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The Big Middle Eastern Thread

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The US has decided to expel some Saudi trainees after the shooting at a Navy base in Ft. Lauderdale was deemed a terrorist attack by these trainees.

These trainees, by the way, are a part of the Saudi military.

But the West will continue to do business with the actual largest state sponsor of state terror. Actually, if the US is giving so much aid to Saudi Arabia... does that make the US the biggest sponsor of state terror? Always interesting though that the US will fund adversaries as long as it's got access to that Saudi oil - the generally West always turns a blind eye to repeated instances where Saudi actions are more than troubling.

The West should be pushing Saudi Arabia to end the flow of money to Wahhabi terror groups. But it won't because oil.

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Warning: Some of the videos I'm about to post have a lot of blood - people were shot, there's a lot of blood that leaves them when that happens.

So the protests against the government are back in full swing in the aftermath of Iran shooting down a plane full of Iranians after the recent escalation of tensions. So Iran sent out it's Basijis to do what they do to protestors:


Pretty horrific stuff. It's not surprising, as it seems to be the case with every protest in Iran. But horrific stuff. So far 2020 has been an awful year for innocent Iranians that just want their country to be run properly and not by incompetent shitheads that keep them economically weak.

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I think after this episode it's fair to say US and Iran both never want a direct confrontation.

Iran doesn't want because of US conventional force and US would never want to use it's conventional power cause Iran will ignite all it's proxies to a level making life hell for Israel, UAE and Saudis which would hurt US a lot and US can't really win the proxy war against Iran.

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6 hours ago, Harry said:


So is Instagram... and Instagram is probably the most used social media platform in Iran. Satellite TVs are also illegal in Iran, but if you go to Iran and look around at apartments you'll see loads of people have satellites to get satellite TV.

Shitloads of people are using VPNs to get around internet restrictions.

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Looks like bullshit to me. There are still plenty of people in the US that want to go to war with Iran, so it’s probably a fake document to stir up some “let’s go to war” sentiment. US soldiers call home from time to time, I think there’d be more outcry in the US if 100+ families suddenly stopped hearing from their son/brother/husband stationed at the base that was all over the news. And the US press has been to the bases.

It’d take a massive coordinated cover up for that to be real.

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On 16/01/2020 at 13:24, Devil-Dick Willie said:

The document doesn't say the casualties are US. Wasn't that base full of middle easterners with 'some' US forces?

That said I also think it's fake. 

It was an Iraqi base, but with mostly US troops & some Danish and Norweigian forces as well. But neither Denmark nor Norway reported any casualties. I think any country would have a hard time covering up that many of casualties, especially considering the media was at the sites where the missiles hit less than 24 hours after. Especially if it's true what's been reported that Iran and the US were using their Swiss embassies to establish a back channel & they gave early notice of the strikes.

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Today there are remembrance events in Israel 75 years after the Russians 'liberated' Auschwitz - if liberated was the correct word.  Whilst there can really be no words to cover the way the Jewish civilians - men, women and children, were treated in Germany, there are still politicians wanting to keep the differences alive!  Today, Poland will not talk to Russia and whilst the sadness prevails in Jerusalem, the situation in Gaza only lacks dead bodies to draw similarities with what happened in the 30's and 40's to those now controlling the Knesset.  Anti-Semitism is again becoming a problem in many parts of the world and when interference in the UK election by the chief Rabbi happens, it stokes the fires even more.  I spent time with three young guys who became world famous and who were friends without any prejudices or problems - Mesut, Manuel and Julien - great kids - now great guys one Muslim boy, one a devout catholic and the third a little Jewish kid who invited his team mates to a Holocaust celebration and, led by Benny Howedes, many of them went to stand with Julian and his family.  If there has to be thought for today - then think of those three young guys and hope the rest of the world can do the same!

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1 hour ago, Azeem said:

US plane carrying senior CIA officials related to Middle East especially Iran affairs shot down in Afghanistan.

Taliban claiming responsibility but US is denying. There is no way US would accept their plane carrying high ranking officials was shot down.

It could be that Iran reached out to the Taliban. They have established relations with the Taliban recently.



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49 minutes ago, Harry said:

Seems like propaganda

The plane being shot down or not is the real question, Taliban wouldn't claim if they hadn't done it no point in claiming responsibility if they didn't do this while a peace deal is going on. Could be a reaction to the US strike killing civilians in Afghanistan earlier. The plane was only used by top officials so it's likely important people got killed.




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39 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Yeah how are they to know which CIA agents are behind what - particularly when Soleimani’s death was approved 7 months ago by Trump; Trump’s the one behind his death.

That's just a speculation but Micheal D'Andrea reportedly killed is the head of operations including drone strike in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

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