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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. This movie is simply superb for all the reasons you mentioned.
  2. Sorry meant to post in there but here is good as well. I do expect this season to turn around soon. Keep in mind that we weren't all that stellar when the season started so I fully expect this to get over soon and things to start looking a bit better. Will that happen with this run of fixtures? It may because everyone is going to be busy during this period and the chances for trip-ups across the league is a lot higher. I dont know if the club will dip into the transfer market. If we say yes then who are we realistically bringing in? I think that's been beaten to death on here.
  3. Apparently theres a whole album with covers even stuff from Van Halen. Quite a good listen if you want to see musicians playing from home and just recording for fun.
  4. Dont make me go run that Voodoo Thread again.
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Its not as far fetched to see Mandolin players on this side of the globe and some parts of the Mediterranean considering how important the music is to that style. Country probably not as a big of a deal either but I can't be a 100% sure. Its coming at the end of the month based on how the orders with this vendor with last time but I am very curious to see how I take to it and what I actually learn. Its an upside-down bass tuning so that has me terribly curious. As for the TCE news that is stellar news. They make some great gear and if it turns a bit more affordable I cant see that as a bad thing at all.
  6. Finally got around to watching WandaVision and its weird overall. You really hope they drop something by Ep 2 but then they just go back to what they were showing before. Hopefully it picks up soonish.
  7. This comment is pretty apt for what this video is about. "When you watch this in Japan his fingers are blurred out."
  8. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I think Steve could play a fiddle and make it sound like a rock concert. The size of that mans palms is fucking ridiculous. As for the way the sound comes out its all really about experimentation and you're right its different for different people. As I play more guitar these days I am rediscovering the joy of just fiddling and tweaking the FX block to get the sound I want. I am also rediscovering the kick you get when you listen to something and you get the pedal setup just right.
  9. Mel81x

    Making Music

    @Dr. Gonzo Steve's understanding of the signal chain and his work with music tech is always something I like hearing. I also love how he says "I find it bad but remember you have to find whats good for you".
  10. Big news from Bethesda. I am looking forward to it.
  11. https://www.hbo.com/30-coins Anyone seen this yet? Thinking of starting this weekend.
  12. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I am going to be in possession of what I think is a super weird string instrument, a Mandolin in a week or so from now. If you've never played one of these things of it like a bass guitar that is literally upside down and has that dual string twang to it. After playing a Uke I think this should really be pretty simple to get a hang of but lets see what happens when I get it.
  13. I think Covenant ended it all when David went to the homeworld and just wiped them all out. I do agree with the Xenomorph being done over and over again. We had Aliens with a mass colony and then it just spiraled downwards from there in the series with 20th Century trying to revive the series with an Alien5 which is currently in the writing phase I believe. Having said all that its one of the most iconic monsters in cinema and I think a show done without a mass horde of them might actually lend itself to some good TV if it can be paced right. Have you seen Raised by Wolves? If not I'd highly recommend it to see where Ridley's head is currently. I know I am not alone on this forum when I am eagerly waiting to see what Season 2 brings.
  14. I think we'll end the winter transfer window with a defender. I know the manager has come out with a comment about fighting the conditions and maybe he knows something no one else does about injuries and when the recoveries will happen but I still think he's got his eye on someone and things are being worked out.
  15. I wouldn't draw a line anywhere honestly. This is a player who has worked in a system that hasn't really benefited him and who are the fans to decide what Klopp and his coaching staff see and want. If they woke up and said they want Mustafi hell would break lose in the fan-base with comments like "I cant believe we've signed this garbage", etc etc. A few months later "You know that Mustafi's really come along and I put all my faith in Klopp". Color me shocked until the next episode.
  16. Much much better than the album version.
  17. I feel like theres very little you need to do with a Xenomorph based series as the creature itself just adds a level of scariness by its mere presence. I also wonder how Ridley feels after what I consider some batshit crazy awesomeness in Raised by Wolves.
  18. Twitter wont ban him indefinitely they cant afford the loss of traction that he brings to their platform. People discussing him is a drop in the ocean compared to him tweeting the garbage he has over his tenure that has incited all kinds of horrors on the public of that country.
  19. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I'd like to hear some stuff but I also get how it feels when you don't think its right or ready even if everyone else does. Production/Recording imo teaches you to actually play your instrument a bit differently even when you're at gigs or playing in a studio itself. Recently, I watched a video on YT where someone played U2s With or Without you and it never struck me for all these years but the amount of coloring that The Edge does on a single chord in that song is ridiculous (D). Been playing with the MS-3/Maschine into Logic myself and I think i'll have something to share really soon. I am actually playing my guitar more these days and my bass much less. The best lesson I learned from music production was 20/80 panning to give equal prominence or boosted prominence of instruments its amazing how your ears will automatically do the work for you when you get the setting right.
  20. A pic I took at the start of the pandemic or thereabouts.
  21. I rate it very highly as a platformer. My only gripe with it is that it can be a bit short depending on how you traverse the map but I suppose thats true for any platformer.
  22. Mel81x

    Making Music

    This comment ... brutal "This is a Boss MT-2 Metal Zone, and trust me, that ain't curing anybody of anything, except maybe good tone."
  23. These are both top tier platformers. Having finished them both they also offer very little resistance for total completion if you're into rewards and trophies.
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