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Everything posted by Danny

  1. I live in Ealing Borough and we have the largest rates of transmission in London, 227 per 100,000 as of 19/10-25/10. It’s difficult in London because you simply can’t just put lockdown restrictions on one borough, everything’s so interconnected that it’d make no sense. I do wonder how many boroughs would be needed to put the city in tier 3
  2. I can only imagine he looked into us with the thought process of “it can’t hurt to look”, would have been a massive longshot. I’ve been saying for ages we’re one of the best run clubs in the country, this is just testament to that. That would have been the season Warburton left and we employed Dean Smith with a shaker appointment in between
  3. Lord have mercy on my soul, always thought this was just bullshit, THE POSSIBILITIES
  4. Hadn’t seen that news, specifically remembered it being reported that breaches weren’t to be looked into. Was also referring to this https://www.channel4.com/news/arron-banks-and-the-ukip-data-hijack but it seems the article you shared was published in October and after this programme was published.
  5. Surprised at that tbh, so much wrong with in game play. Changing players to who you want is impossible, if you get caught on a counter and have multiple defenders it will never change to who you want it, when that happens they skip past you
  6. Yeah I never try to defend with cb’s, unless it’s a back 3
  7. Danny


    Months late this advice but, if you make a cottage pie (beef) slowish cook for 3-5 hours and use plenty of wine.
  8. Signs of a mental health issue getting this worked up over AFL mate
  9. The fact that we have access to the internet and this country, that was literally built on and became rich on racism, will still refuse to believe that it’s effected nearly every facet of what goes on here is so on brand for Britain.
  10. The fact that Brexit was influenced by a. racism and b. breaking of data protection and it hasn’t gone unchallenged is scandalous but also so very British
  11. Like comparisons between Nigerians and scammers, an entire African nations football team and people selling knocked off gear on a beach...there will still be people who won’t see the fuss, and they will have a much more important stake in football and it’s governance than we’d want them to
  12. Surely now would be a good time to close everything down for a bit and prioritise getting a test and trace system that works ready?
  13. Think it’s a bit of both, government had time to implement adequate track and trace systems through the last lockdown and bolloxed it up. Feel like his message, alongside financial support, is they can’t keep failing to suppress the virus and then continually localising lockdowns because smaller economies will struggle to come back from it.
  14. How often does Southgate leave Sancho out of the team? It does raise a point in general though, Maguire was convicted in Greece yet still has the captains armband. Foden and Greenwood done less and were sent home weren’t they?
  15. Wow. Gameplay is genuinely horrific. Spoke to someone who reckons it’s the worst FIFA to be released in a while and I’m inclined to agree, could write a list as long as my arm about the in game issues.
  16. I’ve no idea hence asking, find it surprising that there have been constant lockdowns in places like Leicestershire but they’re still ongoing
  17. Areas have been in local lockdown for months, what good have they actually done? You cannot in a country like the UK expect people to go to the shops, restaurants, bars etc and not have the virus spread. New Zealand managed it really well, granted a much smaller country where it’s big cities have the population density of a greater London suburb. But they have managed it extremely well and put managing the virus before managing the economy...and look how they’re doing now
  18. Yeah I don’t think it is either, but it’s one of those things in life every age seems really old until you’re there and you realise you’ve still got plenty of youth in ya. If anything I should have the benefit of being past binge drinking etc, though in the current climate that’s difficult
  19. I enjoyed AFL to an extent, there is a beauty in it. But it is also just a lot of headless chickens clamouring after a ball that bounces everywhere. Gaelic football is so much better, as is the Gaelic/AFL crossover. On the topic of late Uni entries, I’ll be 30 this year and be heading to Uni next year. Never too late to pursue something like that, I don’t specifically know which job I would like, but I’m hoping to study either Sociology or Social Sciences. Eventually would like to be involved with community work in areas that need it.
  20. Gotta be honest I liked 1917, cinematography is amazing. But as far as greatest war films go it just doesn’t come close to Saving Private Ryan
  21. Affluence mainly tbh, not really much to do with greater London in it self as a lot of areas in greater London like Hayes, Ealing, Harrow, Wealdstone, Feltham, Hounslow, Brentford, Enfield, Illford, Dagenham, Croydon etc voted Labour and are by and large known as run down/working class (not Ealing itself but the borough in general) White flight comes into account too, Ruislip for example is essentially a BTEC Essex. Thing is nowadays what used to be white flight areas are now as diverse as any area in London.
  22. Nations League is probably the best idea UEFA have had in years, and clearly it’s contractual that the games be played. But the season and how short it is, plus a tournament at the end...the players will be dead on their feet
  23. Surely they haven’t got rid of the mascot due to cost cutting? Surely that is something made up by the media? Surely.
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