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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. https://collider.com/dexter-revival-cast-jamie-chung-robert-wahlberg/ Apparently its a 10-episode revival. I can't see why they just wouldn't let the show go its natural course and die.
  2. https://kotaku.com/everything-nintendo-showed-during-todays-direct-1846292333 @Bluebird Hewitt one of the things I liked about the show was the fact that there is a Ninja Gaiden trilogy release on the Switch this summer. The rest was a bit meh.
  3. they wont touch him with a ten-foot pole now haha.
  4. https://kotaku.com/stadia-leadership-praised-development-studios-for-great-1846281384 The best comment here "Look at Phil Harrison’s history: -Worked at Sony for the horrible PS3 launch -Worked at Microsoft for the horrible Xbox One launch -Now working at Google for the horrible Stadia launch Seriously, why are people still hiring him for jobs like this?"
  5. Apparently not fit but we might see him play the second half if he is.
  6. Reading that Jota, Fab and Naby will all be back for the return-leg against RBL next month? That's great news. Can't wait to see Jota back in this side and offering some much needed urgency in the midfield/attacking half. Also, this means Hendo could potentially move back into midfield as well.
  7. I think he'll cross Gerrard easily if he stays on track doing what he does for two more seasons. To get to Liddell would be amazing but its also a bit hard in these times, the rest from 3 up means he'd have to retire at the club and stay consistent.
  8. She could sing a song about bacon frying and I'd listen to it.
  9. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/02/cd-projekt-red-source-code-reportedly-sells-for-millions-in-dark-web-auction/ First the breach now the source code auctions.
  10. Nah hes just going through a tough time and I think it might in everyone's better interest if he gets some time off once the derby is done. He just needs a break right now.
  11. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I tell you what, as a person who enjoys Rick's videos this is stupid. It's just absurd how much the copyright law is broken in the name of money and how they think that a guy who is promoting a band, talking about music technicalities and actually educating audiences is doing something wrong to the point of a copyright strike. Most of these bands started out playing music from other bands. The next logical step is to take interviews from all kinds of musicians and say "oh but you said you listened to XYZ and loved playing their music. Okay, now cough up some $$$ because you used their music to get your first start"
  12. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/02/spacex-starlink-now-taking-pre-orders-for-service-in-mid-to-late-2021/ Starlink is taking orders and the pricing seems a bit absurd at the start but if it gets good I can see it dropping. What is more interesting is how ISPs are going to have to up their game now.
  13. This song is one of the best things I heard that year. That whole album is a good listen infact.
  14. Out of all those play GoW. Its good and will keep you busy.
  15. Whats in your back pocket? I have quite a few too. Not as bad as before the pandemic though.
  16. I played Control on a PC so I am not sure what the PS4 equivalent was. If you want a nice slow grind with a lot of combat the other game I can't recommend enough is Ghost of Tsushima.
  17. Its good imo. A bit weird at first but then it starts to pickup. Have you played Control yet? I think that was a lot more fun.
  18. I should have picked what John took and I was so tempted too. Could have taken both of us to 1st spot haha.
  19. Been in the wash since I started playing.
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55912878 News doing the rounds in tech circles.
  21. I think part of the problem is just how clueless we were about the rate at which it was spreading and how so many countries had no idea this was in China. The travel shutdowns and vector mapping of the disease could have stopped it in its track really fast had we known. Sadly, everyone dropped the ball and the rest is history. I think we've learned how to combat this now but I also think that this isnt the last big event we'll see of this kind. These diseases evolve just like we do so theres a high chance we'll see something this big again within another century.
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