules on social distancing, and to enforce those rules we will increase the fines for the small minority who break them.” How are they going to enforce that then??? The first sunny weekend we get parks and beaches will be inundated with people.. It has been bad enough with people having a relaxed attitude toward it but now it's going to be a free for all...
  19. One never really knows do they Nudge... why do you think my fees are high?? and 3 sides was clearly 3 different jobs...
  20. So the new policy works then?? Should have just gone with that at the beginning...
  21. Watched the first 4 then suddenly found myself having to shelve that because someones house needed painting.. It was interesting so will get back to it as soon as I can..
  22. The one where they are on the plane??
  23. @nudge have you ever watched 'Nightflyers'?? Thought I would ask as you are bound to have seen it before me Just flicking about on the tv last night and in the absence of anything else space/sci-fi related to watch I gave it a go.. watched 2 episodes of season 1 so far... Only got a 5.9 rating but I never take any notice of them anyway...
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