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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. This is fucking disgusting https://abcnews.go.com/US/11-children-rescued-filthy-compound-looked-world-country/story?id=57040114
  2. Valient Hearts was a surprisingly fun game.
  3. Tbf it's definitely more preferable to sign someone with a pulse than without.
  4. I think Bogdan is out on loan to some Scottish side. I think it'd be Grabara or Kelleher - Klopp's supposedly been impressed with them.
  5. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Have you ever had to stop someone from saying something to you because you didn't want to know?
  6. The Telegraph suggests we're looking to sell BOTH Karius and Mignolet - which seems a bit weird, I imagine we'd keep one for emergencies. Especially after selling Ward. But it's not one of the journalists that is generally accurate regarding Liverpool, so it could be totally bullshit.
  7. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Yeah it’s shit because you’re utterly powerless to protect them because the abuse has already been done and it’s something they have to live with forever. A family member doing the abuse is fucking horrific. Nothing you can do but continue being a good friend to them. Nothing inherently wrong with “damaged” people though - some of the best people I know have had some very fucked up things happen to them.
  8. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    For the second time today in this thread, you're making me say this: Holy fucking shit. Was it his school teacher that did the abuse? How long ago was it? My uncle had a teacher that decades later was arrested for being a paedo - and it wasn't until that arrest that my uncle came forward about what happened with him and how he kept quiet about it for decades. And according to my dad, that teacher's nickname around the school was … "Paedo"... so it's not like the suspicions weren't there (or that it wasn't known); but it was decades after they were out of school that this bloke was caught. But I remember my Dad coming home from his brother's house... all the colour out of his skin (granted, he's pasty as fuck - but you know what I mean)... then sitting down with us kids and telling us what he'd been told and just being at a loss for words. So yeah... I'm sure it does feel bad mate. Are you finding you keep thinking about what happened to them, regardless of how much you try not to think about it?
  9. Never watched Trailer Park Boys until I got home from work yesterday. Now I'm on season 4.
  10. Pre-referendum here’s what (at least a part) of the leave campaign thought about a no deal Brexit: https://web.archive.org/web/20160316101713/https://leavehq.com/blogview.aspx?blogno=128 So just remember that when you hear leavers say things like “Brexit means Brexit, we voted for a clean break, no deal is better than a bad deal, etc” - that’s a million miles away from “no responsible government would let it happen.”
  11. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Holy fucking shit.
  12. Rafa was/is a bit of a football mentalist though - his dad died when we were in that stupid glorified friendly tournament for winning the CL, and he stayed to manage a pointless match rather than go to his dad's funeral. A bit weird, if you ask me... but that's how serious he takes his football.
  13. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    The glass window at my office just fucking shattered shortly after a bird smacked into it and I laughed my arse off at it. Now there's fucking glass everywhere. Doesn't really inspire much confidence in the quality of these glass panes surrounding me.
  14. Klopp’s response was much funnier guaranteed to wind Mourinho up.
  15. Yeah but I’ve got most of my friends and all of my family still at home, and they are a WhatsApp text or phone call or email away. It’s not like the disconnect it would be before the internet. There’s also a pretty similar political climate here with it being pretty divided - although much less divided than the people I know back home and their thoughts on Brexit. But you’re right in that my background has generally shut me out to those are extreme hard right immigration policies because there’s less bigoted ways of advocating for stricter border control. So those parts of the Brexit camp I have no inclination to really care about what they think or try to reason with them. The chances of me changing a bigots mind are slim to none. My biggest issue is it seems to me that there’s a wide array of reasons why people voted to leave. And that’s fine and all, but a vote on ambiguously leaving without deciding what it meant boggles my mind. It was absolutely feckless from Cameron. And I’m sure the leave voters not expecting political leadership in the country to be an utter farce... but I still think the people’s choice should have been presented as something more concrete. As things stand Brexit represents something very ambiguous with uncertainty for the UK ahead. I wanted to remain, but if we have to Brexit I am okay with that as long as we do it in a way that isn’t going to be utterly shite. The government buying up food en masse isn’t really inspiring confidence, for me at least.
  16. @Harvsky what do you think is an ideal Brexit scenario? If we have to leave, I’ve already stated what I think is best & something that could probably be realistically negotiated. Part of what’s fucked me off about Brexit is that we went into negotiations as though the EU didn’t have much more leverage. We came in and wanted to cherrypick the good things of both sides and the EU told us to fuck off and come back when our heads aren’t in the clouds, and subsequent negotiations have been largely pointless. And a big part of that is because us leaving has different meanings to different people. But there’s deadlines approaching and no resolution in sight.
  17. So if I want to move back home and take my cats with us, which obviously I do, I have to get them a fucking passport. Hands down one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard, but oh well.
  18. He won’t get called alt-right as long as he doesn’t act like goosestepping is his favourite way to walk around. *edit* I don’t really appreciate the insinuation that I’m not English because of grandparents. British is my only nationality. Or that I left to chase money because I wanted to make my life easier when I’m old. And I want to come back to the UK ASAP. I fucking hate it here now. So please don’t ruin my country.
