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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Is that right that Ozan Kabak spat at a Bremen player during the game yesterday??
  2. Bluewolf


    Some really nice grub on here....
  3. Bluewolf


    The Hospital portion....
  4. Already happening round here.... What is the matter with people??
  5. Watched that last night.... not bad
  6. Used to be back in the day when I was a kid/teen that the police used to patrol the community on foot mostly then they got given pushbikes to get around a bit quicker and our local copper knew everybody by name, who you hung around with and your family and where everybody lived... Even if you had done something wrong they treated you like an adult when talking to you and that bred respect for them in return.. That connection has been lost for some time, as you say you hardly see any of them about these days and you can go weeks without seeing them even driving around in cars.. In fairness their workload must be horrendous with all the types of things they probably have to deal with these days it's no wonder they are overstretched.... The 'defund the police' which I will admit is a new one for me is not as silly as it first sounds though if you dig a little deeper, It's not about ridding us of a police presence but using a lot of the funds that go toward policing to be put back into the community so that they can be more effective.. A lot of what's expected of the police force these days they don't have adequate training for and this would relieve them of some of that burden.. Communities are where it all begins so it's only reasonable to ensure that preventative measures are taken there where they can be most effective, the police as you rightly say only pick up at the point the crime has been committed which is too late..
  7. Got that on my list to watch next couple of days..
  8. It's shameful that Johnson continues to avoid answering any questions or genuine criticism by throwing back at people that they are always trying to undermine the great work the NHS are doing... This must be the 5th or 6th time he has said the same thing.. The bloke needs to start wearing a plant around his neck to give back some of that oxygen he keeps wasting...
  9. The good news is the episodes are not overwhelmed by them making them the main topic of conversation, just enough to provide a WTF moment here and there...
  10. Don't really know how best to describe it... It has horror related stuff in it but not the kind of horror that would put you off, although maybe episode 3 you might find a bit creepy but then again maybe not... Such a mix of strange things that seem to blend really well together... Basically it's about a black man called Atticus Freeman who returns home from the army and embarks on a search for his missing father in 1950's America.. and along with trying to overcome the racist attitudes of the time they also end up fighting monsters and magic along the way.. Might all sound a bit odd but it has one long running story and little stories in each episode that help fill in the blanks while they piece together the mystery... Has treasure hunting elements to it and I have also heard a couple of Marylin Manson tracks already... It also stars Michael K Williams who you may remember played Chalky White in Boardwalk Empire... Would suggest watching the first 2 and see what you think... personally I am enjoying it
  11. R.I.P... Also note that his involvement in the Alien films was that he was credited with coming up with the Alien having acid for blood... such a shame
  12. Actually yea, Thought it would be along other lines as I didn't see any previews for it or anything... but it's very interesting, I am enjoying it.. On episode 4 as we speak..
  13. Just finished watching the first episode of Lovecraft Country.. Not what I was expecting at all... Anyone else seen this yet??
  14. Did anyone ever read Johnson's term letter sent by Martin Hammond who was his housemaster in Eton to Johnsons father in April 82??
  15. Must be gutting... had a pretty good pre-season as well didn't you.. looked promising
  16. I can't believe you two are even having a nibble on this...
  17. What's going on here then @LFCMadLad??? Thought Klopp said they can't be spending money like Chelsea do?? then go and throw 60+ Mill on 2 new players?? Just how long is that 'Coutinho' elastic band of yours??? seems kinda stretchy to me..
  18. Spot on... Totally agree with all of that.. In the beginning nobody knew what this thing could do and there would have been a period of gathering data etc while working on a possible control measures or solutions and that would have been forgivable but it's the total sluggish responses and constant u turns to all of it that are pissing me off... It's not as if we didn't have enough of a heads up from what was going on elsewhere in the world prior to it hitting us.. same is happening again and all we keep hearing from Johnson is "let's wait and see what happens" then we can decide what action to take.. Anyone else notice that Cummings has taken a huge backseat in proceedings lately as well?? Since Johnson came under fire over him there are a great many that believe he is the power behind the throne and I think Johnson has pushed him to the back to make his involvement less visible to everyone.. Sounds about right... If this second wave turns more serious and the NHS end up not coping or they don't get on top of the Track and Trace in time it would be a absolute disaster for him and the final nail in an already mostly iron coffin from what's gone before..
