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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Well this is interesting article on a virus spray booth... I actually think the Government stance is the right one for now... It claims to kill 99.99999% of all known germs.. well so does Domestos but I wouldn't want to be sprayed with that.. I like the idea behind it but not keen on the claims about how effective it could and think it's just another opportunity for someone to try and make a shit load of easy cash off the back of the pandemic... Could you imagine just how much this idea would be worth if you could get the nod to roll it out nationwide at every train station, sports and music venue and workplace and that's just for starters... https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/spray-pod-that-could-bring-fans-back-to-stadiums-being-blocked-by-government/ar-BB19E7tO?ocid=msedgntp
  2. Interesting article I have just read... https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/other/tv-s-warrior-latest-proof-that-bruce-lee-still-holds-sway/ar-BB19DAPM?ocid=msedgntp
  3. Amount of seasons in the top flight....
  4. I don't recall hearing one bad thing about how she has handled this situation since it began... The only issues she has had are those where our Government have failed to communicate effectively on plans and strategy...
  5. A nondescript city neighbourhood has a secret in one of its apartment blocks – an alien-infested spaceship. Barcelona-based sci-fi fan Luis Nostromo loves the Alien films so much - he has built his own museum. Nostromo - real surname Escribano but renamed after the film's spaceship - saw the original Ridley Scott film when he was young, and a life-long passion developed. The 43-year-old has now almost completed his painstakingly detailed homage to the series of films. Luis, a driver by occupation, says everything in the 55-square-metre space, located in his neighbourhood, is handmade and has been created using wood, metal grating, plastic, PVC, and other recycled materials. He explains: "I saw Alien when I was nine years old; I was so scared but fascinated by the creature. Then I saw Aliens and then became obsessed by the franchise, and started to collect some alien toys, books etc. "I've been collecting Alien for more than 20 years, but just over three years ago I ran out of space at home and I decided to move everything to another space next to my house. It's a space of 65 m² and I decided go a step farther and decorate the place by recreating parts of the life-size sets: I built a corridor section of the Nostromo, part of Ash's laboratory, part of the auxiliary ship Narcissus. There is also a hallway of the Hadley's Hope complex where Ripley and the Marines found Newt in Aliens, and there is finally another set for Alien³ and the rest of the films. “There are replicas of props such as weapons, detectors etc. also some original props used in the movies, life-size statues. In the last years, the collection grew faster and I have some original screen-used pieces from the movies; like the chest armour of the marine Frost in Aliens or other Prometheus or Covenant stuff. “I have been recreating the sets for more than three years and I hope to finish the last details during 2020. The plan is to allow concerted visits once finished.”
  6. I was hoping nobody was going to reply to that...
  7. Once upon a time talking to yourself was seen as a sign of insanity or in Medieval times before that communicating with the Devil... Now it's seen as having a focused mind
  8. Trying to claim he was not aware of the mask rule was pretty piss poor, unless he had a health condition which he doesn't mask wearing has pretty much been the bog standard procedure for quite a while now.. Trying to claim he was just an absent minded fool not sure of the rules cuts no fucking mustard with me...
  9. What about Pans People though??? Then they got trumped by Hot Gossip from the Kenny Everett show..
  10. This is the same woman when talking about Cummings lockdown breach... Ms Ferrier called for Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson senior adviser, to resign after it was revealed he travelled more than 200 miles to County Durham from London at the height of lockdown. "Dominic Cummings' actions have undermined the sacrifices that we have all been making in lockdown to protect each other from coronavirus. His position is untenable and he must be removed from his post now," she told the Daily Record at the time. She added: "The public health advice is crystal clear. For the safety of others, anyone with coronavirus symptoms must self-isolate, in line with government guidance. They should not leave the house for any reason."
  11. More than 2 million people in Merseyside, Warrington and Teesside will be banned by law from mixing with other households indoors in the latest extension of lockdown restrictions, as Middlesbrough’s mayor took the extraordinary step of saying he was prepared to defy the government. The measures were announced as coronavirus cases continued to rise sharply in the north-west and north-east of England. The new rules mean it will be illegal from Saturday for nearly 5 million people in those regions to meet others they do not live with in all indoor settings, including pubs, bars and restaurants. Similar rules came into force elsewhere in the north-east earlier this week. The health secretary, Matt Hancock, said: “I understand how much of an imposition this is. I want rules like this to stay in place for as short a time as possible, I’m sure we all do. There was an immediate backlash from local leaders, who said the £7m financial support for local authorities was “a drop in the ocean”. Middlesbrough’s mayor took the extraordinary step of saying he rejected the new measures and was prepared to defy the government. Andy Preston, the independent mayor of Middlesbrough council, said his authority and Hartlepool council had asked for a ban on households mixing in their own homes, but that the government’s measures went much further. They were based on “factual inaccuracies and a monstrous and frightening lack of communication, and ignorance”, he said. “As things stand, we defy the government and we do not accept these measures.” He later said he would not condone anyone disobeying the new law, the BBC reported.
  12. Stanley Johnson will not face a fine for breaking coronavirus laws. The Mirror revealed today how the PM’s father failed to wear a mask while buying a newspaper in a shop in Maida Vale, west London. The 80-year-old admitted he was unsure of the rules and apologised for his blooper. But despite calls for him to be fined £200, the figure set by the government for first-time Covid law-breakers, the Met Police will not be chasing him up as he was not caught in real-time. A spokesperson said: “As a matter of course the MPS is not investigating COVID related issues retrospectively.
  13. Fuck sake... I see they have just added Poland to the list of unsafe corridors from Saturday... Just as 2 of my team are off there for 2 shifts.. I won't be seeing them for the month of October now with quarantine as well.. That leaves just 2 of us to run the department where we normally have 5..
  14. Bluewolf

