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Fact or Fiction - True or False

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Just what the title of the thread says, Fact or Fiction, True or False, we have had 'The Moon Landing was Faked' there is such a thing as the 'Yeti' the 'Lockness Monster etc, I will start off with 'Big Foot' to me its false or just fiction. 


FBI releases old old documents investigating Bigfoot



Big Foot


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The Lockness Monster or better known as Nessie, another Hoax.



In Scottish folklore, the Loch Ness Monster or Nessie is a creature said to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is often described as large in size with a long neck and one or more humps protruding from the water. Popular interest and belief in the creature have varied since it was brought to worldwide attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is anecdotal, with a few disputed photographs and sonar readings.

The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a phenomenon without biological basis, explaining sightings as hoaxes, wishful thinking, and the misidentification of mundane objects.


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Might as well stick this one in here, am illusion really... or is it?


This optical illusion shows traffic seemingly disappearing off a bridge, and the internet can’t figure it out.

Optical illusions are everywhere, and the internet is rife with examples of images and videos people couldn't quite figure out on first sight. On Saturday, a Twitter user introduced another real-world video that confused the masses.

Twitter user @DannyDutch posted a video of cars seemingly disappearing as they drive off of a bridge. Here's the video in question: 

"Yes," wrote @DannyDutch, "the traffic just disappears." Of course, people were confused. In attempting to understand what, exactly, they were seeing, Twitter users hypothesized the traffic was finding its way into the world of Harry Potter. 

Others assumed the traffic was finding its way into another dimension or universe. 

Ultimately, Twitter figured out that the bridge in question was not a bridge at all. The "bridge" is a normal road, and what looks like a river below is actually the roof of a parking lot these cars were driving into - the video was shot from above. 


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Loch Ness Monster: 'Plausible theory' for Nessie


An international team of scientists say they have identified a plausible theory for sightings of the Loch Ness Monster.

The team took 250 water samples at various depths throughout the loch last year, collecting all forms of environmental DNA for further analysis.

While they did not come face to face with Nessie, the scientists say they have a biological explanation for her.

The team will announce the results of their studies next month.

New Zealand's University of Otago has led the work aimed at cataloguing all current life in Loch Ness, including plants, insects, fish and mammals.

The DNA from the water samples was extracted and sequenced, resulting in about 500 million sequences that have now been analysed against existing databases.

Geneticist Prof Neil Gemmell said: "There have been over a thousand reported sightings of something in Loch Ness which have driven this notion of a monster being in the water.

"From those sightings, there are around four main explanations about what has been seen.

"Our research essentially discounts most of those theories, however, one theory remains plausible."

This theory along with the full results of the investigation will be revealed at an event in Drumnadrochit.


The Loch Ness Monster is one of Scotland's oldest and most enduring myths. It inspires books, TV shows and films, and sustains a major tourism industry around its home.

The story of the monster can be traced back 1,500 years when Irish missionary St Columba is said to have encountered a beast in the River Ness in 565AD.

Later, in the 1930s, The Inverness Courier reported the first modern sighting of Nessie.

In 1933, the newspaper's Fort Augustus correspondent, Alec Campbell, reported a sighting by Aldie Mackay of what she believed to be Nessie.

Mr Campbell's report described a whale-like creature and the loch's water "cascading and churning".


The editor at the time, Evan Barron, suggested the beast be described as a "monster", kick-starting the modern myth of the Loch Ness Monster.

Gary Campbell, the keeper of a register of Nessie sightings, receives, on average, 10 reports a year of something unexplained being spotted in the loch's waters.

Given that more than 400,000 people visit Loch Ness every year, Mr Campbell said seeing something was "pretty rare".

But he has long believed that eventually, science will reveal a cause for the sightings.


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14 minutes ago, Pyfish said:

As for Nessie, never really believed it just like with Big Foot etc.

My late mother used to tell us stories when we were wee nippers sitting around a coal fire and saying "Scottish farmers could see a great big head suddenly appear from the Loch and stretch his head forward and eat all the farmer's cattle grazing nearby..." as kids we would listen with our mouth's wide open and think of Nessie eating all the sheep and cows, only when I got older I would say to myself "What a load of bull-shit" xD

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Those UFO videos are real, the Navy says, but please stop saying ‘UFO’



In December 2017, two videos emerged that showed Navy pilots encountering mysterious spherical objects that appeared, at first glance, to move through the air in ways that baffled experts. A third, released in March 2018, depicted a similar encounter.

