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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Oh my lord.... I bet all of the blokes in this video are either still single living at home with mum or someone's prison bitch somewhere...
  2. Bluewolf

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    A sort of anti-social distancing thing then...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Just lately I have started noticing that more people I see when I am out are saying hello or good morning... not something that normally happens round here unless I happen to know the person, these are random people I don't know... This virus does have an upside to it. Last time this happened to me was when I was living up in Notts... Anyone else getting that in their local area where it never happened before or is it just me??
  4. Good to hear... I watched Westworld this morning after making myself 2 rounds of Tuna & Mayo sandwiches... I do like to snack while viewing
  5. Well, while some people are seemingly dragging their viewing feet through treacle I have stopped off and started watching 'Manifest' until they catch up..
  6. Cabinet minister Michael Gove has been doing the rounds this morning. Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, he admitted that “all governments make mistakes, including our own.” He added: “We seek to learn and to improve every day. "It is the case, I'm sure, at some point in the future, that there will be an opportunity for us to look back, to reflect and to learn some profound lessons." If I had a pound for every time I heard the same old shit being trotted out by Government I would be a very, very rich man....
  7. Enjoying all the different characters they are meeting at various points in time and also all the things they accidently mention or that slip out in conversation that are relevant to this timeline that have not happened yet.. Good mix of characters in the team as well makes the chemistry work well
  8. On episode 14 now.... when I reach the end of season 1 I will wait for you to catch up
  9. Yea I am actually... Finding it funny some of the names they are using when they are forging stuff or get caught in a tight spot..
  10. Is that Sink finished yet @nudge???? I am on episode 11 now...
  11. Watched a low budget film called 'Time Trap' on Netflix yesterday that was quite entertaining... 7/10
  12. Well I hope your alternative viewing is worth it.... Episode 6 If I don't hear back from you after no more than 3 hours I am going to start dropping destination spoilers...
  13. If you want to waste your time with non essential sleep what can I say... Episode 5 now You know this programme reminds me a little of that old sci fi tv series Time Tunnel where they were popping up in different parts of history
  14. I had better answer that question immediately because I know what you are like... If I leave any pause for thought you will think I was not interested... Enjoyed it actually, On episode 4 now, It does throw up some interesting questions about what you might do when faced with the chance to alter the outcome of something but also knowing there could be serious repercussions in doing so... * I would like to apologise for the 6 minute gap between your post and my reply...
  15. Bluewolf

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    Mystery in the night sky over Cambridgeshire…. A falling Satellite would be my guess... People in Cambridgeshire have been left scratching their heads over a mysterious plume of smoke that appeared over the county. A large flaming object was spotted spiralling in the sky at around 8pm by Gerry Underwood, 55. He was sitting outside his canal boat in Stretham, having a little fire, when he spotted the trail. He said: ‘It looked like a very thick chemtrail to start with. It looked like a short, skinny cloud. It wasn’t moving quickly at all. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a meteorite, because they are gone in seconds. ‘We have seen hundreds of shooting stars, but this definitely wasn’t that either. This was coming down very slowly and spiralling. It started to glow orange as you can see in the pictures. ‘There were flames coming out of the back of it as well. It was really unusual.’ Gerry took several pictures of the burning entity dropping through the sky, in which a huge trail can be seen behind it as it descends into the distance. Gerry said he was watching the unidentified object fall through the sky for ‘between 10 and 20 minutes,’ as it was coming down so slowly. Eventually, the burning mass disappeared behind the trees in the distance.
  16. Yea, you say that now but give it a year and Newcastle are back in the fight for a top 3 place we will be asked to come out and clap them once a week with the rest of the Toons...
  17. So impatient... Just started watching the first episode now...
  18. Bluewolf

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    Stuff like this cheers me up... https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/15/bbc-weatherman-absolutely-smashes-opens-news-drums-12558664/
  19. Got to love the Australian attitude.... https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/15/hoarder-tried-return-132-packs-toilet-rolls-150-bottles-hand-sanitiser-12558946/
  20. Bluewolf

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    The way this bloke handles a knife you wouldn't want to get caught breaking into his restaurant... you could end up looking like a Concertina by the time the ambulance arrives... https://9gag.com/gag/az1NVZj
  21. Looking like we might remain in lockdown for another 3 weeks at least
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