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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Security!!! Someone has put a Fantasy related item in the Sci-Fi section....
  2. Cast from Space 1999 First Season Catherine Schell who played Maya... Loved her character, she could just think of a creature and transform into it.. Eagle One blueprints... Moonbase Alpha... Eagle Cockpit.... Barbara Bain...
  3. "What is going to happen Dave??" "Something Wonderful!" Due to popular demand and I quote " Do it, Do it, Do It " @nudge welcome to the Sci Fi Thread... not to be mistaken with the more serious topics of Space as found elsewhere on the forum... - "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today - but the core of science fiction, its essence, the concept around which it revolves, has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all." Isaac Asimov Anything related to Science Fiction should be here... Film, TV, Magazines, Comics, Art, Clips, Photos, Interviews old or new... I was raised on a whole load of Sci-Fi when I was younger and such greats as UFO, Space 1999, Star Trek, Lost In Space to name but a few.. the list is endless so anything you want just get it in here... So If it's just me out there... this thread will seem like an awful waste of space
  4. That's you off the list of people coming with me and Nudge then....
  5. Buzzcocks frontman Pete Shelley has recently passed away aged 63 of a suspected Heart Attack... RIP.... another bit of my youth gone..
  6. I will, I will, I will.... Been busy, just finished the last episode of the first season of The Expanse... Cram, Cram, Cram...
  7. Beat me to it... I was going to start 'All Things Sci-Fi' thread last week but got side tracked with mafia wars...
  8. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Still good though... I just use my camera and although they come out fairly clear they are obviously very limited, the amount of times I went in for some close up's of stuff that look clear and end up being blurry is annoying.. This is the sort of thing I snap round the garden... This was when I was doing the garden project..
  9. Bluewolf

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    Perhaps 'seriously' was the wrong word to use.. how about the word 'Enthusiastic' Just that you know your cameras and bits and bobs which is more than I know about it for sure...
  10. Bluewolf

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    Is photography a hobby with you mate??? I know @nudge takes her photography fairly seriously
  11. Bluewolf

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    Aaaaaaaaaaaand rest! Finally my end of year 20 day holiday is upon me... time flying by so quickly, it's like a tsunami of days and months all rushing at you at once and suddenly another year has gone...
  12. Bluewolf

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    Sorry to hear that Stan... Just never can tell when your time might be up can you... Always worse when people are still young though
  13. No mate... just passing comment on it...
  14. Watched... 'The Predator' Think they are clearly running out of ideas for this now... 6/10 'The Happytime Murders' An interesting experiment I suppose, not for @True Blue though, far to immature and childish.. made me smile a couple of times in places and had an interesting plot believe it or not... overall only to be watched just out of curiosity really... 5/10 'Peppermint' Female revenge action film.. nothing we have not seen before a hundred times, not bad though.. 7/10 'Outlaw King' Odd seeing Chris Pine in that role and not sure he could pull it off but it was a decent watch, pretty gory in some places.. 7.5/10 'The Little Stranger' Actually enjoyed this Mystery Thriller set in post war Warwickshire, bit on the slow side in places but still enough to keep you hooked until the end.. 8/10
  15. Hammy will be driving with the number 1 on his car to mark his title.... What a driver!!! Might open a Twitter account just to start following him....
  16. Many, many years ago I sat through a lengthy 2 hour video where all kinds of conspiracy's were covered and one of them was about how there was a plot where the powers that be sought to control the worlds populations and have been putting things in place bit by bit for a great many years by controlling certain aspects of the Media and Governments etc while also having a stake/interest in technology among a great many other things.. I just recently read that a company have put forward a suggestion that staff for company's above 200 employees could be interested in tagging their staff with a small pill sized tracking device which is implanted under the skin on the palm of their hand, they are selling it as a security measure and although this idea does have it's merits it might be interesting to note that this was also suggested in the video of some of those things that were going to be put into place all them years ago... But we will only get to know what they want us to know....
  17. Bluewolf

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    Can't believe that @nudge is still playing this game from last year!!! Talk about staying in character... It's over!! let it go! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6419809/Woman-steals-Christmas-presents-doorsteps-Sydney.html
  18. Bit harsh... I would have said knowledgeable.. What a load of old shit this is... seriously what passes as fashion these days just boggles the mind.. Honestly, how many people that you know personally or living round your area have you seen wearing this ridiculous outfit while shopping round Tesco??? No fucker that's how many...
  19. Those as well obviously..... without them I may never have pulled through, I of course always tell it as though it was about how determined I was not to let it get the better of me I am because it's the only way to get any sympathy and pity from the women in the office.. Didn't get any pity at home obviously but at work you get that gentle hand on the arm as they lean in to ask "are you ok??" " would you like me to get you anything"
  20. You have my sympathies... Lucky for me my manliness was too much even for the man flu so I eventually recovered...
  21. Very good point Nudge.. To think about a lot of those teams of people working away in the background, testing to ensure the safest possible vehicle is out on the track do deserve a whole lot of credit.. Think how difficult it must be to find that fine balance between lightness for speed but at the same time incorporating the maximum amount of safety features and structural integrity to keep the driver safe in the event of a crash... Obviously crash testing would not have been put under the the types of impact we saw today but fair to say that even though it was so horrific that she could come out of it alive is a credit to that team of people...
  22. Incredible... couldn't believe what I was seeing earlier.. At least she survived it although I don't know how she managed it... It all happened so quickly no one really had much chance to react...
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