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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Jacinda Ardern has won a second term in office for New Zealand... Ms Ardern told roaring crowds: "Thank you to the people who worked so hard to share our message. Who volunteered in what felt like an endless campaign. "But most importantly thank you to the many people who gave us their vote, who trusted us to continue with leading New Zealand's recovery. "And to those amongst you who may not have supported Labour before - and the results tell me there were a few of you - to you I say thank you. "We will not take your support for granted. And I can promise you we will be a party that governs for every New Zealander." Ms Ardern's party was on track to win almost 50% of the vote as results rolled in on Saturday, while the opposition had under 30%. It comes after her popularity soared earlier this year after she led a successful effort to combat the coronavirus crisis in New Zealand. There is currently no community spread of COVID-19 in the nation of five million and people are no longer required to wear masks or socially distance. When just around 100 people had tested positive for COVID-19 in late March, Ms Ardern put New Zealand into a strict lockdown with a motto of "go hard and go early". She and her health officials shut the borders and outlined an ambitious goal of eliminating the virus entirely rather than just trying to control its spread. Since New Zealand had advantage of being an isolated island nation, the strategy worked.
  2. Just found this looking for something else... A bit old but Damn!! Grabbed him by the balls and squeezed until all that was left was a couple of shriveled up grapes... No quarter was given
  3. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Step, Bump, Step, Bump Bump... https://9gag.com/gag/aZyVzL3
  4. Of course she has.. My post was more along the light hearted lines than condemnation..
  5. Just as I thought Nichola Sturgeon had come out of this Covid crisis well she drops this " Footballs not essential" bombshell...
  6. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Just you and me left then @nudge Everyone else has gone to bed...
  7. It seems like most things these decisions are rushed through with very little thought on how they will actually be implemented or enforced making them effectively worthless! I think because it's all been handled so badly from the beginning which would have been forgivable to a degree they are now all panicking about the second wave that they knew would happen and they feel they need to keep making various announcements to come across as being super pro active all the time but it just ends up being a mess... The amount of time this virus has been with us you might have expected some fairly decent cohesion across the country with a decent track and trace system in place by now as well as decent communication for the public but even after all this time it just seems so chaotic and out of control..
  8. Police chiefs have warned Mark Drakeford's plan to impose a travel ban on English visitors to Wales from coronavirus hotspots is 'unenforceable'. The Welsh First Minister announced yesterday he intends to prohibit entry to people from areas with high levels of Covid-19 if Boris Johnson fails to impose UK-wide travel restrictions. But the Police Federation of England and Wales said 'policing in Wales is already over-stretched due to the pandemic' and the new measures would add 'yet another level of complexity to policing'.
  9. They are saying it's unenforceable so we will come and go as we see fucking fit...
  10. Clearing the way for Chlorinated Chicken and the other low quality foodstuffs... I actually think this will become a reality... you can just see it coming
  11. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Nicely done... https://9gag.com/gag/aBmNwQA
  12. Going into the winter and normal flu time it's going to be difficult trying to work out what are cold/flu symptoms from the potential virus symptoms..
  13. I think you underestimate my DIY skills mate..
  14. Stunning.... Just need to keep an eye open for a large area without lights and I will pack up my tent and head out there...
  15. As I got older I stopped carrying around my id with me, they were getting a bit heavy to lug around the place.. No-one really follows the 10 commandments any more anyway...
  16. Finished that Bly Manor last night... not as creepy as everyone is making out, thought it was pretty good though
  17. Watched the latest episode last night... certainly didn't expect that ending..
  18. This is the same woman who stated that Cummings has no option but to resign following his breach of the rules... They can all fuck off as far as I am concerned
  19. Gets annoying that they keep getting away with this all the time...
  20. I wouldn't expect people with genuine medical conditions to be wearing one and they should be the rare exception to the rule but if you can make the effort to wear one those without conditions have no excuses really...
  21. Nice, sounds like an interesting job.. When you said Night Work I obviously ruled out Burglar and Night Watchmen as a living if you are doing it from home and most paperwork/office type jobs can be done from home through the day but your job actually sounds off the beaten path... suppose you are going to tell me it's as boring as fuck now..
  22. Just curious what type of 'Night Work' you do that you can do from home???
  23. See Mendy has returned to Chelsea after picking up a thigh injury while training with Senegal... let's hope it's not too bad
  24. Not seen it yet, will watch it later along with the Boy's new episode...
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