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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    I was playing a plug-in that’s copying it, but yeah that same pedal.
  2. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    Hey @Mel81x, do you ever use a Sans Amp with your bass? My friend left his bass at my house on Sunday, so I asked him if I could play it & I’d heard there’s a plugin that mimics the Sans Amp pedal. And HOLY FUCK it’s got a perfect bass tone (at least for me). Before I googled “good free plugins for bass guitar” I’d never even heard of a Sans Amp. And then I played my guitar through it and it was like pushing dogshite into my ear canals - distinctly terrible tone (with my ESP at least)
  3. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    Etsy has shockingly shite customer service once you’ve actually made a purchase. Reverb has (had in a year?) actually pretty great service for both buyers and sellers. But reading up on it, it seems as though part of operating as a standalone they’ll be keeping their customer service as is. Hopefully it stays that way.
  4. I agree with that generally. I think Liverpool fans and Everton fans should absolutely know that, I think the Merseyside derby is the league's fixture with the most amount of red cards. And if you look at the list of players sent off in the derby, it's not like a list of psycopaths like Ramos, who've developed a reputation for being over the top arseholes trying to injure people. Although that friendly against Sevilla wasn't just that one isolated incident in a heated match. It was very weird, there was one side playing like it was a pre-season match and one side treating it like a derby. Aside from that incident, Wilson also took an elbow to the face and a finger to the eye. I thought maybe Sevilla were just well up for it because they were up against the Champions of Europe. But they were targeting kids, it was weird.
  5. I still think it's fucking stupid they'd use that clip tbh. You can't rail against a player for that "tackle" on Larouci, if you're going to glorify Kuyt going in studs up in a two footed lunge on Phil Neville... even if the clip they posted didn't show any contact whatsoever, you can still see that Kuyt's either going in far too recklessly or with the intent to hurt. It's hard to criticise the shitbags on Sevilla and the kid who went after Larouci's knee with intent to injure, when posting that clip and glorifying a moment where Kuyt lost his fucking head. Honestly, I'd forgot that moment ever happened. And I don't like (or respect) Phil Neville, but thank god Kuyt didn't make contact in that clip. With both studs up and going in that hard, I think Neville would have been seriously hurt. And Kuyt probably would have been sent off + gotten an additional ban for violent conduct (or whatever the fuck they call it) and he scored against Everton fairly regularly and was one of our more important players at the time. Especially as it's Dirk fucking Kuyt, that man has so many great moments in a Liverpool shirt. And that's the fucking clip they use? That's just fucking stupid, regardless of what happened in that friendly against Sevilla. And nobody, I think, would be expecting TAW (which btw, what is that. is it a podcast? a fanzine? a website? all three? I could probably google it to find out... but after seeing that tweet from them idk if I want to give them the web traffic) to be impartial. But like, FFS, have a bit more dignity and common sense (especially considering that everyone fucking hates us and would use something like this to be like SEE ALL LIVERPOOL FANS ARE IDIOTS). I doubt Dirk Kuyt thinks that moment should be a defining moment of his Liverpool career or would think too highly of that tweet. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people glorify their players doing stupid and dangerous things. Even if it's against a rival, it's still a stupid and dangerous thing to do going into a tackle like that. Not that it matters much, but I do think that foul on Larouci was worse. And it was on a fucking kid in a friendly - not a match that meant anything or anywhere near a Merseyside derby where I think we've seen seasoned pros blinded by rage and then seeing red (or coming close to it), so I think that says something particular about the offending player's character last night.
  6. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    Oh no! I hate etsy and I loved reverb!
  7. If disaster capitalists could find a way to profit off ceding economic imperialism, I'm sure they would. But with Brexit, they're hoping for austerity, privitisation, and deregulation - so the path to making shitloads of money from Brexit disaster is more immediately obvious than the path to making shitloads of money without economic imperialism. Granted, there's probably a way to make lots of money in the west while working towards reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. But that's not going to happen when there's so many climate change deniers out there in the West, especially in the US. And given that the UK is doing all it can to make sure it's the US's poodle for the rest of our lives... we shouldn't expect our foreign policy to be too different from the US's ever anymore.
