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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    I have Adblocker running on mine so don't normally get ads but since having my movie website running I been coming home to notifications running all down the side of my laptop telling me there are women in my area who would love to meet up and have sex etc... I don't mind the ads just fed up of walking endless streets to find empty houses and old couples saying they don't have a clue who Natasha is?? Just as I am typing this one has just popped up in the corner.. where did I leave my house keys??
  2. Just finished Ray Donovan season 2.. don't know how I missed this first time around Just started Sopranos as well...
  3. Just remind me that if you ever get to do any work for me in the future that I should avoid paying you by the hour...
  4. How many trees have you chopped down then??
  5. Did you get to ride the pony ???
  6. Drinking is part and parcel of being a Pirate... It's expected
  7. Seeing the Captains quarters I might just change my mind about leading this rag tag bunch of space misfits.. Such a beautiful ship.. striking fear in the hearts of all who behold her... Ramming speed!!!! prepare to be boarded motherfuckers!! If I remember correctly the ship is run by a female entity of sorts and is self healing which makes her a most fearsome proposition..
  8. Yep.. totally, We can drink to that..
  9. Most of my reading was done in my pre-teen early teen years, growing up with Marvel, 2000AD and such like comics were a big part of my youth, Obviously as football, punk, clubbing and girls started popping up it fell by the wayside although I have always maintained an interest over the years on and off... Some great artists out there and with modern computer technology the artwork is really being brought to life so it's always held more than a passing interest for me. Heavy Metal is another superb Magazine but I was not aware of that in my younger days I only stumbled on that in later life.. When I look back at characters like the Hulk and have seen them go from black&white pages and early tv attempts with Lou Ferrigno for example to full screen CGI films has been amazing really.. All those characters brought to life on the big screen.. Glad to have seen it all in my lifetime
  10. Alright Crew... This is acting captain Mulder requesting everyone to the Command Deck... @nudge @CaaC - John @Mel81x @Azeem I would like to introduce our newest crew member @Rucksackfranzose Wall-E And of course our other 2 Robot companions R2 and Robbie First order of business is selecting a Captain... I am out and so is Nudge so we could either leave it to Robbie or select Ellen ( Mel81x ) as she/he ( does it really matter?? ) has shown that they are also a competent flight officer.. Previous experience on The Nostromo is a clincher for me.. Also on the Agenda, If we are happy with our ship it's called the 'Arcadia' the fact that we managed to rob this from another bunch of space pirates shows just how bad ass we are.. Happy to take alternative names though if any are forthcoming. Also, and I have given this some thought that our sudden descent into Piracy was quick, It seems we did not hesitate to stab good intentions in the back and leave them buried on an unexplored dead planet... However, to help us all sleep a little better at night can I suggest we form ourselves into the 'A-Team' of space piracy.. Travelling the far reaches of space kicking arse and helping out the down trodden, A bit like the The Rebel Alliance if you will, that way we get to still behave badly, blow shit up, shoot things and all feel like we have done the universe a big favour... We can of course rob all the decent technology and supplies we find along the way as this ship does not run on solar winds alone.. Lastly Wall-E needs to get into Nudges quarters and clean up all those empty bottles of booze as I don't fancy getting hit in the head with multiple glass bottles floating about if we should lose gravity at some point.. Any other business???
  11. Yea you say that but bet the shark was all..
  12. Yea I was thinking that... Cool stuff!
  13. For most it would bring back terrible memories of the scene from Jaws when the immortal line 'you're going to need a bigger boat' was uttered. But when a team of divers spotted the largest great white shark on the planet they only hesitated to grab their cameras before they jumped into the sea. The enormous predator named Deep Blue is up to 50 years old, weights 2.5 tons and measures 20ft long. It was drawn to the water around Hawaii for what one diver described as an 'all you can eat buffet' - to feed on a dead sperm whale. Deep Blue was last spotted in Mexico in 2013 where it was fitted with a tracker which is how divers were able to identify it this time. Conservation photographer Juan Oliphant was one of the divers who took the plunge along with with marine biologist Ocean Ramsey What a monster!!! Think I might have waited until it's belly was full before jumping in.. Full story here.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6602153/Largest-great-white-shark-Deep-Blue-spotted-Hawaii.html
  14. It's not until the end that a lot of scenes come together and make sense... I thought it was very good
  15. If there is a danger we might get killed throwing our weight around in the galaxy I suggest something like this to be conducting our business in..
  16. Now we also need a flag for our ship then..
  17. A bit like the 3 laws of Robotics... If any action that should conflict with it's programming then it either forces a shut down or locks people out of the ship and does not allow them back in you mean..
  18. Yes of course... The Hofstadter-Moebius loop..
  19. Don't think I don't know why you want that particular robot along... Robby’s coolest feature is the ability to synthesize any type of matter with no trouble at all. He’s able to create hyper-advanced spaceship components in a matter of hours, and has no difficulty making a dress for Altaira which is covered in diamonds and emeralds. That’s right, folks: Robby is the king of bling. You know what else he’s the king of? Bootlegging alcohol. When the ship’s stinking drunk of a cook asks Robby to produce some extra whisky for him, Robby replies with: “Would 60 gallons be sufficient?” And you better believe he makes those 60 gallons, even duplicating the bottle and label of the cook’s favorite brand. Cool choice though.. non threatening, unlikely to become unhinged and can create spare parts if needed... vote for nudge as captain revoked! All night drinking sessions and ultra smooth planetary landing do not go hand in hand...
  20. Make that 2 robots then... One who can play Chess and a Lost In Space 2nd series type model to accompany Ripley when we want to put the frightners on hostile alien species.. We need to vote for ships Captain as well... can't be me as it's already been pointed out that I sometimes have trouble controlling myself and putting everyone at risk although you would all follow me to your doom and destruction because I am likable..
  21. So the crew so far is made up of the following... Bluewolf - Mulder Nudge - Scully Caac John - Science Officer Spock Mel81x - Ellen Ripley Azeem - Zachary Smith... wants to secretly be me We need a Robot as well I reckon...
  22. This crew is shaping up nicely... any hostile Alien encounters and guess who is getting shoved out front.. Curious how you got to be her though??? must have picked ''what difference does it make' on the gender question...
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