Everyone who watched — including the pilots who filmed them — had the same question: What, exactly, are these things?

Last week, a Navy official publicly called these mysterious objects “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” giving a name to the inscrutable little dots and reigniting scrutiny around the unidentified flying objects (a term the Navy does not want to use even though the objects that are flying cannot be identified.)

“The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena,” Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told the Black Vault blog, a massive civilian repository of government documents mostly obtained by Freedom of Information Act requests.

Gradisher further explained that “The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”

Black Vault’s founder, John Greenewald Jr., told The Washington Post that he believed the remarks were significant because, for the first time, the Navy acknowledged the existence of the objects in the videos on the record and admitted that the department cannot identify them. Greenewald also reported that the videos were not originally intended for public release.


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Put this in here as some of the disappearances had a lot of conspiracy theories thrown around about them.


The most mysterious and intriguing disappearances in history


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Over the course of human history, numerous cases of disappearance have intrigued and baffled authorities, family members, and the public. In some of these cases, the missing person ends up being found, while others' disappearance still remains a complete mystery. Click on the gallery and read about the most mysterious and controversial disappearances in history!

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Why The Bermuda Triangle Became The Subject Of Supernatural Speculation

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The Bermuda Triangle, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, has become a symbol of mystery and intrigue in pop culture.

It's often spoken of in hushed whispers by backwater conspiracy theorists who are convinced that it's a devilish portal to hell.

Over 900 deaths have been attributed to it, as well as the disappearances of over 70 ships and aircraft in the last 70 years. But according to modern science, the Triangle is no more deadly than any other location at sea.

The Bermuda Triangle is a 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 square kilometre stretch of ocean that lies between Florida and Puerto Rico. The Triangle is surrounded by myths, thanks to its reinterpretation in pop culture as a deadly and haunted location.

According to popular theories, the first recorded mention of the Bermuda Triangle's mysterious, ship-sinking ways, came about in a 1950s edition of the Miami Herald. Writer E. V. W. Jones penned a dramatic thinkpiece about a location south of Bermuda that had allegedly swallowed several ships:

"It's a small world? No, it's still the same vast globe the ancients knew, with the same misty limbo of the lost.

Related slideshow: Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle unveiled (Provided by Espresso)

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We think it is small because of speeding wheels and wings and the voice of radio which comes out of the void. A mile is only a minute's travel by wheel or a few seconds flights -- but it is still a mile.

The miles add up to a vast unknown into which a hundred and more persons have flown or sailed within brief memory, to be swallowed up just as ships were swallowed in the old sailing days."

Jones goes on to detail several disappearances associated with the location, including sailing vessel The Sandra - a 100-metre-long freighter which sailed from Miami to Savannah with around 300 tonnes of insecticide and disappeared soon after. Five torpedo planes, two planes and "135 persons who went forth confidently into a world they thought small" are mentioned specifically as being swallowed by the un-named location near Bermuda.

The article, archived on the web, is also accompanied by the below diagram, which marks out the locations and pattern of the disappearances, in a rather familiar triangle shape.

Two years later, another article, "Sea Mystery At Our Door" by Fate journalist George X. Sands furthered the myth of the Bermuda triangle with detailed descriptions of missing ships and speculation about how the mysterious disappearances could have occurred.

"How could five bombers, each with its own crew and radio facilities, disappear from the face of the earth without even flashing a single message of explanation? It was hardly logical to assume that the planes had collided in mid-air, killing all the crew members simultaneously," Sands wrote.

His doubt over the events, as well as his belief that the events were somehow freakish or decidedly uncommon,  contributed to the supernatural myth surrounding the Bermuda Triangle — a myth that was reinforced by several other articles throughout the 1960s and 1970s in pulp magazines like America's Argosy. These stories were also adapted into several novels during this time, including works by John Wallace Spencer, Richard Winer and Charles Berlitz, all of which helped to spread the myth.

It's worth mentioning that while all origins of the Bermuda Triangle myth point towards the initial Miami Herald report (which has been substantiated by historical records of missing and destroyed ships) subsequent adaptations and interpretations contain information that hasn't been verified, so the myth around the location has become increasingly muddy. Some of the disappearances that have been verified can be found here, but others remain the stuff of myths and legend.

