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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Everything from the decision making to the implementation is just a complete mess... If it's not one thing it's another. mixed messages, U turns etc... Saddens me that we have a Government that is mostly ineffective and yet continues to pat itself on the back for a job badly done while shrugging off any criticism of any kind.. They say adversity builds character but for me more importantly shows it... The 'World Beating' testing has now been proven to have been a dismal failure and all this in the face of a potential second spike going into the winter period.. They are just bumbling along and it's fucking embarrassing...
  2. They have a load on E-Bay... might order a couple
  3. They look interesting... Just googled them, quite a few out there
  4. One early morning last week while I was out on the decking area having a coffee ( about 4am ) In the silence I could suddenly hear this rustling under the seating where I was sitting so I got my phone and shone the light under there thinking it might be a Mouse or a Rat only to find a Hedgehog grubbing about... very,very rare to see them these days, last time we saw one was last year on the lawn of next doors house.. I could see something moving from the window while I was decorating and went out to investigate so I took Leelah out to see it as she has never seen one EVER!! Well tonight the Mooms was trying to get under the chairs we have stacked up in the corner and suddenly emerges with this hedgehog in her mouth and carries it over to the seating area then promptly starts dribbling everywhere because she has spikes stuck in her mouth... got it in a box now for a while and when the cat and dog are both in later I will let it out again to go about it's business.. Not sure how it got in as the place is fairly secure but it found a way... I often hear noises in the very early hours when I am out there but have never actually seen anything.. It has plenty of places to hide/hibernate so may have been with us sometime without previously being discovered.. Might explain why the cat continues to hang around the pond area every evening patrolling up and down...
  5. Any of the above do not paint a very good picture do they... You could probably make a fairly decent case for all 3 points and I am inclined to believe it is the third option with a sprinkling of the other two.. Going by the news articles and interviews I have seen Johnson is clearly not a details man, We only need to see his handling of the Covid/Lockdown situation to know how he has performed in those areas.. He allocates stuff out all over the place then takes no other direct interest in it or control until it comes back to bite him in the arse... Like the "World Beating" track and trace debacle... it's a fucking shambles and even though we all knew a second wave/winter situation was very much on the cards they again find themselves ill equipped to deal with it even now and it's frightening to think where we could be if it does spike up again.. Incompetence is probably the theme here.. not only his own but also those he has running things..
  6. @Steve Bruce Almighty you always have a sensible point of view on these matters so what do you make of the Brexit Treaty Breach situation?? I know I like to bash Johnson but this is a curious one... On one hand he signed what he claimed to be "An Oven Ready Deal" some time ago and now he is doing his best to wriggle out of it?? Obviously this is causing a lot commotion between the for and against camps.. It's curious because if you listen to what he is now saying it's that the EU are playing hard ball over the deal and not holding up their end of the bargain and we could be seriously tied down which is why he is prepared to break it but from what I can gather from other articles ( and I am no expert on these matters ) it's that that option was always in there from the beginning if they chose to go down that path?? Trouble for me is that Johnson has shown himself to be such a ducker and diver throughout the Covid situation and Brexit that I simply don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth anymore..
  7. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Looking at some of the content and claims it might be worth moving it to the Science Fiction thread....
  8. Well we obviously dispute that horrendous claim... Secondly...
  9. I think that certain individuals who shall remain nameless have continued to pour scorn on our transfer funding coming from our own 'Coutihno moment' while even you admit that the reason you could bring in players of value at a higher transfer cost was off the back of that.... It would seem as though we both have decent elastic bands....
  10. Funny that.. we had a 'Hazard situation' that was very similar to that....
  11. I like some of his stuff but can't say I am a huge fan... don't mind giving it a watch though
  12. I really hope things pick up for him.... What a waste it would be if going there has condemned him to being injured and stuck on the bench all the time.. Not had a great start has he..
  13. How many??? Are you expecting a world shortage or something...
  14. Sounds like fear mate... nothing to do with the virus..
  15. I can do better than that... I will give you my actual address so you can come round and see for yourself.... Then I will dob you in...
  16. @DeadLinesman The policing minister has encouraged people to report their neighbours for not complying with the new “rule of six” coronavirus restriction as it came into force in England. From Monday, social gatherings of more than six people are illegal, with people facing fines of up to £3,200 if they do not abide by the measure in indoor and outdoor settings. Kit Malthouse said concerned neighbours should ring the non-emergency police number 101 to report violations.
  17. I watched 'Draft Day' last night... Pretty good actually, well worth sticking with for the last 20 minutes alone.. 8/10
  18. Bluewolf

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    Going to try and make the last of the good weather while I can...
  19. Bluewolf

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    On holiday at last... 12 days of chill
  20. Expectation v Reality... This bloke videos his missus/sister while trying to learn dance moves... did make me laugh https://9gag.com/gag/azmZLXB
  21. Not sure if it's a common occurrence in similar workplaces in how they deal with it but we do seem a bit hit and miss about things... It's all a bit of a mess if I am honest.. On one hand we are very lucky to be working in a place that has to have very high hygiene standards for both premises, equipment and staff so in that regard we kind of have a head start on say a normal warehouse type environment but within that even though we are talking the talk of safe distancing etc it's almost impossible to achieve in reality.. I mean we get a lot of staff that not only live together and have partners in the same house but also travel to and from work together in groups of 3 or 4 then they work together side by side all day for 11 hours on lines/departments etc and it's not possible to separate them due to the nature of the job but then you will get some senior management that come in once a week for a quick tour/better show my face type visit and start moaning at them because couples sit together for an hours lunch.. They moved our department out of the little office we share with Goods-in staff because you get about 5 or 6 people in there at a time doing various pc work and they deemed it breaking social distancing rules so moved us outside to the old Engineers hut that was sitting empty.. 2 weeks later there was a reported leak in the roof and suddenly we were all moved back into the cramped office and Health & Safety who deemed it unfit for purpose under the rules 2 weeks prior are now stating they are satisfied that no-one will face each other during an entire 11 hour shift.. They seem to be doing what they can to at least appear to be following all the rules that allow them to continue operating legally but in reality can't possibly make it happen.. They also got all the staff back that were 'at risk' and on furlough about 2 months ago which was nearly 90% of the factory staff that can't possibly stay away from other people, the job functions just don't allow it.. meanwhile our H&S officer has had 2 desks moved from a 6 desk set up upstairs so he can sit alone and nowhere near anyone else... this is the same bloke that deems it ok to cram 5 or 6 people in one little office downstairs.. Just laughable really... except it's really not all that funny
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