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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Before the match: Fans gathered at the Marktplatz and marched together to the stadium. Around 12.000 fans in total
  2. nudge

    Members Pictures

    Happy birthday to the intruder! That octopus
  3. Bathurst 12 Hour this weekend, can't wait!
  4. nudge

    Members Pictures

    Brilliant. She'll always remember it...
  5. Nemesis Games, the 5th book in The Expanse series. Struggled a bit to get through the previous one (Cibola Burn), so hopefully this one will be an improvement.
  6. It's by far more complicated than that. Basically a complete economic mismanagement by a corrupt ruling dynasty. Ongoing trade deficit, irresponsible fiscal policies including crazy tax cuts and heavy money printing, massive external debts, shifting to 100% organic farming, and just straight out corruption and crony capitalism. Of course COVID and now Russia-Ukraine war made things worse, but that's not the primary cause of the shit show that is happening here now.
  7. Meanwhile, the son of a notorious former dictator is about to become the new president of the Philippines after a questionable election with broken voting machines and alleged vote buying. For those unaware, his father holds this fantastic record:
  8. Things have taken a sudden violent turn in Sri Lanka today, with the situation getting out of the hand and escalating quickly after pro-government bands attacked the protesters this morning. Nationwide curfew has been imposed again (which is being largely ignored by the general public). Peaceful protests and demonstrations are now turning into riots, and houses/businesses of several current and former members of the parliament are being set on fire by the angry mob. One of the MPs opened fire at people blocking his vehicle killing two of them, and then apparently committed suicide afterwards. The PM has resigned.
  9. Oooooh yes, definitely has Heavy Metal vibes...
  10. Sounds like the perfect title for a campy 70s TV show
  11. Definitely the souls of trapped spacefarers...
  12. Bet it's a strategy to confuse and blind Aue players on Sunday
  13. So a while ago, Werder and Umbro asked the fans to send photos of their Werder-related tattoos. Today, they announced a new one-time Event kit which features some of those tattoos. Pretty good idea, but the result is this monstrosity: Damn.
  14. I stopped smoking years ago, and I also understand why it was banned in most of indoor public venues, but for me, a pub/bar room full of smoke is part of the atmosphere and it's just not the same without it
  15. May the 4th be with you!

    1. football forums


      You are strong and wise, nudge, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a young forum poster. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater poster than I could ever hope to be. But be patient, nudge. It will not be long before the admins makes you a moderator. :ph34r:

    2. football forums


      Thank you, Master xD

    3. football forums

      Happy Blue

      Obi-wan has taught you well ;)  

  16. That's totally not the protomolecule I've got video feed, too.
  17. nudge

    Off Topic

    It is weird af and varies so much from individual to individual... I had zero symptoms yet tested positive on both RAT and PCR, while as you said, some feel sick yet test negative on RAT first, while some otherd test positive on PCR for weeks even after recovering. All over the place. Get well soon @Spike.
  18. Haha. She was also a NASA intern and an accomplice in the heist
  19. Yeah, destroying the hand written research notes was really a dick move. Trying to sell the rocks was just stupid though would have probably gotten a much milder sentence if it wasn't for that... Although it still turned out well enough for him. Got several degrees while in prison, sold his story, and is now a respectable theoretical physicist too...
  20. Well, he and his then-girlfriend are technically the only persons who fucked on the Moon. Immortalised in history books
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