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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Anyone else finding the site a little slow and laggy or is it just me??
  2. Bet you were pissed as a fart on mead that day mate....
  3. Not sure yet mate, might watch the Bremen game tonight...
  4. Anyone that thinks they could survive in a room with a Rhino for 37 minutes must have a death wish... Here is a pretty good idea in this opener...
  5. Fuck me that's a hell of a scroll... my fingers numb now
  6. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Enjoy it they said... These are the best day's of your life.. "These are the best days!?!?!?"
  7. Interesting article... Do the sums add up after chancellor gives only half the story? | Paul Kelso (msn.com)
  8. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Wasn't this back in April??? I will be honest I didn't know that until I saw this post and googled it.. Still, wouldn't wish that heartbreak on anyone..
  9. I am indeed, just based on my own experience.. can't vouch for others
  10. Well I tell you what I learned from getting a thick ear back in the day... Respect If you gave your parents lip you got punished for it, I remember falling out with my old man once and he chased me out the house and because I was faster than him he picked up a crate of empty milk bottles on the doorstep and hurled them at me... Getting the belt was also high on the agenda if you ever brought trouble to the door... If you gave seniors any lip at school you could also expect to be on the floor nursing a big fat lip.... back in my day they were known as the school hard nuts, mouth off at them and pay the price.. If you were silly enough to give any lip to senior citizens then you were in proper trouble, most of the men were ex army and the women ex boxers and they were not afraid to dish it out or drag you home by your ear.. then you got double trouble It taught me to respect people older than me and it has served me well over the years.. All them punishments, wether it was a thick ear, the belt, the cane at school or just a plain old slap kept me grounded in life, It meant I couldn't just do what I wanted or say whatever I liked just because I felt like it and I don't believe that I have any adverse phycological damage as a result...
  11. What happened when you gave your parents lip in the old days...
  12. As good as mate.. Close enough to the royalty and just far enough away from the smell of the peasants.. And when I say peasants I mean Brentford and the like... I am sure there must be some still out there but depends on which ticket outlet you trust enough to purchase from.. Here for example England women versus USA women tickets | Wembley Stadium (livefootballtickets.com)
  13. As Stan say's you can have a private pension and if you are working and do one in the workplace they have to match whatever you are putting in to it... I have both, A private pension and a work pension.. The government pension is determined by your contribution throughout your working life, The more you have worked/paid then the greater the level of pension given to you when you retire..
  14. For faster colour change don't forget to add a side dish of algae and brine fly larvae.. Yum!
  15. You would need to up your intake of Beta-carotene for that to happen...
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