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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    Theresa May really needs to stop with those stupid dance things she does.... It's like watching your mate think he is the dogs bollocks on the dance floor doing his John Travolta/Robot dance moves and you just watch as your chances of getting laid just evaporate right in front of your eyes.... I have seen it so you lot have to as well... Please stop....
  2. Bluewolf

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    AC/DC are having their own Limited Edition coin minted... The Royal Australian Mint has produced special edition AC/DC 50-cent and $5 coins in honour of the legendary Australian rock band's 45th anniversary. The 30,000 AC/DC 50-cent coins and 10,000 $5 coins will not be circulated but will be available online. The special edition 50-cent coin costs $15 while one $5 coin costs $130. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6230435/Australian-Mint-honours-legendary-rockers-AC-DC-special-50-cent-5-coins.html How cool is that.... A great gesture for a great band.. I want one!
  3. For a lot of people in positions of influence they only seem to care about the here and now and have little or no regard for tomorrow because they won't be around when it all goes tits up... It will all end in tears for all of us..
  4. I was talking about this very subject with my other half earlier in the week and that new ship they have built that is out at sea scooping up the France sized floating plastic island... just crazy that no-one that is capable of doing something positive (ie: businesses/governments ) because they are more concerned about greed and making a profit... We will mess it all up, the land the sea and nature in general... hundreds of years of production and pollution are fucking things up...Really is a sad situation.. On the topic of swimming in rivers, when we were in our teens in the summer time we all used to go jumping off Kingston Bridge into the river, bit dangerous but the thrill always outweighed the risk back then... And did anyone else see the article about the beluga whale that was seen along the Thames this week??? Better than a carcass any day of the week... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-45693075
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/45678196 Michael Owen still remains the clubs most expensive signing at 16MIll and that was 13 years ago.... Interesting video about the club from the fans point of view..
  6. Bluewolf

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    What like an argument that I win for a change??
  7. Bluewolf

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    Xmas round the corner more like....
  8. Bluewolf

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    The missus has just cooked me a nice steak with big chunky chips, mushrooms, fried tomato and peas... Lovely! That's the second time she has done that in a fortnight... Can't help thinking I am being fattened up for the kill...
  9. Season 3 of Daredevil is on Netflix from Oct 19th The return of Fisk...
  10. Good to see Chelsea Ladies 3-0 up in their match tonight, Been struggling for goals in the league matches..
  11. Bluewolf

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    Google???? I don't think I even had a mobile phone back then... You are right though, I normally only take anything as an absolute last resort but on this occasion I was in such agony it was either try something else or get home and pull the fucker out with a pair of pliers.. honesty mate I had tears running down my cheeks at times it was that bad..
  12. Bluewolf

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    A long while back I had the worst toothache you could imagine, I had cracked a tooth and it must have been right on the nerve as it was killing me, like you I was dosing up on Ibrupofen and Paracetamol to try and dull it down as I was working nights at the time but it was doing nothing for me and a mate told me he would give me one of his wife's tablets that she used ( she was wheelchair bound ) and had a lot of pain in her back and I was so desperate to get rid of the pain I popped one before going home in the morning, I was fine for about an hour but tried to go to bed but my body started shaking and I couldn't control it.. I got back out of bed and my heart was racing and I seriously felt like I was done for, my whole body went all strange and I could hardly stand, I was perfectly lucid in all other respects but started panicking a bit as I had never felt like that before.. Thought that was my lot The missus started panicking as well and phoned the hospital and they told her to tell me to lay down but fuck that, I felt so bad I swear if I had laid down I felt was never going to be getting back up again so I just stood by the fireplace walking back and fourth hoping it would wear off, anyway they sent an ambulance and turns out I had just overdosed by taking the wrong combo of drugs, alone they were fine but had that last pill too many and it pushed my body over the edge.. It worked wonders for my tooth though, with all the distraction of thinking death was imminent turned out to be a positive distraction.. I don't panic about much I have to say but for sure I was cacking myself that night... never again!
  13. Bluewolf

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    If you took it like I did where you stuffed the cotton wool in the end of the bottle and kept swigging it most of the night then yea that will soon put you to sleep...
  14. Bluewolf

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    Been there.... You have my sympathies, don't drink alcohol while you have it That along with a bad back and I am told earache are the worst kinds of pain, not experienced earache so not experienced that one
  15. I don't pay too much attention to critics as it's only a personal thing to them, They have no idea what my likes and dislikes are about any particular film and only put out their own personal feelings on any given review and everyone is different.. If it's a blockbuster film sometimes they give them rave reviews but I might find then average or lacking something, other films they might give low reviews for but are very interesting or entertaining.. Dredd was a fairly good example, It got panned in some quarters and in others got high marks but having been a fan of that particular character for so long now only myself and other fans know what we are looking for out of it and how close the film stays to the vision or image you might have for that character and the world in which they live... I would bet my years wages that I would be in a far better position to rate a film like that for example than anyone who has just spent 2 or even 3 years working on rotten tomatoes... It's just an opinion, and they say opinions are like arseholes... we all have one
  16. Bluewolf

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    Lovely... Amazing and great that a film from such a long time ago can still inspire future generations.... Nice to see the original alongside it All 3 of us outside a bar and do we think that the men will be flocking to the woman with the Porsche and the ladies to the man with Mustang or that bloke who looks like Mrs Doubtfire at the end of the bar wearing shades at 10:00pm at night... I will take a punt that Nudge and me won't be going home alone on that night....
  17. Bluewolf

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    His Ford Mustang in Bullitt...
  18. Bluewolf

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    Would have preferred to do it yesterday when the weather was a bit finer but had to wait until Leelah was back at school today before cleaning out my Koi pond... The water is cold, luckily I dropped it just enough for it to steer clear of my bollocks or they may have shrunk down to the size of a couple of marbles.. Just got to top it up now and that's the last job before the winter starts setting in...
  19. Only 9 episodes.. I was expecting another one at least, seemed to end abruptly.. Glad it's been renewed though, it's been good so far
  20. Shame, someone somewhere has lost a pet and will be gutted or it's been a fighting dog and been dumped but I hope it's not the latter.. We have been getting a Squirrel in the garden in the early part of the morning, It's been around twice in the past month, not seen it myself which is unusual because I am normally the one out there in the early hours but it was here this morning robbing my lilly seed pods by all accounts.. We have loads of them over by the railway where there are a ton of trees but this trek is a bit far out for one of them, First time since we have moved here that they have ever been in the garden, It's that time of year for them to be gathering up food for the winter so they are probably out getting what they can... It was on the fence and then went onto the roof of the new play shed then down along the decking at the back of the garden then over the fence and away.. My daughter was worried that the cat might get it but having seen them move I would have thought it would be well too quick for the cat I would have thought...
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