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    I had a situation like that once when someone offered to buy me a car with no payback at all but like you I was not keen on that because for me I would have felt like I had not earned it so I politely refused their offer.. However you are talking about buying a house and no doubt he wants his daughter to have as much of a stress free start as possible, It's also worth noting that if he is anything like me he is probably only too happy to offload her onto someone else at last and get her out the house so they can have some peace and quiet so I say given how difficult it is to get on the property ladder for younger people these days then go for it provided your budgets can make the repayments without struggling and leaving yourselves short each month.. It's important that you have money over so that you can still buy the stuff you need for the house, go out occasionally or even go on holiday or the lack of spending money will put an added strain on the relationship, It's great at the beginning when it's all exciting when you get the keys etc but that soon wears off after a couple of years of financial hardship and not being able to go anywhere if you stretch yourselves too far... then she will be " you need to get a better paying job" etc.. and the pressure will be on...
  15. Bluewolf

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    From silence to noise in just a few moments... I suppose it could be frightening to begin with
  16. Bluewolf

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    Technology can be such a life changing thing... https://9gag.com/gag/aVwR4y2
  17. This would at least go some way to stopping what can only be viewed as kids squabbling in the playground... No civilised debate should be ruined by people gobbing off constantly especially given the seriousness of what is going on... The fact that Trump continued to ignore requests to shut the fuck up tells you everything you need to know about that man... The state of Politics these days and the standard of leadership in some countries in general gives me little to no hope for the future... The same can be said for over here, It's saddening really that they can seem to do and say as they please when they please and not one of them is being held accountable for anything no matter how many lies they tell or their level of competence to be in that position in the first place...
  18. 2 old guys slugging it out... Is this the best America can offer people
  19. Bluewolf

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    I was born lucky...
  20. Johnson is just like Bungle off of Rainbow... him and his side kick Dominic 'Zippy' Cummings always there behind the scenes... Dropped another bollock today then?? I bet he is cursing this virus as he watches his career get flushed down the toilet... Here we can see Cummings showing Johnson just how badly he is doing in recent polls....
  21. Bluewolf

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    Something to eat first then I will see how it goes from there...
  22. Yea, that was a bit weird but then what wasn't.. It was some real hippy LSD tripping going on in that episode for sure... Liked the way they did the 50's style sci-fi in it that was pretty cool though..
  23. Bluewolf

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    Shift over for another 4 days... Bloody knackered...
  24. Just watched episode 7 It's getting stranger by the episode...
  25. Clearly was intentional... Hope he gets a ban for that..
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