  19. It's the inconsistency that's most annoying, that and the one rule for some and different rules for others... Nothing stinks more of us and them than the Cummings row for example and then this new rule of six for everyone else but not for people who go Fox hunting or Pheasant shooting... I would also note that despite the Government trying to get people back to work that they have maintained a skeleton crew at Westminster of about 10 people max.. Should lead by example, If it is safe to return to the workplace ( provided that it's complying with the safe distancing rules ) then show people it's safe.. Don't be telling people get back to work and then do the complete opposite yourselves... Also are they going to repeat the same mistakes they made at the beginning?? The second wave was almost a forgone conclusion and you would have hoped that they had got their acts together and formulated some plan and be prepared but seems they may be destined to learn absolutely nothing from earlier mistakes, Track & Trace testing is a fucking disaster just as we are due to go rolling into the second wave... It's on the rise in France and Spain again and I worry that the government are just not going to react to it well enough or soon enough.. Boris Johnson has said the long-feared second wave of the pandemic has arrived in the UK, with new cases of coronavirus in England estimated to have doubled over the past week. The prime minister said he does not want to put the country in another national lockdown but warned the government may need to "intensify things to help bring the rate of infections down". "We're now seeing a second wave coming in... clearly we are going to keep everything under review," he said. He said he did "not want to get to a second national lockdown at all" but as the disease progresses, "of course we're going to have to take further measures". Meanwhile, the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has insisted there should be no delays, saying: "I am of the firm view that we should not wait, as happened six months ago, for this virus to again spiral out of control before taking action." He said the capital is "increasingly likely" to be subject to further lockdown restrictions. "The best thing for both public health and the economy is new restrictions imposed early, rather than a full lockdown when it's too late - but the government must urgently ensure there is a fully functioning testing system," he said. "I strongly urge all Londoners to be as cautious as possible over this weekend. Please think very carefully about your actions - strictly follow social distancing rules, regularly wash your hands and wear a face covering to help reduce the spread of the virus." Their comments came as new confirmed daily cases of coronavirus hit 4,322 - the highest since 8 May - and another 27 deaths were recorded. The R number, which shows the spread of the virus, is now between 1.1 and 1.4. With COVID-19 cases now doubling every seven to eight days, the government is looking at introducing nationwide restrictions for a short period to try to "short-circuit" the virus and slow the spread of the disease.
  20. What the fuck is going on??? The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reversed its coronavirus testing guidance after it sparked backlash among prominent health experts. Last month, the CDC altered its testing guidelines to state that people didn’t need to get tested if they came in contact with someone with Covid-19 if they were not displaying symptoms. The move quickly sparked backlash among health experts because they thought it would discourage people from getting tested. About 40 per cent of coronavirus patients are asymptomatic, according to the CDC. Now the new guidance says that people without symptoms who have been in close contact with an infected person “need a test.”
  21. I would probably agree with you about the Newcastle spend but would be interested to see what the total was for them that period compared to others?? It might have been more a case of Keegan bringing who he wanted and money was no object rather than it being a hideous amount for each player... Just googled it, they spent a total of 34Mill on players half of which went on Shearer alone in 94/95 and that was 20 odd years ago. By comparison we spent 5.5Mill on players the same season so yea, could be argued that both them and Blackburn were all about throwing cash about to win things from sugar daddies long before the likes of Chelsea/City were doing it... We just did the same thing only our sugar daddies were bigger than theirs...
  22. They did mate, often gets overlooked and then didn't Newcastle do something similar under Keegan??? I remember the running joke at that time was "What do you have if you have 10Mill in one pocket and 15Mill in the other"??? "Kevin Keegans trousers on"...
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