  8. There's this magical black liquid that comes from the ground and the Middle East has a lot of it. After World War Two, imperialism became "unfashionable" so instead of out-in-the-open imperialism we've got economic imperialism going on. Which is basically just imperialism, but more dishonest and with more extra steps. Colonies aren't a thing anymore, so "regional allies" that do regular business with the West are basically the same thing, but it also means Western powers can be had by the balls by people like the Saudis. There's money to be made in selling weapons to the Saudis and they have the largest crude oil reserves in the world. So they're an important regional ally... even though ISIS and Al Qaeda exist because of their funding of Salafist ideologies (like Wahhabism). Because they're an important regional ally, their national interests become western foreign policy interests. Saudi Arabia and Iran have long standing issues, some of which go back centuries because of the Shia v Sunnis shite, some of which are much more modern points of tension. Specifically, the fact that Iran went from being a UK/US puppet government that was incredibly friendly with the West (even though it was a dictatorship at times) to being very hostile with the West... while Iran has the second largest crude oil reserves in the world, means that the Iranian revolution and rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran was very profitable for the Saudis. Their biggest competitor was essentially no longer competing for Western markets.\ So Saudi Arabia has routinely pushed for the West to go to war with Iran. And for Iran to be balkanized by the various ethnic groups in Iran, meaning those second largest crude oil reserves would no longer be part of one nation. But instead it'd be broken up (and Arabs would have a state in the aftermath of Iran being broken up, which would probably allow for more Saudi puppets in the region and another piece of the oil pie for the Saudis to have more control over the oil. So that's the long term benefit for Saudi interests, which ties into Western foreign policy interests. As several new countries emerging from the smoldering rubbles of Iran also means new opportunities for new puppet governments (although Iraq and Afghanistan indicate that might not go over so great), which Western governments probably view as more appealing than having one powerful nation in the region that is wholly unfriendly to them. And in the short term, Saudis would be happy with a war in the Middle East... especially Iran. Plenty of reasons for that: 1.) petrol prices will go up as a result of war - thus a big short term profit for them; 2.) war in Iran essentially guarantees they are victorious in their proxy war with Iran in Yemen - Iran will be busy defending itself from foreign invaders to fight a proxy war with it's old enemy - further solidifying Saudi dominance of the region; 3.) it'll kill a lot of Persians and Shia Muslims - ethnic divides in the Middle East are fucking massive and there's a lot of genuine hate against people for not being the same ethnicity. Let alone for not practicing the same form of Islam. And there's too much money and power to ever expect economic imperialism to ever go away. If the West backs off, China will be happy to impose it's idea of global hegemony. If China decides it doesn't want to (which let's be real, they wouldn't make that decision - they'd seize the opportunity with both hands) then Russia or someone else would. For as long as that magical black liquid that comes from the ground is as important to us as it currently is, we'll always be palling around the US and sniffing around the Middle East trying to influence it in one way or another.
  9. Lol fuck this US administration. Lighting fuses in the tinderbox that is the Middle East, creating tensions that have directly impacted one of your allies, and then tell your allies they're on their own. Although part of me suspects that Pompeo (not Trump, because I don't think Trump knows anything) will know that the UK government's current policy of "be as inept as possible" will likely lead us to the brink of war with Iran. Iran are desperate and are trying to force Europe to the negotiating table, their economy is already failing and these sanctions are putting a real squeeze on people. But going after the UK and acting belligerently is not the best strategy for Iran to bring the EU to the negotiating table.
  10. Ramos is from Sevilla as well. Coincidence? Probably but again, what’s in the water in Spain? Why is it that we haven’t played a Spanish team that isn’t a pack of cunts since the time we played Ronaldinho era Barca?
