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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I'm pretty sure I was just 17
  2. It's a strategy game... and it's Paradox games so it's a "grand strategy" game - but you should check out Stellaris, might be something you enjoy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellaris_(video_game)
  3. A game where you hunt down Pep Guardiola and other bald cunts (referees/PMGOL workers) from English football. Capture them and train them to fight each other, like Pokemon. Bald Cunt Fighting Club is what we can call it.
  4. Nunez, Diaz and Gakpo… don’t give a shit if we keep them or sell them. But if we keep them, they should be squad players coming off the bench. Doesn’t really matter though because next year it’s basically nailed on we’ll struggle big time. Whether or not we’ve got those 3 expensive attackers Ward signed when we needed midfielders. Truly a wonderful director of football lol. It’s part of why I’m so gutted how this seasons ended. It was a good run to unexpectedly be in a title race… but I do think that it’s a bit of “now or never” in that I think we’re going to struggle for a bit in the coming years. But shit, no wonder Klopp’s running out of energy watching finishing like that.
  5. We would not score 5 on another day… have you seen the state of our attack? We need about 40 chances to get a goal.
  6. Bottled our season in a week. I guess I should just be happy we were better than I thought we’d be this season, but I’m gutted. It’s the hope that kills you. Ah well, a lot less pressure for the rest of the season. I think maybe Danns and some of our other kids should be getting on the pitch with the form our attackers are in. But I guess we’d want to keep the value of some of these duds as high as possible before the summer window.
  7. @Rick are all of the signings of the Julian Ward era flops?
  8. Pretty sure this season is just part of a grand conspiracy to get me to hate football.
  9. A landmark 1997 study by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University found that animal abusers are in fact five times as likely to also harm other humans. But Mr. Foreskin here says it’s alright for people to kick cats, Zouma did nothing wrong. Dunno why I’m surprised you took “people who hurt animals should be treated seriously because they can turn out to hurt people” into such a ridiculous thing but… lol yeah I’m not surprised. I dunno how you simply can’t accept that Hamas are also oppressors of the Palestinian people. When was the last time they allowed an election? What do they do to people who disagree with them in Gaza? Who does Hamas take orders from? Hamas aren’t absolved of all agency just because Israel oppresses Palestinians too. Their human rights abuses towards both Israelis and Palestinians aren’t suddenly wiped clean because Israel retaliated. If it’s like a slave revolt, it’s a slave revolt where the slaves allowed to live in the master’s house kicked things off, only for the slaves who toil in the fields to feel the brunt of the response. Now if you want to blame Israel for Hamas’s stranglehold on Gaza… sure I am with you 100% on that. Netanyahu pulling an America and funding a terrorist group to torpedo any idea of a two state solution has really backfired for Israel. He ultimately created a proxy for Qatar and Iran to exploit. But atrocities should be blamed on the people who commit them. Kids in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank… or anywhere in the world… don’t deserve to get slaughtered for any reason. Israel bombing refugee camps, mowing people down when they’re receiving food after weeks of being starved (by the IDF)…Hamas kidnapping and raping civilians… they’re all atrocities. Rather than try to justify or minimise any human rights violation, just condemn it. Don’t pretend Hamas have done Palestine any favours by bringing more death to Gaza’s doorstep. Don’t pretend that this war expanding to include other countries leads to anything but more suffering spreading. Look at those Filipinos Iran captured yesterday… what is the justification for taking them off that ship and not letting them go? Because they work for a guy who was born in Israel? Is that also justifiable - these guys just wanted to make money to send back to their families. Now they find themselves prisoners in a war that they aren’t really a part of. I think it shouldn’t be so difficult to condemn things that are easy to condemn And you know how Israel fights. You know I know how Israel fights. I’m pretty sure we both suggested on Oct 7th that the way Israel would respond would mean Gaza as it was known to the Gazans living there would be destroyed to the point of nearly being unrecognisable. We were both right on that count. So surely you can see how this war hasn’t really done much to ease the suffering and oppression of Palestinians. And the way Israel fights, I’m not sure spreading war does anything more than spreading death and suffering. And when all of this is over, I hope Israel pays to rebuild the Gaza they’ve destroyed and don’t see this as an opportunity to turn Gaza into West Bank 2.0. I think Israel’s absolutely going to use this war as their opportunity to occupy Gaza though when all the dust settles though.
  10. Thanks. I’m optimistic as well but you never know with escalations in a conflict different to anything we’ve seen in the conflict before. I hope it doesn’t spill over into a full blown regional war.
