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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. A rats nest... Former Tory deputy chief whip Chris Pincher is the latest Conservative MP to bring unwanted attention to the party after he dramatically quit the role following a drunken incident. Mr Pincher said he had “embarrassed myself and other people” after having had “far too much” to drink. The Sun reported that he stood down after assaulting two fellow guests at the Carlton Club – a Tory Party private members’ club in London’s Piccadilly – on Wednesday evening. – Imran Ahmad Khan Former Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan was jailed for 18 months in May for groping a 15-year-old boy in 2008. – Neil Parish Mr Parish, a farmer by trade, quit his seat in Tiverton and Honiton in May after being caught watching pornography in the House of Commons. – David Warburton Mr Warburton, who represents Somerton and Frome, had the Conservative whip withdrawn in April after allegations of sexual harassment and cocaine use emerged. – Andrew Griffiths Former Conservative minister Andrew Griffiths was found to have raped and physically abused his wife by a family court judge who considered evidence at a private trial in 2021. – Charlie Elphicke Ex-Tory MP Charlie Elphicke was jailed for two years in September 2020 after being found guilty of three counts of sexual assault following a month-long trial. During his trial, jurors heard how he had asked one of his victims about bondage and sex, then kissed her and groped her breast before chasing her around his home, chanting: “I’m a naughty Tory.” – Rob Roberts Rob Roberts was stripped of the Tory whip last year after the Independent Expert Panel (IEP) found he broke the sexual misconduct policy by making repeated and unwanted advances to a man. – Unnamed Tory MP In May this year, a Conservative MP was arrested on suspicion of rape and sexual assault offences spanning seven years. Scotland Yard said the unnamed man in his 50s was also detained on suspicion of indecent assault, abuse of position of trust and misconduct in public office.
  2. That's why I mentioned 'Unstable' in my opening line... People who think it's ok to start shooting at everyone and anything because they did not get enough Mayo or need to be a bit patient to play a game of pool have clearly got serious issues going on and allowing poor gun control in to that mix is just adding fuel to the fire... It's not a place I could relax knowing that anything could kick off at a moments notice and bullets start being sprayed around... I took my girls to the airport in the UK many moons ago when they were little and they had armed police wandering around with automatic rifles and it put me on edge knowing that if something did happen I had my kids with me and it's not a nice feeling, Now they are qualified armed response units so you can imagine how it must feel knowing that a large percentage of the population carry arms as a matter of daily life in the States... The fact that some of these kids that go round shooting up schools can get their hands on semi automatic weapons is frightening and worst of all nobody seems to give a fuck!!
  3. I am all for unstable Americans being allowed to carry guns round in public if it means you defend yourself against people who are ahead of you at the pool table... Go America!!! The uncle of a young woman shot dead in a Philadelphia bar after a man got upset that the pool table was occupied, said the city has become the 'Wild West'. James Holton shared his frustration at the 'reckless shooting' in Philly after his niece Jailene Holton, who had just recently turned 21, was shot in Philly Bar and Grill on Tuesday night. 'When are people going to get fed up with this reckless shooting in the city?' James asked. 'Nobody does nothing. They get a mouthpiece for 20 seconds on TV and that's it and everybody's running around like the Wild West out here. I mean cowards!' The man, who has not been identified, came in with two friends and reportedly grew irritated that other pool players were occupying the table, according to Fox 29. The bouncer kicked the man and his friends out just after 11:30pm. Once outside, the man allegedly fired 15 shots toward the building from the parking lot, which is at least 200 feet away, before fleeing in a dark-colored pickup truck. Ten bullets hit the outside of the building, and five punctured the glass windows. One of those bullets hit Holton, who was standing with other patrons in the back of the bar.
  4. Totally on board with allowing people with no self control to have arms in public, In case you ever need to defend yourself from people who don't know how to give out the correct amount of salad dressing... Go America!!
  5. With just about everyone involved in transfers stepping down or moving on that leaves us well short of experience in these matters at the club now.. Going to be an interesting summer period
  6. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 9/10 Great cast and a very funny film... highly recommend...
  7. I can't even find the words to comment on the abortion issue.. Have people lost their minds?? Also heard that they passed the gun law that allows everyone to carry firearms in public for 'self defence' These two laws alone push them back to the days of the old Wild West...
  8. Agreed.. Still curious what to make of this new owner and his dealings regarding transfers though, lot's of paper talk as per the norm for this time of the year but the proof of the pudding will be who we do manage to bring in. Some reports are stating that it will be 200Mill plus any additional sales for new players and other reports are saying up to 6 new players have been promised to Tuchel regardless. I would be happy with a slower steadier pace to signings if they bring value to the team in the long term rather than us splashing cash on a big name that will have about as much shelf life as a loaf of bread.. As things stand and obviously not including any signings we do make I fully expect us to drop off a little next season, for sure we are still miles behind City and Liverpool so barring a disaster season for either of them top 2 is probably out of the question let alone a title challenge so that leaves us looking at maybe 3rd/4th again??
  9. Crazy rumours floating about that we are in to sign Ronaldo and or Neymar from PSG... Our lack of transfer activity so far is just fuelling all this nonsense... At least I hope it's nonsense and not Boehly thinking he can win everyone over with a big name silly signing.. Also don't fancy us getting Declan Rice for the silly amount West Ham are wanting...
  10. Well let's hope the complete opposite of that happens then... On the rudderless comment I have been wondering how well or badly we do this transfer window with all the changes taking place.. First we are hearing that Boehly is taking the lead on transfers and the other is that Tuchel is being given the task so we are yet to see how effective our summer will be...
  11. Bluewolf

