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Tönnies - go or stay?

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Wear your BL hat, wear your team colours or even wear your political hat, the TFF colleagues must all have an opinion on the remarks made by Tonnies last Thursday.  He has apologised which is not the first time his mouth has runaway with his brain or reasoning and there have many times when his position at 04 has been questioned - players being bullied and forced out and Managers over-ruled because he simply didn't agree with them!  His self-belief is probably driven by his idea that if Trump can get away with, so can he for Trump's Us Power is similar to his in Gelsenkirchen!  This time God has gone too far and the remarks are not only inappropriate (vile if you like) but reflect on all of us 04 supporters and whilst - like every club - we have our Ultras and 'problem children', the rest of us don't love BVB or Bayern, but we don't hate them either - like the rest of humanity they are what makes our challenges possible and we respect that without them we would be playing pre-season friendlies in February!  How Tonnies can say what he did when he spends time with a super guy like Gerald on a daily basis - a guy who is totally respected everywhere in the region and the game, and Tonnies' support from Leroy's dad and - in the past - Julian's family  - how he can think such things is deplorable and for me - should be the last comment he ever makes before 'sorry, I'm going' at the next Board Meeting.

Let's see who stands up for respect, honesty and the real values of the BL and humanity!

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It's dumb to say something like that in public nowadays and Tönnies should know that.

Had he chosen subtler, more "academic" words for his statement, nobody would have battled an eyelid and shit would have never hit the fan. I.e. "deforestation" instead of "cutting trees", "overpopulation" instead of "producing babies in the dark" and "developing countries" instead of "Africa". 

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Fully agree with the posters above me, Tönnies wording was dumb, whether his statement was also racist is to be assessed by black people rather than a white man of European descent like me since he spoke explicitly of Africa and nobody knows if she/he is indeed free of prejudices. 

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Para 8 and 9 of the Schalke Mission Statement for those who are no aware of the ideals:


8. As Schalker we reject discrimination and violence. We show racism the red card and actively promote tolerance and fairness.

9. Our collective goal is sporting success. In pursuit of this goal, however, no one may endanger the existence of our club or violate the values set forth in this mission statement.


Just read Gerald's latest comments - it was almost certain the Guy would be somewhat sad!

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On 05/08/2019 at 05:32, nudge said:

It's dumb to say something like that in public nowadays and Tönnies should know that.

Had he chosen subtler, more "academic" words for his statement, nobody would have battled an eyelid and shit would have never hit the fan. I.e. "deforestation" instead of "cutting trees", "overpopulation" instead of "producing babies in the dark" and "developing countries" instead of "Africa". 


Could not agree more.

On one hand, this is why I dislike the leftist media’s fond and liberal use of the “r” word, almost as much as they like using it to deplatform people. What they don’t seem to grasp is that at some point, it blurs the word and causes it to lose its meaning, just as with their use of “Nazis” and AOC’s utterly absurd comparison of ICE centers to “concentration camps.” These comments are just well over the top and off the mark in so many cases, and comparisons like these shouldn’t be used so liberally to diminish the horrible originals.

That having been said, Tonnies most certainly did use really poor choice of words. The fear of the almighty “r” word prevents us from pointing out and addressing real world problems (and it will get worse if this trend continues), but Tonnies certainly should have chosen better words in conjunction with his political belief (as there’s an element of truth in it, as studies have shown that the more industrialized societies become, the less babies are made per household). The tone and clear condescension is... well, really bad. To suggest they’re akin to animals that simply fuck with the lights go out simply cannot be defended. 

However, allow me this. What even leftist social scientists have observed is that if you remove and deplatform people, it doesn’t lead to a net positive. They don’t suddenly become more moderate in their views as a result of this, in fact they go the other way in their resentment. The left are great at coming up with new ideas, but not good at considering consequences. There is a cost of continuing to ostracize people. So either I would fine* the everliving shit out of him, or if he’s to be removed, Schalke must do it rather than the DFB.

Edit: spelling correction

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Before I leave for holiday just one final comment after Chadwell's post.  Tonnies has to be sorted by the Schalke hierarchy - not leave it to someone else - to do so would lessen any respect from those not part of the Club.  The solution has to be internal - and nothing to fear from outside sources if they act correctly and positively.

Bis später and

Sei nett!

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3 minutes ago, SchalkeUK said:

Before I leave for holiday just one final comment after Chadwell's post.  Tonnies has to be sorted by the Schalke hierarchy - not leave it to someone else - to do so would lessen any respect from those not part of the Club.  The solution has to be internal - and nothing to fear from outside sources if they act correctly and positively.

Bis später and

Sei nett!


Agreed, and have a safe and fabulous trip, Alan!!

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Schalke president Clemens Toennies has stepped down for three months following allegations of racism.

Toennies told a news conference last week that more power stations should be built in Africa instead of increasing taxes to protect the environment.

"Then the Africans would stop cutting down trees and produce babies when it is dark," the 63-year-old added.

However, the German club said claims of racism were "unfounded", despite calls for Toennies to resign.

Several former Schalke players have criticised Toennies' comments, with Ghana-born former Germany forward Gerald Asamoah saying they left him "speechless".

"His comments surprised me, shocked me and injured me. He is insulting me and everyone else involved," added the 40-year-old.

Toennies - the owner of a meat processing company - said he wanted to "explicitly apologise" in an earlier statement, adding he stood by the club's values "1,000%".

"This includes the fight against racism, discrimination and exclusion," he added.

However, following a meeting of Schalke's honorary board on Tuesday, Toennies acknowledged he had "violated" the club's anti-discrimination rules.

"He once again expressed his regret," said a statement from the Bundesliga club, which added that Toennies would resume his role on the board after three months.


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