But the story doesn't end there. While the 1970s and 1980s were a growth period for rampant rumours and speculation about the Bermuda Triangle because of its increasing fictionalisation in pop culture, reassessing it from the lens of modern science and rational explanation led to some compelling reasons for the documented disappearances. Importantly, these disappearances are ongoing, with at least five planes on average still going missing from the Bermuda Triangle per year.

Australia's own Karl Kruszelnicki told news.com.au in 2017 that he believed he'd solved this exact mystery. Kruszelnicki believes that disappearances in the Triangle come about because of a combination of human error, and the naturally dangerous task of navigating oceanic waters.

“According to Lloyds of London and the US coast guard, the number of planes that go missing in the Bermuda Triangle is the same as anywhere in the world on a percentage basis,” Kruszelnicki told news.com.au. This is an important point, as the Bermuda Triangle is one of the highest traffic shipping regions in the world. It's said to cover over 3,900,000,00 square kilometres of ocean, and vessels from all over the world use it as a passage to the U.S. The reason for the high number of disappearances is purely statistical and logical, according to this theory.

In 2018, another theory surfaced, via documentary series The Bermuda Triangle Enigma, where scientists addressed the theory of the Triangle creating "rogue waves" that sent ships astray.

Run by scientists from the University of Southampton, this theory was tested via large scale machine that re-created the theorised monster waves. Dr Simon Boxall explained to news.com.au that these rogue waves were likely caused by the meeting of three storm surges in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle, creating deadly conditions. While this is the latest theory, it's sure not to be the last.

While the disappearances at the heart of the Bermuda Triangle continue to occur, and despite some solid scientific theories, there will probably always be speculation about the nature of the region and exactly why it's such a magnet for death and destruction.


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Surely most stories are created for tourism purposes... But I don't care. They're great and I love en anyway.... I still remember going through a Bermuda triangle obsession phase in my early teens, staying up late, glued to a text reading about the mysterious Bermuda triangle...

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Was it all a grand old hoax? A scientist has raised intriguing new questions about Jeanne Calment, the world's 'oldest woman' who died aged 122. And his theory of a 'switch' between family members in the 1930s for tax reasons will astound you...

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When Jeanne Calment was born in 1875, in Arles, Provence, the average life expectancy for a woman was 48 and Thomas Edison was yet to make his light bulb.

But this doughty French woman motored on for 122 years (and 164 days) to become the world's oldest woman, powering through life with vim and gusto.

She saw the Eiffel Tower being built. She met Vincent van Gogh ('ugly like a louse', apparently). She played the piano, roller-skated, hunted wild boar, hiked on glaciers, smoked, took up fencing (in her 80s), was the subject of a film (in her 120th year), recorded a rap CD (when she was 121) and was always extremely proud of her 'very good legs'.

By the time she died, in 1997, she was a national heroine — feted, revered and interviewed again and again about the secrets of her smooth-skinned youthfulness and unrivalled longevity.

So, when a Russian mathematician called Nikolay Zak recently alleged it was not Jeanne who had died in 1997, but her daughter, Yvonne (who reportedly succumbed to tuberculosis in 1934, aged 36), it caused outrage in France.

In a paper published on ResearchGate, a scientific social networking site, Zak insisted that Jeanne not only seemed far too youthful to be 122, but she had too many inconsistencies in her life story.


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'Unidentified aerial phenomena': Pentagon officially releases 3 leaked US Navy UFO videos

(Video by Sky News)


The Pentagon on Monday released three unclassified videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena" in an attempt to "clear up any misconceptions" regarding whether the videos — which have been circulating for years — are real. 

The three videos, the first of which was leaked in 2007 and discovered by the U.S. Navy in 2009, show small, flying objects. In one of the videos, a person exclaims, "What the (expletive) is that?!"

Two of the videos were recorded in January 2015, according to the Department of Defense. The other was taken in November 2004. In a statement, the Defense Department said the Navy "previously acknowledged" the videos were Navy videos.


"After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena," the Department of Defense said in a statement Monday. 

The videos, known as "FLIR1," "Gimbal" and "GoFast," were previously published by the New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, which was co-founded by former Blink-182 band member Tom DeLonge.

A Navy spokesman in September 2019 told USA TODAY the videos were real and referred to the objects as “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAPs instead of UFOs. The spokesman at the time said UAP was preferred over UFO because of the stigma surrounding the latter term.

