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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    Someone is getting fired in the morning.... Japanese school - 9GAG
  2. If Spurs win the 'Most Improbable Win' does that mean Leicester are going to win the 'Most Improbable Loss' award??
  3. So while Chelsea walk away with the most loved club in Europe award Spurs get the 'Most Improbable Win' award which obviously doesn't carry the same weight or prestige that ours does but I am sure they will take it... Tottenham's season has ended with an award for the Premier League's 'Most Improbable Comeback'. It has been handed to Spurs for their incredible 3-2 victory over Leicester at the King Power Stadium back in January. Four minutes into stoppage time, Antonio Conte's side were 2-1 down, only for Steven Bergwijn to score in the 95th and 97th minute to clinch three points - which ultimately proved pivotal in the race for Champions League qualification. Spurs claimed the inaugural award on the basis that their 0.02% chance, was the lowest probability of victory of any moment from any game in the Premier League this season. Their award win got a mixed reaction on social media in response to the Premier League's official account. One user commented: 'Warra (what a) trophy for Spurs', while another used wrote: 'Since when did the Premier League turn into an award show? Swear they’ve created a dozen new categories this season.' Tottenham win the Premier League's 'Most Improbable Comeback' award (msn.com)
  4. It is "absolutely certain" that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will have to resign if it is found he misled the House of Commons, according to the chair of Parliament's privileges committee. Labour MP Chris Bryant made the comment after the publication of Sue Gray's report, which revealed drunken parties at 10 Downing Street during the Covid lockdowns. Mr Johnson, who has said he will not resign as Prime Minister, is now facing an inquiry by the Commons privileges committee into whether he knowingly misled when he repeatedly told Parliament there were no parties. Mr Bryant, who has stepped aside from the inquiry because of his own public criticisms of the Prime Minister, said the committee could trigger a recall ballot in Mr Johnson’s Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency by recommending his suspension from the Commons. He told Sky News: "They can force him to quit. I'm absolutely certain that if the privileges committee decides that the Prime Minister has misled Parliament and sends a report to the House to that effect, Boris Johnson may still try to cling on, but I would have thought that at that point every self-respecting member of the House of Commons would vote for whatever suspension is recommended by the committee. "And if he's suspended from the House, he's out. That's it." Standards chief 'absolutely certain' Boris Johnson will quit if found he misled Parliament (msn.com)
  5. You can be forgiven, I think that's the ONLY game he played for us all season...
  6. Think he ruined it for himself really...
  7. This is so sickening to watch as Ted Cruz turns his back on the questions while patting America on the back saying what a great country it is.. It's people like this that need shooting...
  8. Yea, he played on Sunday against Watford...
  9. What a complete waste of time and money that turned out to be....
  10. Chelsea have won an award for the football club with the “best reputation” – just as the exit of their disgraced former owner Roman Abramovich was confirmed. Chelsea’s prize was part of the Football Reputation Awards 2021 hosted by the World Sport Organisation. The awards ceremony is designed to “recognise clubs and players who have led the way, setting an example by promoting a better world, and raised awareness of the potential for sport to influence positive change in society”. The annual awards are voted in secret by a wide cast of players, coaches, referees, executives and journalists around Europe. Chelsea midfielder N’Golo Kante also won the equivalent player award, and by a distance, receiving 62 per cent of the vote, while Chelsea took the club award with 37 per cent of the vote. Chelsea win Football Reputation Award despite sanctions against former owner Roman Abramovich (msn.com)
  11. Bluewolf

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    World’s largest bottle of whisky sells for £1.1m at auction (msn.com) Probably just one nights worth there for @nudge...
  12. Of course not... The same way no-one really knows what's going on with contracts or in's and out's... unless we are sitting in the room when these decisions are being made it's all paper talk and rumour and speculation....
  13. Not everyone is dishonest but under certain leaders like Johnson they tend to get tarred with the same brush but we know it's not everyone.. The fact he is allowed to get away with so much is a major concern though?? Anyone with an ounce of decency or with any reasonable morals should be fuming at what is going on but despite one or two being brave enough to speak out the fact the large majority are not pushing hard to put this right concerns me greatly.. When self preservation comes above what's right we have little hope of real change.. I mean have you seen this... He tries to stand up for the right things and gets heckled by his own side.. They have got away with it for so long they just brush it off as an unwelcome irritation... It's pathetic
  14. Apparently Tuchel may be given 200Mill spending for the summer, If we can shift others open to a move on top of that we could be seeing a lot of activity in and out of the club.. Just curious where @carefreeluke has been as well??? not heard from him for ages now
  15. Agreed.... The fact he is so badly wrong and yet all those that could force the issue decide not to sums up the whole situation.. Like you I would like to believe that there are some good people that are just waiting to surface but until the rats nest is cleared out nothing will change. I don't delude myself that having Labour in charge will be much different either if that should happen, Policies might change which is why we need something to happen but if we think any of them are not hiding skeletons in their closets waiting to see the light of day that would be silly.. It's just a circus at the moment with a clown in charge of proceedings and he won't give one flying fuck what the public think of him as long as he can ride that storm and hold on for as long as he can.. The fact he can keep getting away with bare faced lies in Parliament and giving out misleading information is frankly absurd and plain criminal.. Fuck them all!!
  16. Interesting article... Todd Boehly’s vision for Chelsea? Glossy spectacle and ruthless profit (msn.com)
  17. All done now finally.... The government has approved the £4.25bn takeover of Chelsea by a consortium led by LA Dodgers co-owner Todd Boehly. The London club was put up for sale in March before owner Roman Abramovich was sanctioned over his links to Russian president Vladimir Putin. On Tuesday, the Premier League said the consortium had passed its owners' and directors' test. Chelsea have been operating under a special government licence which expires on 31 May. "Late last night the UK government reached a position where we could issue a licence that permits the sale of Chelsea," a government spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday. Chelsea: Todd Boehly consortium takeover deal gets UK government approval - BBC Sport
  18. Steve Kerr... We are in such a bad place the world over with Lies, Corruption, Mis-Information War and Greed and Governments only interested in holding on for their own personal gain I am wondering what it would take for real change...
  19. Bluewolf

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    Happy Birthday mate... All the best
  20. Being able to stay awake 24 hours has both advantages and the disadvantages obviously... Getting some shut eye just to be able to shut the world out for a bit is essential really... but think about how much you could achieve on no sleep at all... If you were the odd one out though and could stay awake for 24 hours I think you would just get shafted the whole time...
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