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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. That would so strange to see over here... don't you have snakes as well sometimes??
  2. I am sure I will find a copy of it somewhere... As for the film, I enjoyed it personally a bit of a sci-fi romp along the lines of The Fifth Element that kind of thing but if you didn't like the Trailer then maybe you wouldn't like it.. I didn't know anything about it or read any of the novels/books so didn't have anything to taint my vision of what it should have ideally been so in that respect I was only going to be disappointed if it had been a low budget effort..
  3. @nudge Just tried to read through some of Saga but for some reason it's not showing the pages so moved on to Valerian and while reading through the intro it mentions the film and when I saw this photo I thought I know those characters... Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, I enjoyed that film.. didn't get the connection from the cover though...
  4. 2114 if you include the one out on Wednesday but yea, plenty to read there, The early issues probably won't hold much appeal to you bearing in mind they were first around in the late 70's but they do give you timelines and characters etc like the Cursed Earth Saga.. That would be an epic ask though, They do a sister Magazine called Judge Dredd The Megazine which is a monthly issue and that comes in at a more doable 404 issues so far... They occasionally do crossovers for the more lengthy episodes/storylines... The Current storyline is Block Buds, these are like giant play characters that act as friendly help around city blocks but when it goes tits up it goes seriously tits up..
  5. I started reading comics when I was a lot younger well before my teens but 2000ad stayed with me on and off, I remember buying the very first issue and at the time it was refreshing and unlike any other titles out there but I drifted in and out over the years and one day I came across a copy of Heavy Metal Magazine that was on sale so I gave it a quick read.. Loved it, The Art, the storylines the articles.. In the early days 2000ad appealed to the younger generation obviously but it grew with its fanbase and the stories became more adult and complicated as well as the art that went with it now they appeal to an older generation that grew up with it.. I have a whole load of them up in the loft somewhere and maybe I could sort through them at some point.. I would be interested in that link for Heavy Metal if possible.. I will send you a link to a place I found as well
  6. With Judge Dredd/Mega City One - Already under way here are a couple of the other 2000ad characters I would enjoy seeing converted into a series.... Bounty Hunter Johnny Alpha and his sidekick Wulf Sternhammer a Norseman who Alpha brought back with him from a time jump... His mutant ability is he has vision like an x-ray machine that can see through anything which gives him a serious edge when it comes to hunting down criminals.. such a range of characters and stories to explore it has plenty to work with... The premise of the series is that the Great Nuclear War of 2150 wiped out 70% of Britain's population and led to a huge increase of mutant births due to exposure to nuclear fallout (strontium-90). The mutants faced a high degree of racism, similar to that faced by the Jewish population of Nazi Germany. Laws were passed forbidding mutants from owning businesses and segregating them into ghettos such as a giant mutant settlement at Milton Keynes. Following the end of this storyline, in 2180, one of the few jobs left for mutants is that of bounty hunter, a job considered too dangerous for normal humans. The strongest of mutants hunt down criminals throughout the galaxy for the Search/Destroy agency, whose distinctive SD badges give them the nickname Strontium Dogs. The SD agents operate from an orbiting space station known as The Doghouse. The ABC Warriors ( Atomic Bacterial Chemical ) The A.B.C. Warriors are a team of war robots designed to withstand 'Atomic', 'Bacterial' and 'Chemical' warfare. They were built to take part in the long-running Volgan War, which Mills had described in several previous 2000 AD strips, including Invasion! and Ro-Busters. Each robot has a distinctive personality – often one programmed by its human creators – but each is more or less able to act with free will. When wars were fought using Robots instead of people this makeshift group of Robots are led by Hammerstein on various missions. Hammerstein you will have already had a glimpse of if you have seen the first Stallone version of Dredd. Don't hold out much hope for this one given the popularity of Transformers as they would seem on paper at least to be too similar...
  7. Original series or the revamped one??
  8. Looks like I am heading for a B-
  9. You have put 2 very good and informative posts up now with tons to read through and as I am back to work tomorrow I now feel like I am under pressure to cram it in before going back on shift... I feel like if I don't get it all in today I am going to end up with B- on my course work and have to explain to someone why I never paid more attention....
  10. I would be better off reading the books prior to seeing any film/tv adaption...
  11. @nudge I am just looking around to see if I can find an online version of those books and I came across this with my first search and didn't know if you were aware of it? https://gbtimes.com/amazon-to-produce-chinese-sci-fi-the-three-body-problem-for-us1bn That was last reported in March of last year so don't know if they have made any progress with it or not since then??
  12. You know when you are standing in a group around someone who is explaining something and even though you don't understand a word of it you keep your mouth shut and try to look serious the whole time and nod your head periodically to indicate that you are fully on board to give the impression you know exactly what they are talking about... That's me right there... I have never heard of the Drake equation but thanks to you I have now... It's great how you don't just assume that we are all a bunch of pitchfork wielding farmers with straw hanging out their mouths.. gotta love you for that!