Gallery: 20 places that have reported UFO sightings (Photo Services)

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He added using "UFO" discourages pilots from reporting incidents for fear of being ridiculed. 

"The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified,'" the DOD said in Monday's statement. 


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You Should Never Wash Dishes During a Thunderstorm—Here’s Why


You may know to avoid taking a shower during a thunderstorm, but that's not the only indoor activity that leaves you vulnerable to electrical shock. Washing dirty dishes can be just as dangerous when there are thunder and lightning outside your home, according to Reader's Digest.

Stories of people getting injured while showering in electrical storms may sound like myths, but they're rooted in fact. When a lightning bolt leaves a cloud, it follows the fastest route to the ground. Because metal framing and piping make for good conductors, that path sometimes leads through a building.

It's possible for lightning to move through a home without harming the people inside, but it can also cause serious injury under the right circumstances. The water in a house's plumbing system often contains metallic impurities that are conductive. If lightning hits your home while you're doing the dishes, that charge can travel through the pipes, through the water, and ultimately through the sink, you're in contact with. The same thing can happen with the water from your showerhead.

The chances of lightning striking you in or out of your home are slim, at roughly 1 in 775,000. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't take precautions as soon as you hear thunder in your area. In addition to steering clear of the water that comes from your pipes, you should also avoid using any corded appliances for the duration of the storm. Your toaster, stand mixer, and landline are all potential conductors.


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Explaining the unexplained: 10 famous mysteries solved

The most famous supernatural phenomena can be explained by science. Or can it? Well, yes, it can.

Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

This picture captures one of the most famous ghosts in Great Britain, the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall. Or does it?

It has been said the Brown Lady haunts Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. She is supposedly the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole (1686-1726), sister of Robert Walpole, who is regarded as Britain’s first Prime Minister.

The image was taken by Captain Hubert C Provand, a London-based photographer working for Country Life magazine, and his assistant, Indre Shira. They were taking photographs of Raynham Hall for an article and had just taken a shot of the Hall’s main staircase.

Allegedly, Shira saw “a vapoury form gradually assuming the appearance of a woman” coming down the stairs, and the duo snapped a picture under his instruction. The later negative showed the ‘Brown Lady’, which was published in Country Life in 1936, along with Shira and Provand’s written account of events.


Critics claimed Shira put a greasy substance on the lens to create the figure or moved down the stairs during an exposure. There is also a theory of double exposure upon detailed examination, as well as one picture being superimposed over the other due to a patch of reflected light at the top of the right-hand bannister appearing twice.

The magician John Booth said the ‘Brown Lady’ could be duplicated by natural methods. By covering fellow magician Ron Wilson with a bedsheet – like a last-minute Halloween costume – and instructing him to walk down a staircase, the faked image looked very similar to the Lady.

It is also said the ‘Brown Lady’ closely resembles a standard Virgin Mary statue that is found in a Catholic church.

The public was bamboozled by cheap camera trickery. Good effort, though.

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Mysterious 'UFO' captures imaginations in Japan


© STR The unidentified flying object is seen above Aoba Ward in Sendai

It's hardly the stuff of little green men, but a mysterious balloon-like object seen floating across the skies of northern Japan has captured national attention, even prompting questions to the government.

The unidentified flying object was first spotted on Wednesday morning when residents in northern Sendai city took to social media to post pictures and debate what they were seeing.

"This white thing isn't moving at all. What is it? Can anyone tell me?" wrote one user, with others chiming in using the hashtag "unidentified flying object" in Japanese.

Authorities said they were baffled by the object, which close-up images taken by local residents and media suggest is composed of a balloon-like object attached to crossed sticks with propellers.

"The object looks like a balloon for monitoring weather, but it's not ours," an official at the Sendai bureau of the Japan Meteorological Agency told AFP on Thursday.

Local police reportedly flew a helicopter to confirm the presence of the object but also drew a blank on its identity -- even after consulting other authorities and organisations.

Kyushu University's aeronautics department publicly denied the device belonged to them, after public speculation.

Shinichiro Higashino, an associate professor at the department told Fuji TV that a close-up image suggested the object was equipped with solar panels.

"It's possible it could conduct scientific observations or monitor something," he said.

The mystery received coverage nationwide and even prompted a question to the top government spokesman at his daily briefing.