  19. So the reaction is to double down? Is that going to prove any one of their detractors wrong? I don't see the shame in people who were duped by fucking liars to come out and say "I was duped by fucking liars." The only thing these people have to be ashamed of is being a bit naïve, but they were told big lies. That's a learning experience for them. There's no saving the UKIP/BNP/Britain First types. And quite frankly, any reaction from these types other than doubling down on their stupid shite would be a huge surprise. But I'm not going to ever be able to change their minds, it's not worth doing. These people are irredeemable scum imo - I'll leave the people trying to win them over to the more patient and kinder souls of the world. I don't really know how I feel about the people who nodded their heads along with Gove's "people are sick of listening to experts" shite. Apply that kind of mentality to almost anything in life that's got a degree of seriousness to it, and it's a ridiculous statement. Need surgery? Well best not get a surgeon to do it, because we're sick of the experts. Your car engines totally fucked? Well fuck have anyone that knows a fucking thing about cars looking at it, I'll have my gran do it. She's def not an expert, but we're sick of them. I legitimately cannot understand how anyone can have this sort of mentality and expect to be taken seriously. So if they're going to double down on being stupid after being told they are stupid... they probably are stupid, I don't know what to do about that. And after seeing how nearly 2 years after the referendum, we still have no idea what Brexit will look like other than it's looking more likely than not that there is no deal reached with the EU... and our politicians are still twiddling their thumbs maintaining hardline positions. Did most Brexit voters envision a no deal Brexit? I seem to remember the Leave Campaign stating that the EU would want to rapidly make a deal that suits all parties. I'd venture to guess that many Brexit voters that Brexit would not entail leaving with no deal and wouldn't be for that plan if that what was posed in the referendum. But that might not be the case, but that's what I would have expected from those who voted leave. I imagine no deal would be unpalatable to the 49% who voted remain & for a large chunk of those who voted to leave. If Brexit must happen with no second referendum where those who are voting leave at least have a better idea of what the fuck they're voting for, then I think we should look to Norway & the EEA. That way there is a Brexit, but it's one that will be more palatable to that 49% who voted remain (even though it's still us out of the EU) - thus more of the voting public will be satisfied than the fringe group of Brexiteers who are erect at the thought of cashing in on some disaster capitalism.
  20. Yeah, I'm not saying you're wrong or your frustrations are misplaced. Just that my initial reaction would be "let's be patient" - at least it would be if I was an Everton fan. But I trust your opinion on your club - I've got family members who are blueshites… but I'd still trust what you or @Cannabis say about Everton over them.
  21. Alright, off the bat I am going to stick with what I've bolded in what you said. I think this is a massive overreaction to a friendly match. It's a friendly, don't forget that. And you've just brought a new manager in, I wouldn't expect things to ideally get off to a great start. I mean, it's great for you if it does. But it's not the strangest thing to ever happen, to have a new manager come in to a side that's had a really disappointing season and still has a fairly unbalanced squad and have them try to right the ship. I'd advocate some patience tbh. However, I'm not going to discount ANY of what you said. While it's still just pre-season... you raise all valid points and valid concerns that any fan would have of their club. And you're rightly concerned. BUT I wouldn't rule out anything over the course of the season and especially the next season. Look mate, it's a friendly match, 90% of what's going on out there on the pitch is just so the players are fit for the start of the season. The rest of it is getting teammates to gel with each other and be familiar with each other and letting Silva figure out his new squad out. Obviously it's concerning if you've got usual suspects not giving a fuck around the pitch. But Silva needs to have a look at his players and find out if they can play the way he wants them to, if they're shite it could mean he's got to change up his tactics for the coming season until he's got something ready. He's also got to see what players he trusts, he's not going to know who to not trust until players let him down. And what better time to have players let him down than in pre-season. But I agree with you that players that routinely don't perform under multiple managers need to be sacked the fuck off ASAP by Silva & Brands. A bigger mistake next season if Everton have another season that falls below expectations would be to make another management change and keep the squad largely the same. At this point it's clear that the Everton side needs rejuvenation. And I speak from experience with Liverpool when I say... it's not always a quick and easy process getting rid of deadwood and bringing in players that are the caliber you want/need them to be.
  22. How is his statement of refusing to resign if Brexit goes poorly with his statement that "well we might see no benefits for 50 years" adding an interpretation that he didn't want to be made. Why won't he resign if it doesn't go well? His response states why. In any case, here's something to refute the "THE EUSSR WILL NOT LET US WITHDRAW ARTICLE 50 EVEN IF WE WANT TO" crowd: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2018/jul/26/brexit-not-too-late-for-uk-to-change-its-mind-and-stay-in-eu-on-same-terms-says-french-minister-politics-live also, and probably more importantly, Barnier has rejected the UK's customs plan. Honestly, if Brexit has to happen without a second referendum where people will either vote on remaining or the actual plan we will be leaving with... the UK leadership should be pushing toward the EEA solution. It's not ideal for either leave or remain, but it's the least damaging way of leaving the EU & restores some sovereignty. Compromise is probably the only way to return some political unity on the issue, seeing as how there's a huge wide array of what people think the right thing to do in regards to Brexit.
  23. Rabid social media fans (of all clubs) love to have a scapegoat.
  24. Haven't seen that anywhere, but I don't think he will. He's one of our many injury prone players, but we've also got a problem at CB where I don't think we should rely on Gomez as cover for TAA because he's also going to be cover for Matip. And Matip is basically the CB version of Sturridge.
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