  13. Well that's just a depressing thought... that would be like walking the full length of the globe to surprise a distant relative you have not seen for ages and finding they have passed away before you got there...
  14. Would be good to think that somewhere out there in the far reaches of space is another habitable planet with intelligent life just sending out signals in the vain hope of finding other life forms.. just like we are doing
  15. Type 3 The Sports Bike or 'Racer' as it's known in some quarters... These are some serious pieces of equipment built for one thing only.. Speed! comes under the heading of 'Thrill Seeker' or 'Speed Freak' amongst others.. You need a bit of money in your pocket if you fancy following this path not only for the bike itself but all the protective clothing that goes with it.. These are not for the faint hearted as some of the top models could cause serious neck injuries if not hunkering down on the tank while giving it some welly... If you don't mind seeing everything go by in a blur and love that white line then this is the bike for you, instant acceleration and reaching epic breakneck speeds and best used on long stretches of motorway to get the full enjoyment, there is of course always the Isle of man TT if you fancy testing yourself against the best out there. I would like to say that the 125cc versions are good as well but in truth I have got hairdryers in the house that have more power and make less of a whining noise, unless you are in the racing game then street 125's are pretty shit as most are restricted unless you are capable of making those all important modifications.. Speed - Low level fairly safe, Upper limit max power though then you can go so fast that in the time it takes you to breathe in and out you may have covered half a mile of road.. Fuel Consumption - Varies depending on model but it does burn through the petrol fairly quickly, maybe get 40-60 miles on one tank of fuel, more modern technology and fuel efficiency may have improved this though over the years.. Street Cred - Excellent, people will cross over the road to talk to you rather than crossing over to avoid you Thrill Factor - High to Extreme depending on use.. You will be opening it up at every opportunity and probably take the long way home after work.. Danger Level - High, Even in dry conditions these can be a handful at high speeds so expect danger at every corner and roundabout in shit weather.. I was lucky enough to have a run out on a Honda CBR600 in the early hours of a frosty morning when working nights once, a bloke who worked there gave me an opportunity to test it out. it was about 4am in the morning and we were on an estate so took it out and gave it a little bit of welly, my fucking heart was in my mouth at the acceleration.. totally unexpected and by the time I had got back with it my eyes were streaming tears with the cold wind hitting my face.. looked like I had been crying.. not for me personally as I just can't get on with the seating position of them but can't knock that power.. When we were out on our bikes one afternoon on a run from the coast we hit a stretch of motorway and started racing each other and got somewhere around 90-100mph and these 3 lads rode past in t-shirts and jeans on these power bikes and just passed us like we had slowed down to 20 miles an hour, incredible speed, fuck knows what they were hitting..
  16. Very lucky there mate by the sounds of things... Getting back on the bike after an accident like that is always hard to do.. glad everything worked out for you though.. had a few incidents myself over the years but thankfully nothing serious I do have a recent sad story that didn't turn out too well... My eldest daughter Laura has this mate and she has a couple of kids, well she split up with her boyfriend of 9 years about 3 months before Christmas after he left to be with some other woman so she took the kids to her mum's down in Portsmouth. Well this new woman he started seeing had a jealous ex and as a result got his car smashed up one night so instead of taking that he had to ride down to Portsmouth on his bike to see the kids instead, he came off the bike on his way down and hit a tree and he was killed instantly... not sure what caused it, speeding or being hit but he broke his back and all his internal injuries meant there was no chance for him.. sad turn of events
  17. I did a big write up on the differences in the two movies back on the old forum after watching the second one but that's probably lost now.. Both had positives and negatives for me.. Stallone was a terrible over acted version of Dredd who never ever said "I knew you'd say that" and kept taking his helmet off but what I liked about it was that it tried to cram a lot in to it.. The City was colourful and crazy full of the strange and weird just like the City is.. They had Rico his clone brother, The Angel Gang and even managed to fit Hammerstein the war robot from the ABC Warriors in it.. ( different storyline and time altogether ) The Lawmaster Bikes were a good replica as well.. They are big heavy duty Harley type bikes.. The second one Karl Urban played Dredd just as he should be.. a grizzled veteran of many years of street service, no fun or joy to be had just a bloke applying the full letter of the law who never takes his helmet off.. Credit also has to go for the selection of Olivia Thirlby who was an superb version of Anderson, bit of a rule breaker with a better outlook on life as a PSI Judge and often the lighter more upbeat partner to Dredd on some of his more serious cases.. Lena Heady was also a great move and loved her hard unforgiving character.. The City and the Bikes were not like the first movie but budget restrictions probably didn't allow for more so it was forgivable. What it did do quite well was show the city as it is.. crime ridden and largely a joyless concrete jungle.. I have seen Dune the movie but never saw the series... If they make a couple more then we can expect good things from that
  18. Looking forward to seeing what they do with this series when it finally airs... Rumor is knocking about that Karl Urban was interested in continuing the role of Dredd as long as they gave him some good story lines and expanded on his character a bit.. One can only hope! If they are going to cover the story 'Democracy' then that would be a quality one if they get the mood right...
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