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Everything posted by nudge

  1. The image it took of those particle plumes is incredible...
  2. It's been getting hotter and hotter here as the hot season kicks in. Temperatures are expected to rise up to +43 in April
  3. Yeah, I'm also into book polygamy haha, usually have one or more nonfiction and one fiction going at any given time plus an audiobook on top of that when I'm working... I like to mix it up a bit although if I find a certain book extremely captivating then I obviously focus on it.
  4. Yeah I love the technical side of F1 so this is just right up my alley as well. Magazines such as Racecar Engineering or Race Tech are great in that aspect but their articles can be a bit tedious and too "dry" sometimes for someone who's not working in the field or has extensive knowledge of it. Hope they keep the quality high and go more indepth with their analysis! Considering that the secret aerodynamicist is skeptical about Ferrari style front wing, it surely must be someone who uses Mercedes or RB front wing concept So we can rule out Ferrari, Sauber, Toro Rosso, Williams () already
  5. Has anyone read the new "Secret Aerodynamicist" column on BBC? Pretty informative. https://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/47527705
  6. Their own safety analysis acknowledged a potential MCAS failure as "hazardous" yet Boeing and FAA still approved it without any additional training for pilots and even failed to provide details of MCAS and additional procedures to airlines it sold the planes to. They were still denying potential issues of 737 Max and kept on insisting it's completely safe even after the first crash + numerous incidents and complaints last year, and still are after the second crash. So it doesn't look like an unfortunate design flaw that went unnoticed. It's more like a corrupt huge for-profit corporation with a history of shady practices & a complicit regulator (who somehow allowed the aforementioned corporation to essentially self certify their own aircraft for whatever reason) cutting corners to make more profit and outcompete their rivals by completely disregarding safety concerns and potential consequences that may (and that have, as we know it now) result in huge loss of life.
  7. Spa in heavy rain would be my dream. But it would probably be red-flagged anyway. The last race I've seen that had extreme rain was Daytona 24 hours earlier this year (non F1 obviously); it got red-flagged at some point but they were out for hours and it was way too much; water standing on track, pretty much no visibility and the cars aquaplaning on every corner...
  8. I think this is a good example of how different people can see things
  9. Just a personal preference; I always found their cars extremely ugly and they also used to lack reliability badly (not sure how it is now as I haven't had anything to do with their cars in the last 10 years haha) so I just developed a distaste for it. Cyril comes across as a self-righteous annoying arrogant wanker most of the time to me and on top of that he and his body language is also awkward af hence the Mr. Bean comparison
  10. I really dislike Renault as a brand, their engine has been very problematic in recent years and Cyrill is like a French caricature of Mr. Bean to me so I'm definitely taking sides here but I thought it was a blow below the belt there haha
  11. To be fair Russia has been making moves for involvement in Africa recently so that's still kind of relevant!
  12. That was extremely awkward; both obviously felt uncomfortable Cyrill's remark ala "now you need an engine and a driver" was a bit cuntish though...
  13. Halfway through the series and I'm loving it so far; great job there by Netflix. So much "behind the scenes" coverage. Didn't expect it to be that good to be fair, and I'm also glad Ferrari and Mercedes denied access to the filming team as they'd surely steal the spotlight and now it really manages to keep things interesting with other stories of other teams.
  14. I find subtitles distracting so I avoid them whenever possible... The bolded part is exactly how it sounds most of the time in the show for me
  15. I can understand about every 10th word he's saying
  16. Finally getting into that Netflix documentary tonight!
  17. Food and beaches are hard to beat for sure, also the islands and nature, culture and brilliant nightlife and whatnot, but probably one of the main factors why Thailand has an upper hand when it comes to being a popular tourist destination in SE Asia is its superior infrastructure (close or equal to "first world") and highly developed tourism sector which caters to pretty much everyone's needs and budget. Another factor is stability; it has never been colonised and other than a few coup d'état that were more or less bloodless, the government and especially the Royal family kept the tensions in check and the country remained stable throughout the years whereas its neighbours suffered numerous civil wars, dictatorial communist regimes, economical shortages etc. This stability as well as their openness to foreign businesses starting from the 60s led to an exponential growth and that's when the country started to appear on the travel magazines as an attractive destination with a great cost to quality ratio.
  18. Yeah, need to get your priorities straight
  19. Don't forget the cheese and olives!!!
  20. Yeah just noticed that Unacceptable; I'll make sure to get a bottle of Johnnie Walker tomorrow
  21. Actually haven't had any whisky this year yet
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