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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    @nudge Have you ever been to Italy or do you speak any Italian??
  2. Bluewolf

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    Dear Amazon, I bought a toilet seat because I needed one, Necessity not desire, I don't collect them because I am not a toilet seat addict and no matter how temptingly you keep e-mailing me I won't be thinking to myself, oh fuck it, go on then just one more toilet seat, I'll treat myself...
  3. I can't work out if this is real or just really well put together but either way it's funny... Stoffle the Honey Badger https://9gag.com/gag/aEPY169
  4. Bluewolf

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    They have been gone for about 5 years now but with modern technology and some expert photoshopping skills and highly paid actors for public functions or running people over the myth survives..
  5. Bluewolf

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    Some people really need to get a grip on their emotions... This is just like the woman a while back with her dog off the lead.. I don't know what's going on or why she is there but all seems totally ott from her.. and what is this new trend of calling women 'Karens' https://9gag.com/gag/ayeDpPy
  6. Saw it last night... yet more twists and turns. I actually thought she had killed him to start with until the end... So what next I wonder?? I hope there are some more grizzly murders so she has to bring him back out again...
  7. Not yet.. looking forward to it tonight
  8. Why am I not surprised.... https://9gag.com/gag/aMxwzB1
  9. This was an interesting article on the current testing within the UK where it is being claimed that they are double counting one test per person as two separate tests... Each person has a Mouth and Nasal swab as part of the test and it is being alleged that the Government are counting this as 2 tests instead of one so that it helps reach their targets.. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/tens-thousands-coronavirus-tests-have-double-counted-officials/
  10. Cheers… I will have a read of this later when I am home from work
  11. Spot on about the scenery mate.... I mean looking at those wicker type parasols has given me an idea for the garden this year, Obviously I don't have those lovely mountains to see each morning from my back door but a couple of those shaders could bring a bit of the exotic home to me you know... scatter a bit of sand around and bobs your uncle.. Might have to get the picture enlarged or even up on the wall in the garage for inspiration and all that, Appreciate the post mate.. Nice of you to think of me..
  12. Sadly I don't speak the language... Shame, we could have sent each other secret messages
  13. Some interesting developments on the work front regarding furloughed staff This week all of our furloughed staff had a call from the NHS to go through a checklist before deciding if they were fit to return to the workplace and despite the company telling them all that they would receive at least a full shifts notice before being asked to return they are now being rushed back with only 48 hours notice or less?? Even stranger is that I have spoken to my boss who was furloughed due to being high risk ( Asthma ) he was advised by the NHS that he should remain off work for at least another 2 weeks and yet work have asked him to return as well?? I have just read the latest weekly bulletin from our CEO and all becomes a bit clearer. In it they have covered the fact that anyone travelling back into the UK must quarantine for 14 days and under no circumstances must they attend work, Given that pretty much everyone's holiday plans were flushed down the toilet we are now starting to get airports and travel out being opened back up, Given that a very large percentage of our staff are Polish/Lithuanian there is going to be a big rush to get holidays in during the remaining part of the year. Some places abroad are still putting people in quarantine for 14 days like Poland for example and if you include the return quarantine time that's potentially 28 days out of the business at any one time and that does not actually include the holiday booked. not really sure how all that's going to work for people to be honest?? I can see why the company are now trying to rush people back with all this looming.. The last 6 months of this year are going to be chaotic from a staffing point of view.. It was ok in the beginning of the year because sales dropped significantly but now they are picking up again it's going to be tough going... Not really happy that they might be putting high risk members of staff under pressure to return if it goes against medical advice though..
  14. Trying to explain how to do something on the computer to his Mum over the phone.... https://9gag.com/gag/aEPnLjG
  15. I watched a film called 'The Ballad of Buster Scruggs' last night.. 6 short tales set in the old Wild West... Unusual and in some parts slightly amusing but also very odd and dark, I liked it, but again not everyone's cup of tea I am sure, There was even some singing in it and I am no fan of that except in Westerns it would seem... The singing is in keeping with the tales that are told and not throughout the whole thing I might add.. Giving it 7/10 because it was unusual and kept me watching to see all the outcomes..
  16. I posted that a few posts up... did make me laugh
  17. I think it was best described when he was talking about being a Janitor from the lowly positions all the way up to the Penthouse...
  18. Sure is… Always the rich with the most skeletons in the closet..
  19. The ride operator pranking these two about their seatbelts... https://9gag.com/gag/a8G4Epe
  20. Every year I get into it with the missus over the Bramble Bush at the back of the pond, she is always telling me to cut it back and I.. well, resist and I have just been out there with my coffee and there must 30 or 40 bees coming and going on the flowers and it's always the best time of year for me... I got hit in the back of the head twice by Bumble Bees flying in low.. got a right mixture on there, wish I was good with the close up's and all that with the camera or I would have taken some shots to put up for you.. In other news I thought this was pretty cool...
  21. Have you been on the sauce today... maybe a little lunchtime drinky perhaps??
  22. Bluewolf

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    You must have some dirt on him then...
  23. @nudge Just watched Snowpiercer episode 3
  24. Bluewolf

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    I can't believe you have taken over the father figure status from me...
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