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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Because going along with people just because they’re half right, but not fully right and not really considering the consequences of their actions is helping lead people down a path where they’re getting fucked over by people who want to fuck them over and are happy to mislead them into fucking them over. I actually think we have a lot in common politically. In fact, I know we do because I’ve seen us agree on a lot of issues. And I agree there’s plenty about us remaining in the EU that should/could have been reformed. N fact, for us we really were the voice for smaller EU member states much of the time with a disproportionate amount of influence. And having MEPs like Farage was out way of not really appreciating that influence. The right thing to do rather than Brexit would have been to push ourselves as a disruptive force for reform in the EU than pulling out. Especially pulling it with no plan. So going along with the “it can’t get any worse crowd” while a no deal Brexit would make things... worse for those people who really are the people in our country that don’t need to feel any sort of squeeze at all because, you are right - they’ve been left behind. But I also think the way the EU, as imperfect as it’s been, has been widely scapegoated because it’s a convenient enemy. And that scapegoating let’s them use it to pull the wool over the working classes’ eyes. And imo playing a part in pulling the wool over their eyes while letting a far-right wet dream come true is being their enemy. Even if it comes from a place of understanding their feelings and emotions and wanting to support them. I think at this stage, the plan for Brexit really should be “what causes the least amount of harm to us long term.” And it shouldn’t even be a partisan issue, tbh. And in an another debate that’s less interesting and not worth anyone’s time really, I would suggest a certain member look into the route of a freight ship coming into the UK and see the number of ports they hit in the UK.
  2. You’re right that Thatcher was anti-working class all around the UK, not just in Liverpool. But Tories still are anti-working class. She killed off industries and modern day Tories are happy to fuck off the rest of British businesses for the ultimate in austerity measures being taken. But that’s just about the only part of that was that right. And that last paragraph is a laughable understanding how trade works I think in 10-15 years after we’ve left the EU we’ll rejoin it though. But after austerity, deregulation and privatisation has let the Americans buy up our social services and industries. And we’ll just really be the US’s backdoor into the EU - and as a less powerful member of the EU because of how we’ve fucked our standing in Europe up.
  3. Wtf does Manchester United’s panic buy have to do with that though?
  4. Cool. But I think you’re probably more an enemy of the working class than me or @SirBalon
  5. Tory enablers for being against a far right wet dream?
  6. I guess I just don’t understand emotional voters. But tbh, I think most people are painfully stupid and I don’t know how they survive on a day to day basis - and at least some of most people vote. So I shouldn’t really be surprised.
  7. I didn't know where else to post this but I thought it was amusing. When I type in "Mustafi" into my iPhone, the phone wants to correct it to "Mistakes"
  8. He should know that if he lives in Merseyside - the original article from FT is behind a paywall (unfortunately) so I won't post that here but: https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/sun-boycott-on-merseyside-reduced-euroscepticism/26/08/ - Merseysiders are less Eurosceptic because we've been consuming less far right propaganda than the rest of the country since 1989.
  9. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    Cool, thanks for the tip
  10. I mean I've experienced people saying similar stupid things. And I'll tell you the same thing I've told them - that's basically like saying you want to eat a pile of shite just so people you don't like can smell your breath. Sure, they'll all smell your shitty breath - but you'll also be the one who's eaten a pile of shite and gotten sick from it. Remainers, much like people who voted for Brexit, aren't some homogenised group either. I don't think you can say that remainers stand for anything unifying other than remaining in the EU. But the idea that we leave the EU and suddenly things go back to how they were pre-Thatcher is fucking mental. The idea that Brexit does anything positive for the working class is absurd. The idea that Westminster will spread more money around to neglected areas all across the UK, rather than divert it to the City of London like it currently has, once Brexit has taken place and there's less fucking money in the UK to spread around is pure fantasy. The disaster capitalists are looking down on working class leave voters thanking their lucky stars they have people they can trick into voting against their own interests. The people who's goal is for our next recession to be as big as possible, so they can "clean up the mess" by buying everything they can get their fucking hands on (which tbh, if you've got the cash lined up a No Deal Brexit might mean the best time to buy a nice house - but the people who've been tricked into voting against their interests are most definitely NOT the people with the cash lined up). And that's not just from a housing market crash, that's from them hoping austerity will force privitisation. That's a big opportunity for the ultra wealthy. But what's that fucking do for the working class? It means what austerity always means for the working class. And if the recession is very bad and the economy needs massive stimulation, that's going to lead to another conservative wet dream of massive deregulation. Does deregulation benefit the working class? Were people left behind? Absolutely. Do they have a right to be furious that they've been neglected for decades? Absolutely. Does this mean we should remove ourselves from the ability to participate in multilateral trade deals as a EU member state? No - why would it? The ultimate end result there is that Britain makes trade deals (because trade deals will still happen, most countries will want to avoid the friction of WTO tariffs and trade is going to be necessary because hampering our ability to participate in the global economy does not mean the global economy will stop - no matter how many people with the Little Britain mindset will tell you), but they've gotten worse deals than they would have because simply put our economy leverage in trade deals is much worse alone than it would be negotiating as part of the EU block. So what does that likely do? That likely makes a shitload of things (including things people need, like bog rolls and fucking food) more expensive. And that's also not accounting for how many businesses leave the UK after Brexit and the impact that'll make on our economy at large... not just Britain's leverage in trade negotiations. And do you know who'll feel the shit end of the stick the hardest in that hypothetical period of economic uncertainty that'll last for... fuck knows how long? Is it the upper class? Fuck no, it's not the upper class. Is it the middle class? Well, they'll certainly feel a squeeze. And it'll be tough for a lot of people. But who will it hurt the most? It'll hurt the working class the most, because shit economic policies ALWAYS hurt the working class the most. People willing to make themselves sick from eating from a pile of shit just so people they don't like will have to smell their breath shouldn't be so fucking stupid.