Yoshihide Suga said the government was aware of the mystery object but batted away suggestions it might be the work of foreign governments or be capable of causing damage.

The mystery may remain unresolved -- the object has now reportedly floated out to the Pacific, where authorities have lost track of it.


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The six-decade-old mystery of skiers found dead in underwear is solved


The deaths of nine Russian skiers in a mystery that baffled investigators and inspired suspicions of paranormal activity have finally been explained after 61 years.

The group of students disappeared after setting out in January 1959 for a 220-mile ski trek across the Ural Mountains to Mount Otorten - translated in the local Mansi language as “don’t go there”.

Rescuers discovered the frozen bodies of two members of the group, led by 23-year-old engineering student Igor Dyatlov, beside the remains of a fire close to their camp at the foot of Kholat Syakhl, or “Dead Mountain”. Both victims were “dressed in their underwear despite temperatures as low as minus 40C”, The Times reports.

Another three bodies, “also barefoot and lightly dressed”, were found nearby, and the group’s tent “had been slashed open from the inside”, the paper says.

The remaining bodies were located months later when the snow began to thaw. Two were missing eyes, one had lost his tongue and three had head wounds that experts concluded were caused by a force equal to that of a car accident or an explosion. 

Abnormal levels of radiation were also “detected on some of their clothes”, The Times adds.

The death of what would become known as the Dyatlov Pass group was hushed up until the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1991 - a cover-up that inspired “decades-long rumours of natural disasters, yetis, and the supernatural”, along with books, documentaries and films about the ill-fated skiing trek, says the Daily Mail.

Some theorists have claimed that aliens were involved, while others have alleged that “the students were killed by a Soviet missile” or that “some of the group had KGB connections and were on a secret mission to meet US agents”, adds The Sun.

Armchair detectives have even suggested that the group, from Ural Polytechnic Institute, may have been driven insane by “infrasound” caused by a “rare wind event”.

But after reopening the case last year, “the Russian prosecutor general's office has concluded there was a far more mundane explanation - hypothermia”, The Sun reports. Investigators believe that the hikers froze to death after fleeing from their tent in the night to take cover from an avalanche.

Senior state prosecutor Andrei Kuryakov said that while the students "did everything right”, they were “doomed” after losing sight of their tent. 

“Visibility was 16 metres. They lit a fire and then searched for their tent - but it had vanished in the whiteout after the avalanche,” he said. “They had no chance in these circumstances.”

However, the prosecutor’s verdict has been disputed by the families of the victims. Yevgeny Chernusov, a lawyer representing the relatives, said they “categorically” disagree with the findings and believe the students were killed by an explosion caused by a rocket failure.

More on Six-decade-old mystery of skiers found dead in underwear is solved


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Egypt tells Elon Musk its pyramids were not built by aliens


Egypt has invited billionaire Elon Musk to visit the country and see for himself that its famous pyramids were not built by aliens.

The SpaceX boss had tweeted what appeared to be support for conspiracy theorists who say aliens were involved in the colossal construction effort.

But Egypt's international co-operation minister does not want them taking any of the credit.

She says seeing the tombs of the pyramid builders would be the proof.

The tombs discovered in the 1990s are definitive evidence, experts say, that the magnificent structures were indeed built by ancient Egyptians.

On Friday, the tech tycoon tweeted: "Aliens built the pyramids obv", which was retweeted more than 84,000 times.

Egypt's Minister of International Co-operation Rania al-Mashat responded on Twitter, saying she followed and admired Mr Musk's work.

But she urged him to further explore evidence about the building of the structures built for pharaohs of Egypt.


Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass also responded in a short video in Arabic, posted on social media, saying Mr Musk's argument was a "complete hallucination".

"I found the tombs of the pyramids builders that tell everyone that the builders of the pyramids are Egyptians and they were not slaves,EgyptToday quotes him as saying.

Mr Musk did later tweet a link to a BBC History site about the lives of the pyramid builders, saying: "This BBC article provides a sensible summary for how it was done."

There are more than 100 surviving pyramids but the most famous is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt - standing at more than 450ft (137m).

Most of them were built as tombs - a final resting places for Egypt's royalty.

Mr Musk is known for his prolific and at times erratic tweeting. He once told CNBC: "Twitter's a war zone. If somebody's gonna jump in the war zone, it's, like, 'Okay, you're in the arena. Let's go!'"



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