  11. Iran killed 17 people it said were CIA spies. They probably weren’t though, just unlucky Iranian-Americans, in the 80s the Iranian people who took my parents wedding pictures were arrested and executed when they went back to Iran and were accused of being British spies. Their crime was being British Iranians with cameras
  12. I wouldn’t be able to tell you because I’ve never listened to them. A bit weird they’d use that clip of Kuyt going after that manc twat who was your captain, considering Kuyt was actually a good player for us so there’s actually clips of him doing stuff they could use though. Some people love that over the top shite in the derby though. Not me though, I hate it and I can distinctly remember the particular times where I think it’s fucked us. I do think that elbowing kids in the face and taking out another kid by the knee like that in a friendly, when these guys are seasoned pros was ridiculous. Also what’s in the water in Spain?
  13. Look at this challenge on this kid https://streamja.com/g4rZ - what a cunt
  14. That’s a bit shit, but it’ll still be a great game by the time you’ve got your new computer, so no real loss
  15. The only warning I have is be prepared for a couple of “what the fuck am I doing?” moments of frustration early on, because it doesn’t really hold the player’s hand at all - once you’ve got access to the ship the game basically says “off you go, have fun” and leaves you to figure it all out. And I think as long as you’re prepared for that, as it’s a game of trial and error, it shouldn’t be too frustrating. I also think my vague and (relatively) spoiler free tips will prove to be pretty handy and have you avoid dying early on in some of the stupid ways I killed myself. Those are about as much details about the game as I want to give, to be honest. Because so much of the game is really just about solving mysteries, I think it’d be a shame to ruin any details for you or anyone else on here. Avoid looking shit up or anything, because it’s just so enjoyable getting past the parts you were stuck But I think you’ll love the game. It’s part space exploration (and the planets and moons are all great, although some are merciless - but the planets are so well designed and fun to explore), part detective game, part Groundhog Day. Without a doubt the best game I’ve played in 2019. And if anyone cares, Gears of War 5’s tech test is pretty decent, although the servers have been wonky as fuck. But I haven’t cared too much because this game is too good
  16. @nudge - I don’t want to give away any spoilers because I think part of the magic of the game is going in blind and figuring stuff out on your own. But I made some decent progress yesterday and after hours of playing and making that serious progress... I noticed a poster in the ship. Right behind your space suit is a poster you’ll see once you put the suit on and it explains the different things you can use one of your tools for. AND HOLY SHIT, it’s incredibly useful information that has managed to change my approach slightly and keep me alive better (I’m still dying constantly in hilarious ways, mind you). Your two other tools are a bit more obvious, especially the translator. Great game though, I now understand the rave reviews and fully agree with them.
  17. Weren’t most of his goals last season penalties? Obviously penalties are still goals, but it’s not like he’s been prolific from open play and he goes missing too often to be considered a top midfielder, at least in England. He’s got to prove himself and be the sides talisman, and have more matches where he doesn’t just go completely invisible.
  18. What the fuck? This is an adult woman that’s surprised black people bleed like us? The fuck is wrong with some people?
  19. Putin’s favourite Senator! He probably doesn’t speak for the US’s position tbh, so that’s a bit weird.
  20. One tip I have for early on in the game is talking to everyone and reading everything on the home planet. I didn’t do that and missed out on basic tutorial stuff that left me very confused in my first two lives. I’ve still basically done nothing so far in the game. Ive gone to planets and found stuff buT I still have to actually figure out what I’m doing. I’m having fun though, so I think it’s a good game and it’ll probably be better once I make some progress
  21. Never played a game like it before. It’s fun, pretty relaxing tbh because I really have no idea what I’m doing so I’ve just been exploring the solar system in the game. I’ve played for about an hour and I’ve had 4 hilarious deaths due to my really shit piloting - the best one so far was me taking pictures of planets and drifting into the sun.
  22. I probably won't check it out until tomorrow (or very late tonight after I get back from a concert and I'll probably be very tired... and very drunk). But I'll keep you posted. Although this weekend, I may be preoccupied with trying to make peoples heads explode into a red goo while trying out the new Gears of War 5 tech test... But I'll check it out soon and keep you posted, definitely.
  23. Everyone I know who's played it (granted, it's a sample size of 4 lol) has said it's a really great game
  24. All of my friends have been raving about a game called "Outer Wilds" so I started the install of it before I left home today. Going to check it out tonight.
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