  11. Well anyone who thinks Britain can’t get any worse than it is currently is an absolute fucking moron. Britain’s leadership left them behind, but if they think it can’t get worse they really are just closed minded idiots. If the middle class takes a battering, the working class are going to have it much worse. Saying “it can’t get any worse” is one of the stupidest things anyone can say regarding politics. It can always get worse - especially for people living in the Western world.
  12. It can absolutely get worse if the country loses a shitload of jobs and extreme austerity measures are taken.
  13. This is one of the most unbelievably stupid things I've ever read. Pretty ridiculous to claim that Italian racism isn't "real racism" when I know that racism most definitely exists outside of football in Italy - there is pretty overt racism towards African migrants and gypsies in Italy. And it's pretty prevalent throughout the whole country - while meanwhile stating that "northern Europeans" are the real racists. It also is basically them saying "don't get offended by our racism, because we're going to keep being racist. We know it upsets black players, that's why we do it." Fuck off with that shit. I think Romelu Lukaku is an overrated dickhead, but I feel for him having to go deal with that shite and then being told to just put up with that sort of racism because "that's how we are, we're not ACTUALLY racist; please disregard the fact that we're racism though. But we're not the real racists like the rest of Europe."
  14. Jo Johnson looks like an alternate history Boris Johnson where Boris didn't try crack
  15. I don’t think that’s true at all. I don’t want a centrist, but I do want someone who’ll go on the offensive when the Tories have spent 2 years In disarray. He can’t even effectively come out against the media when they routinely falsely label him an anti-Semite. He needs some media management pointers, in America there’s a freshman congresswoman that terrifies the centrists, the right, and the media and she’s played an absolute blinder with the press - Corbyn should watch her for pointers on dealing with some of the obvious bullshit said about him. I don’t think ineptitude at the leadership level is isolated with Labour. Tories and Lib Dems are similarly incompetent - well if the Lib Dems aren’t inept then they’re just disingenuous as fuck, but I can’t stand Lib Dems at all tbh so I’m biased there. But Labour’s always going to get the short end of the stick with the media - so they’ve got to have the most media savvy. I also wish people weren’t so fucking stupid. Ed Miliband being tanked because he looks weird when he eats in 1 picture says so much about our society. And it says nothing good about it.
  16. I agree with all of that. I don't think Corbyn's been a great leader for Labour, but yeah he deserves credit here. Although I do think Tories really cornered themselves. And I don't think Corbyn's dangerous, but there's no way he's as inept or as dangerous as anyone the were putting forward to be the next PM after the Theresa May debacle.
  17. Given the political chaos of the tories, I do think he’s been a poor opposition leader in that he’s really failed to capitalise on any of that Tory chaos. A few good days doesn’t make his tenure as Labour leader successful. I like him personality wise and more important policy wise, but he’s not a great party leader. Granted, it doesn’t help that the press has it out for him. The path to progress in getting his policy goals can only come from taking power. And with the Brexit chaos and chaos under both May and Johnson, a better political leader would have more obvious public support behind him. Because honestly the Tories must be counting their blessings that they’ve managed to create such a massive catastrophe and not have public support completely abandon them. The Labour leader is always going to get more scrutiny from the press for more ridiculous shit than should be imaginable (imagine if that shit about Miliband eating like a weirdo didn’t topple him, we wouldn’t be in this mess). And political leaders that are easy to attack by the press that can’t (or won’t) put out emphatic statements against those attacks usually have public opinion swayed against them. Corbyn is an easy target who isn’t that great at putting out emphatic statements against those attacks. You couple that with 2 years of really taking any sort of firm stance on the one fucking issue that the whole country can’t stop talking about, so as to not alienate existing voting groups... It all just comes across as 2 years of ineptitude when Labour could be scoring easy points. It’s honestly so frustrating seeing the state of political leadership in this country. From ineptitude, to maliciousness, to a weird mix of both... it’s hard to feel any optimism about the future of the country
  18. I think eventually VAR will be run by AI and it’ll be better than any shit ref.
  19. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    So I think I’m extra shit at soloing. And today I’ve basically just spent trying to go over shit really slowly with a metronome trying to not be as shit at guitar. It is so fucking frustrating. I’ve made progress. But not a whole lot of progress. And I’ve had the time to put in a lot of effort and it just feels so slow going. Should probably work on something else and come back to it. But oh my fucking god I just want to keep powering through and show my stupid fucking fingers that I am going to not be shit at soloing. Also playing slowly just because I’m shit at a particular part; but I can’t play normal speed at the parts I have nailed because that fucks up my ability to play the shit I struggle at.... so fucking annoying. And I know that once I figure everything out it’ll make it all worth it. But holy shit I’ve spent a day on one solo. Damn you Marty Friedman!
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-49545743 Lol "shared responsibility" - nah fuck off Gove, you Brexiteers and all the fuckers who voted leave are going to be the ones who share the responsibility for what happens to the UK after this. Everyone else is just responsible for themselves until this blows over.
  21. Btw it’s nice to see Tammy get 4 in 2 games after he was subject to racial abuse after missing that penalty in the super cup. Shows a strong attitude and obviously bodes well for his future.
  22. But he’s looked especially bad to me this season. Like an obvious weak link - in the last 2 years I think there have been other obvious weak links (Alonso, Willian). But in these few matches at the beginning of the season he’s just not looking up to par with the rest of his teammates.
  23. He’s been dogshit so far for you this season
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