    Members Pictures

    I always had you down as a Trigger type...
  12. There are always those that have to go a bit far.... I would love to sit down with those decision makers and ask what their thinking was behind this idea?? A school near Manchester has banned its pupils from any physical contact with each other whatsoever, including hugging and play fighting. Mossley Hollins High School brought in the ‘no contact’ rule stating that ‘no student should ever be touching another student’. This includes a ban on ‘carrying of other students, cuddling, or play fighting’, including during their breaktime and lunch hour, saying this will ‘not be tolerated’. The school on Huddersfield Road in Greater Manchester said it had brought in the rule to ‘further improve our positive school culture’. School bans hugging as part of zero-tolerance policy to physical contact (msn.com)
  13. I don't have a problem with those that get offended as it's their problem to deal with but I do object when those same people are throwing tons of objection and emotion into forcing companies into banning stuff that is clearly out of date or out of touch with modern thinking... Sure some things from the past were unacceptable that's how we learn to change but I do object to others dictating what it is I can or cannot watch based on what they may deem appropriate viewing.. More of this type of thing would be welcome elsewhere
  14. Good for them... The boss of the US media company Paramount has said he does not want to remove historic programmes from his new subscription streaming service because they no longer meet current expectations. Bob Bakish, Paramount’s CEO, said his company had thousands of shows in its back catalogue. “By definition, you have some things that were made in a different time and reflect different sensibilities,” he said. “I don’t believe in censoring art that was made historically, that’s probably a mistake. It’s all on demand – you don’t have to watch anything you don’t want to.” Streaming companies have struggled with how to adapt to modern cultural expectations when it comes to archive shows, with BritBox and the BBC’s iPlayer among those removing content that is no longer deemed appropriate for modern tastes. Paramount: we won’t remove content from eras with ‘different sensibilities’ (msn.com)
  15. Can't say she looked very comfortable there.... I did hear a few cheers but that wouldn't make for such good headlines now would it.. Nadine Dorries booed as she arrives at Tory fundraiser | Watch (msn.com)
  16. Bluewolf


    I used to enjoy Crispy Pancakes until they became more crispy than pancake... They just seemed to have less and less in them as time went by..
  17. He needs to go now no matter what, would have liked to have seen him succeed but given everything that has gone on after arriving and throw in his terrible form as well it's just an unworkable situation for the club and for him...
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