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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Why you should always respect your elders.... Old-age goals be like - 9GAG
  2. Bluewolf

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    Yea, everyone's good, It's not as bad as it sounds though as it's Perspex sheeting only when I installed it I left a 3 inch overhang going over next doors wall and on the day of finishing it started raining quite heavily so had to leave it for another day to trim off and fit the last timber strip that pins it to stop the wind getting underneath it for that very reason... Well I never went back to it because although it rattled a bit when the wind was up you hardly noticed.. Every time I heard it rattling I thought " I must get up there and sort that out" but just never happened... Shoddy workmanship on my part and serves me right.. I would have got out of bed and got up there much earlier this morning but I was still full of eating 2 hours worth Cheese Nibbles the night before...
  3. As you say, good that we have one ( whatever it may be ) Now watch him spend the next few weeks beating his chest like King Kong and hoping it will distract everyone for a while from the Covid situation we are all in...
  4. Bluewolf

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    The wind tore off a section of my roofing on the lean to last night at about 3am... made a hell of a noise and woke everyone up except me because I was already awake.. Been out there fixing it all morning and it's bloody freezing out, lucky my neighbour gave me a cup of tea and some chocolate biscuits to keep me going...
  5. Bluewolf


    I just had Chille for dinner funny enough..
  6. He is going to be a big loss for us... One of our stand out performers so far this season
  7. Yea, apologies.. that's from Red Dwarf and not Breach although it was quite hard tell the difference in my opinion...
  8. It is... and it looks like a CGI masterpiece compared to the one in Breach...
  9. Just watched 'Breach' Right... Where to start... I think I should start with 'Avoid at all costs' that would probably be a good starting point... Considering that they persuaded the likes of Bruce Willis & Thomas Jane to star in this terrible, terrible sci-fi mish mash shows you just how far down the A-List ladder they must have tumbled... This is soooo bad I think they need a new movie classification C- Now I was not expecting a lot to start with but hopeful that there might have been some reasonable effects or a bit of suspense or even a decent creature but they have failed totally on every single thing possible... They tried to rob parts from films like Alien & The Thing and it's just too awful for words... If anyone has ever watched Red Dwarf and seen the Polymorph episode you will have some idea of what I am talking about monster wise.. At least everybody knew that was supposed to be a silly laugh... I will give it 1/10 and the one is for bringing up the end credits and putting me out of my misery.. Don't say I have not warned you....
  10. Boris Johnson is facing increasing pressure from MPs in his own party angry at how the government dramatically cancelled the Christmas plans of millions of people. One senior Conservative MP even accused ministers of avoiding parliamentary scrutiny by delaying the announcement until the Commons has closed for the festive period. Others called for parliament to be recalled to debate the new measures, which could see many living under new tougher Tier 4 restrictions for months. Ministers insist they acted swiftly after they were informed of how contagious a new strain of the disease was on Friday. By Saturday afternoon the prime minister had issued stay at home orders to millions and cancelled plans to allow others to spend up to five days together in a Christmas ‘bubble’. But Sir Charles Walker, the vice chairman of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee, said he believed ministers knew before Friday that they planned to bring in the new restrictions. He also called on whoever was responsible to resign. "The government, in my view, knew on Thursday, possibly even Wednesday, that they were going to pull the plug on Christmas but they waited till Parliament had gone," he told BBC Radio 4's The World at One. "That, on top of everything else, is a resigning matter. I am not asking for the Government to collapse. I am asking for a secretary of state to take some responsibility." Sir Charles suggested ministers wanted to avoid allowing MPs to examine the new controls.
  11. This sums Johnson up in a nutshell.... PM claims Starmer wants to 'cancel Christmas' in COVID clash - YouTube
  12. Has anyone else watched that 4 part documentary 'The Ripper' on Netflix yet??
  13. Boris Johnson is holding talks with his Cabinet this lunchtime amid warnings from scientists over the new strain of COVID-19 and surging infections. The prime minister is hosting a cabinet call now and will hold a news conference at 4pm with England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty and the chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance, Downing Street has said. Mr Johnson said on Friday he hoped that England would not need to go into a third lockdown after Christmas, which a number of experts have warned is possible. However, he held an unscheduled meeting late into the night the same day to discuss whether action may need to be taken more swiftly.
  14. So they have sacked an MP they believe has leaked info.... and they quoted the Ministerial Code.. The sooner we get shot of this fat cake eating clown the better... sadly though all the damage has been done already and he won't be held accountable for any of it Andrew Lewer was fired from his role as a parliamentary private secretary at the Home Office following a "canary trap" sting, led by chief whip Mark Spencer. An image of the letter found its way onto the Guido Fawkes blog on Thursday. But Mr Lewer denied being the mole, telling Politico: “In nearly 20 years of elected office I have never leaked to the press.” The letter was sent out to MPs with minor differences to catch out unsuspecting leakers, allowing Spencer to identify the source. In the letter, Spencer had warned that the Prime Minister's foreword to the ministerial code "strictly prohibits" leaking, saying: "Please keep this in the forefront of your mind; the position you hold is a privilege and not a right." He added: "If you violate any aspect of the Ministerial Code you will be removed from your position with immediate effect. No “mitigating circumstances” will be acknowledged or accepted."
  15. Nature is cruel.... Makes you want to go in there drag that fucker out by its tail and make half a dozen handbags and a pair of shoes out it...
  16. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    How to correctly apply Dim Mak.... including the use of that quality facial expression as he does it... Death touch! - 9GAG
  17. Watching Johnson ducking and diving the questions put to him in PMQ's over Cummings and his massive pay rise is fucking shameful...
  18. Let's be honest this tier system just does not work and I appreciate that the Government will get a bashing no matter what they choose to do but they have brought most of this upon themselves... Poor decision making, mixed messages and a complete lack of cohesion has just shown us all that this Government are totally incapable of leading the country in a crisis.. It's been a cluster fuck from the beginning and they have lied and deceived the whole way through.. We had all that info pouring in from Europe and they dragged their heels putting things in place, I think they only introduced 14 day Quarantining at airports from the end of September for example and then you can add the dismal failure of the 'World Beating' Track and Trace system as just a couple of the many, many reasons why we are still fighting fires all over the country.. I have zero sympathy for any of them, you reap what you sow so they can all get fucked with their lies, U-turns ill thought out planning, appointments for mates in positions they are not suited for and the millions of tax payers money they have wasted since it began... It's a shame that we can't just take it on the chin this Christmas and close everything down for 7 days like we used to back in the day, all shops, all businesses and tell people to stay indoors for the duration.. The problem with announcing new rules and tiers is that people go mad a day or two before it comes in with mass gatherings and shopping, pubs etc you have no hope of getting it under control.. Did anyone see that they had to shut down the market in Nottingham because hundreds of people were out and about not wearing masks and they were in tier 3 for fucks sake.. Our Government are very much like that team that's well under the cosh for the last 10 minutes of a game and are hanging on for grim death, wasting as much time as possible until that final whistle goes... In this case the final whistle being the Vaccine... The frustration is enough to make you want to walk right up to Johnson or one of his cronies and smack them straight in the mouth...
  19. Entertaining second half... the normal derby scuffles livened things up a bit..
  20. 3-2 Been a much better half from us, couldn't get a look in in the first 45 but much improved this half...
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