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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Looks like they droppee two shipping containers next to the stadium. I’m sorry they are doing that mate
  2. Spike


    He is on 1.5 for three seasons, I think and after this season the Hawks will have like 30mill free. Hockey reddit is cancer, have a different opinion and it gets down voted into oblivion.
  3. Spike


    @Viva la FCB do you ever read hf boards? Going over the Blackhawks forum right now and getting a tumour. A bunch of guys salivating at trading Hagel, which might be a good idea but I don’t buy into trading out young players during a rebuild. Sell the old guys like Carpenter and De Haan, not the young players that will actually be around for a while, what is the point of trading a 23 yo for a 1st when the player is performing? I don’t get it
  4. Spike


    Brandon Hagel; I hope he keeps getting better because he is lightning so far. I am begging he becomes a PPG player in the future. He probably won’t but a man can hope he gets to Marchand’s level
  5. oh well, I wanted to like it, it is better than 84 holistically. but I got Cutty Sark from a plastic bottle instead of Macallan 18. It's still whisky but you know
  6. Check this thread only in the last month, my comments were something like ‘one of the worst movies I have ever seen’. 21 is a different sort of bad, it falls so squarely into ‘meh’ it is so much less memorable than the trainwreck of 84
  7. It’s funny you say ‘otherworldliness’ because I got none of that in 21, but all of that in 84. 21 seemed like modern life but space magic, but very little space magic
  8. I still found it hilarious and out of place. And to the layman, it DID sounds like Arab singing regardless of the made up language or not. Like something out of Team America, I actually thought of this scene when the terrorist first appeared. Then it blasts out at 11 volume over the rest of the movie like all of Zimmer’s osts from Inception till now I haven’t see anyone say anything about this movie besides ‘trust me bro, it is good’
  9. I get changes, I get narrative differences, I get it can’t be the same, what I don’t get is changes to the characters, their motivations, and shoe horning in characters where they don’t belong. I still can’t believe how they handled some of the characters, they may as well be different people The soundtrack was also terrible, I literally laughed out loud when I heard the Arabic singing. Holy shit, how ham fisted, Fremen are Arab aesthetic inspired not literal Arab. When the metal guitar riffs started blaring when they left Caladan on the ship, I also couldn’t stop laughing, it was so jarring.’
  10. It is truly a bad movie, it is okay if you like it of course but I found it astonishingly mediocre and pale imitation of the source material.
  11. I was reading that the last shah said the two names were interchangeable. Not that he is the authority but it goes to show that the name left and came back to some degree, moreso than Inglaterra
  12. I wonder if it was more like that an envoy or whatever met with he Greeks and when they asked him where he was from he replied ‘Fars, I am of the Farsi people’ and that got translated as ‘Pars, Persia people’ and since that was their first encounter they just called the whole region ‘Persia’. But it was also 3,000 years ago so maybe you are right too
  13. @Dr. Gonzokinda funny though when you think about it. A word is exported, changed, and then imported back in. I wonder what other examples there are of words leaving a culture and coming back as a different word
  14. Okay, makes more sense. The video made it seem that the word was Greek origin, rather than a Greek interpretation of another word
  15. I just watched a video on language and exonyms and learned something interesting. Persia = Iran because Persia is just the Greek exonym for it. Like Germany = Deutschland, in English and German respectively. Technically speaking there is no difference between the terms but it makes sense for Iran to call itself Iran over Persia because the latter is a foreign word. So wouldn’t that mean that All Persians are Iranian and vice versa because it is the same word just derived from a different language? Or did a small part of Iranians adopt ‘Persian’ as a differing identity despite it being a Greek word?
  16. I have so many issue with Dune 2021, it might even be a worse adaption than Dune 1984. Lynch’s doesn’t pretend to be faithful and goes balls off the wall, Vileneuve does pretend to be faithful so every change is more jarring, 84 is a fucking stupid movie that is memorable. 21 is serious and boring that misses the point entirely. 21 might be an okay movie but a awful adaption it is
  17. The portrayal of Jessica is one of the worst ai have ever seen. It is like the took the character and did everything opposite My god Villeneuve butchered it for the fan he is
  18. Dune 2021 - everything it does right it does two things wrong. I actually burst out laughing a couple of times. 5/10 part two is going to be a shitshow
  19. Spike


    I’d hate to be from Cincinnati right now, poor bastards
  20. Spike


    Joe Mixon also smashed a girl’s face to putty
  21. Spike


    Turning this off. Not wasting my time watching three hours of adverts. It gets worse every year
  22. Spike


    Too many fucking adverts already
  23. Spike


    I like Stafford more than Burrow but the Bengals more than LA. Hmmmm
  24. The A-League needs to stop importing beyond mediocre attacking talent from overseas and play their plumbing apprentices that were to skinny or ethnic for AFl/NRL. When was the last time a half decent forward came out of the A-League? Rogic? McClaren doesn’t count because he is a cunt that tried to play for Scotland as if they aren’t as equally shit as the Socceroos.
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