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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. Not true that it was always going to happen. It's a choice. Hence why Farage is having an utter meltdown. Brexit didn't stipulate the how, that is why it won, it allowed a broad church to come together, its flaw is that it was done via a constitutional referendum and not via a singular political party, it is thus for the post Brexit government to juggle the split and be judged at the ballot box for whatever they deliver. You say it is a sharp wake up call for certain people but if it was that would be happening, instead pretty much everyone is trying to bring Theresa May down for her choices in order to do it the way they want, including to remain. I've found my first respect for her just by watching everyone universally lose their heads
  2. You two do realise the bill is for the spending we signed off on before Brexit and will be paid as and when those programmes come up right? Only a cunt wouldn't pay that. Very strange thing to be complaining about, but if your only conception of Brexit is what the Trumpsters like Farage say then I can see how you'd fall into the trap of thinking it's a bad thing.
  3. He said if they have endless amounts of money they could get Sanchez like Man City got Robinho. Will Sanchez track back to help Paul Dummett out though?
  4. Should be done now. This is how he concludes most business.
  5. Whenever I see Eugene I can't help but think of Chris Waddle
  6. The proposal increases obstacles for other industries by creating barriers for them to the rUK market. It is a completely lazy uncompromising approach. It is all as if they can't really be bothered to sort out what better needs a land border and what needs a sea border, what needs to converge and what can diverge (which is what will happen in the trade deal). All just fuck it, here you go EU have Northern Ireland in all but name just hurry up and get to the trade talks. Remarkable by May. Lets face it, Westminster really hasn't given a shit about Northern Ireland since the shipyards closed, it can't be arsed, it wants rid, but they can't shake these Rangers fans off.
  7. What hardships? This is just administrative task addons for the continuation of trade. It can be done in many different ways. The proposals were certainly unimaginative and deliberately politically debilitating in design.
  8. It's not a hard border that Varadkar doesn't want, it is any border, which is something very different. The DUP aren't being insane, they are unionists and from a unionist viewpoint they see this as pivoting Northern Ireland towards the Republic and away from the UK. You can't really argue with their position on that, it is fairly evident that is what it would do. Brexit ends the status quo and so Northern Ireland is going to pivot one way or the other. Keeping Northern Ireland in the customs union but the rUK not is economically odd. Northern Ireland would not receive any of the benefits of UK central government policy, at best Belfast would perhaps have to try and make itself a hub for businesses who want UK law but friction-less EU trade. Who knows what the demand for that is.
  9. Sorry but we've know what the government's plan is since Autumn 2016. Does anyone bother to listen or are you all still trapped in the prism of the referendum hysteria? The referendum was a really simple straight forward result in which people voted to take back control of borders, laws and money, things signed away under European treaties. There are myriad ways to do this, it isn't just leave or remain. Isn't it funny that Neil Kinnock's son is the one who recognises that more than most in the Labour party? For those in the here and now the only mistake right now can be the particular hand declared, chosen by those in the political elite to answer the referendum result, in this case the one May declared in Autumn 2016. Her government is now dependent on it to both happen and work, there will be electoral consequences if not. Let us not forget however that you lot, myself included, all knew what the plan was going into the 2017 election (you have no excuse not to) and voted for a Labour manifesto that had already been rejected by the EU. The impasse we are now at is the same as had Corbyn been in power and true to his word. Also, many in the financial sector consider John McDonnell a bigger threat to economic stability than Brexit. You don't have to be a right wing CityAM financier to recognise why either. It is hypocritical to support the current labour party whilst simulateonesly panicking about people voting for an uncertain economic future. That is a hypocrisy that some are going to have to address. A UKIP based Brexit like Fairy supports can't get through parliament, never could, never will. Those people were always going to be disappointed. What has happened since the referendum is a coalition between the UKIP type Tories and the unimaginative auto-pilot remain Tories. That is why we have the hand May has chosen to play. It didn't have to be that hand but it is one that emerged in the environment. Labour and the political commentators need to self reflect on their role in creating that environment as well.
  10. Misjudgements are not lies. It is also worth noting that the EU's own research has forecast Ireland will lose a larger percentage of its workforce than any other country, UK included, if there is no deal. If that was to come true then how can Varadkar and the EU explain to the Irish public that businesses and jobs are lost simply because they lacked the imagination to solve differences. At the end of the day some aren't going to get what they want. Everyone can't be pleased.
  11. Honey Honey

    Off Topic

    Here is the league table - https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/league-tables/rankings?s=Law Salford comes 63rd out of 100 for Law.
  12. It was vetoed by the DUP hours ago. They won't accept Northern Ireland diverging from the rest of the United Kingdom except on gay rights and abortion
  13. 40 points on the board. Safe for another season. Can relax now.
  14. Basically they were all saps with anal personalities and England needs a Gazza to break that culture.
  15. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more

  16. He won't go easy because money doesn't matter to him. Unless he gets an offer that he'd be stupid to refuse he will just say no. Can't see him selling the club for its true value. It would be typical if he fucks this up for us. The financial times say staveley has offered £250m because of the ongoing tax fraud investigation and the threat of relegation. Another source said she wants compensation off Ashley if we get relegated. He won't agree to that.
  17. I recall he was accused of doing something over here as well, I was in the away end when people were shouting sex pest at him. If TFF was still around a few of Happy Blue's defences of him wouldn't have aged well.
  18. Honey Honey

    Off Topic

    Is your surname Claus?
  19. Rumours are it is take it or leave it offer, which explains why it was leaked (to put pressure on Ashley)
  20. For you when Rafa takes us flying past your Sean Dyche football
  21. Boom. Confirmed. Staveley has made a formal £300m bid for the club. The cunt better accept.
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