  11. Meanwhile, I now have to worry about if Israel’s response to this drone attack means my nan might have bombs drop on her. Thanks a lot Khamenei - you’ve got first hand evidence from your proxies on how Israel fights wars and you want to bring that to Iran’s doorstep? Absolute shithead, as if starving the country to funnel all that oil money on this stupid war was bad enough. Now he wants to risk a war with the US and Israel. Guess he’s really betting on a war being a distraction from people taking to the streets demanding basic human rights again.
  12. Honestly mate why don’t you stick to what you’re best at and defend animal abuse instead of worry about things you don’t understand
  13. He doesn’t view any Israeli as a civilian. Even babies are fair game in his eyes.
  14. Depends how you define fire first. Iran and Israel have been in a Cold War for decades now. Hamas is a proxy of Iran & Qatar, but Hezbollah is a distinctly Iranian proxy that the IRGC basically has total control over. Like with Israel v Hamas, there’s no real “good guys” in a war with Iran & Israel. Just a lot of unwilling participants for a war that really only suits the 2 terrible leaders of the two countries.
  15. The IRGC are oppressors of the Iranian, einstein. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why an Iranian might like seeing less of them in the world. Also doesn’t take a genius to see why Iranians wouldn’t want to go to war for the people who took to the streets and celebrated when Saddam Hussein invaded them and used chemical weapons on Iranians. But genius you are not, so I can understand why you struggle to comprehend.
  16. I like how I’m now suddenly super pro-Israel in this headcase’s eyes because I don’t think Iranians should die for his cause lol
  17. Unlike you I’ve not taken a side between two bad actors. Unlike you, I’ve condemned both Israel and Palestinian leadership. Because you can only see the conflict in black and white you’ve just given a simplistic narrative to any viewpoint that doesn’t fit in with the bullshit worldview you’ve bought into. You on the other hand cannot bring yourself to criticise terror groups that call for globally wiping out all Jews. If that’s what you stand by, don’t get indignant when it’s called out. You can justify rape and kidnapping as legitimate resistance. There is no room for nuance with you. There is no critical thinking going on in the head behind those eyes. From the comfort of your home in the capital of the country that is most responsible for the state of the Middle East, you call for more bloodshed to whet your appetite. It’s absolutely vile.
  18. https://apnews.com/article/33fcffde2d867380e98c89403776a8ac well looks like our resident warmonger will be pleased
  19. It’s something that can be corrected but generational change isn’t something that even “strong leaders” can easily implement. For Israel it means at the very least getting back to a political sentiment the country really hasn’t had since the 90s - I think that’s pretty tough given the political climate since then. For Palestine that means having leadership that’s really unlike any leadership they’ve had since… maybe the Ottoman Empire(?) or maybe ever. Neither of those are all that realistic - especially when you consider what @Rucksackfranzosesaid. Most leaders that try to demonstrate strength are the exact type of leaders that think compromise is weakness. For this conflict to be settled, you need both sides to have leadership with a strong appetite for compromising towards reaching a lasting peace. There’s quite a lot of people in both communities that don’t view the other side as fully human. These aren’t easy things to try to work through. And hoping for generational change anytime soon with the current tactics used I think is mental. We’re already seeing the foundation for the conflict’s next generation of extremists.
  20. You get the first half of the year & I get 3 vetos, then we switch seats for the second half of the year.
  21. This literally got started over you getting upset about being called out for the most likely reason for why you want more instability in the least stable part of the world…
  22. I think it’s actually an incredibly hard problem to solve because you’ve got to get large groups of ethnonationalistic people who’ve developed ethnic and religious hatred against each other to see past ethnonationalism and have a desire to live normal lives in peace. Think about it - if there was any easy fix, the fucking conflict wouldn’t send the region into crisis every fucking time something flares up.
  23. You’re the one who’s rattled and emotional That came from your unrepentant support from Hamas and the Houthis (or as you once called them “Yemen” because you have less than a basic understanding of the Middle East). When a group has got calling for the extermination of all Jews in your charter and then there’s you refusing to say a bad thing about them… it’s a reasonable assumption as you bray for blood and pray for someone to kill Israelis for you. Next you bring up my hatred of Iran. Making me a self-hating Iranian, I suppose. But what makes me a self-hating Iranian? Oh it’s because I don’t support a dictatorship that gives less of a fuck about its own citizens. My desire for human rights for my people… means I hate my people. Ok then. And forgive me for not wanting family in Iran for getting bombed in a greater regional war, or for Iran to go the way of Iraq and Syria, over your desire to see more life lost in this conflict. You say I’m wildly extreme in this thread because I’ve called for leadership of both sides to actually look for a long lasting peace. Meanwhile you froth at the mouth at the prospect of growing this war into something bigger because of your bloodlust for Israelis. I don’t have to attempt to make you look like an extremist. You are an extremist.
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